I tried to make a simple name generator. Help me to identify why it's not working. I think it's because of mt_rand function. Sorry if question seems banal or irrelevant, I'm first time here and new to programming. Here's the code:
echo 'Ovo je moja verzija Polumenta generatora';
$prvo = 'bcdfghtnjpknmlrjdzdjs';
$drugo = 'aeiou';
$trece = 'bcdfghtnjpknmlrjsdzdj';
$cetvrto = 'uo';
$prvos = mt_rand($prvo[0],$prvo[17]);
$drugos = mt_rand($drugo[0],$drugo[4]);
$treces = mt_rand($trece[0],$trece[17]);
$cetvrtos = mt_rand($cetvrto[0],$cetvrto[1]);
echo $prvos.$drugos.$treces.$cetvrtos.' Polumenta'
2 个解决方案
mt_rand takes integers as arguments and returns an integer. You are trying to pass it characters and return characters. You should do something like:
echo 'Ovo je moja verzija Polumenta generatora';
$prvo = 'bcdfghtnjpknmlrjdzdjs';
$drugo = 'aeiou';
$trece = 'bcdfghtnjpknmlrjsdzdj';
$cetvrto = 'uo';
$prvos = $prvo[mt_rand(0,strlen($prvo) - 1)];
$drugos = $drugo[mt_rand(0,strlen($drugo) - 1)];
$treces = $trece[mt_rand(0,strlen($trece) - 1)];
$cetvrtos = $cetvrto[mt_rand(0,strlen($cetvrto) - 1)];
echo $prvos.$drugos.$treces.$cetvrtos.' Polumenta'
You can make it in another way, using arrays and rand() function.
$chrs[0] = str_split('bcdfghtnjpknmlrjdzdjs'); // array of consonants
$chrs[1] = str_split('aeiou'); // array of vowels
$length = 8; // nick name length
Than generate random sequence of chars any length
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$v_or_c = rand(0,1);
$nick_name .= $chrs[$v_or_c][rand(0, sizeof($chrs[$v_or_c]))];
$nick_name .= $chrs[$v_or_c][rand(0, sizeof($chrs[$v_or_c]))];
echo ucfirst($nick_name); // ucfirst - to upper case first letter
mt_rand takes integers as arguments and returns an integer. You are trying to pass it characters and return characters. You should do something like:
echo 'Ovo je moja verzija Polumenta generatora';
$prvo = 'bcdfghtnjpknmlrjdzdjs';
$drugo = 'aeiou';
$trece = 'bcdfghtnjpknmlrjsdzdj';
$cetvrto = 'uo';
$prvos = $prvo[mt_rand(0,strlen($prvo) - 1)];
$drugos = $drugo[mt_rand(0,strlen($drugo) - 1)];
$treces = $trece[mt_rand(0,strlen($trece) - 1)];
$cetvrtos = $cetvrto[mt_rand(0,strlen($cetvrto) - 1)];
echo $prvos.$drugos.$treces.$cetvrtos.' Polumenta'
You can make it in another way, using arrays and rand() function.
$chrs[0] = str_split('bcdfghtnjpknmlrjdzdjs'); // array of consonants
$chrs[1] = str_split('aeiou'); // array of vowels
$length = 8; // nick name length
Than generate random sequence of chars any length
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
$v_or_c = rand(0,1);
$nick_name .= $chrs[$v_or_c][rand(0, sizeof($chrs[$v_or_c]))];
$nick_name .= $chrs[$v_or_c][rand(0, sizeof($chrs[$v_or_c]))];
echo ucfirst($nick_name); // ucfirst - to upper case first letter