是否有语法差异和? [重复][英]Is there a semantic difference 's and 's? [duplicate] 本文翻译自  DavidR  查看原文  2010-06-02  1913    html/

时间:2021-10-12 18:02:53

Possible Duplicate:
What is the difference between HTML tags DIV and SPAN?


I know when coding HTML, I'm supposed to keep semantics in mind, e.g., h1 needs to be a main header, h2 needs to be a subheader, tables need to be tables, use <em> for emphasis instead of <i>, etc. Is there a proper difference between divs and spans except one is a block and the other is in-line?

我知道在编写HTML时,我应该记住语义,例如,h1需要是一个主头,h2需要是一个子头,表需要是表,使用来强调而不是 div和div之间是否有正确的区别,除了一个是块而另一个是内联?

When I was learning I was told that <span>'s were for styling text mid-line. If I had a small blurb of text that I needed positioned at a certain point in my webpage, one that doesn't warrent a <p> tag, would I use a span should I stick with div's? What if that text needs to cover two lines (i.e., it needs a width) if it contains nothing but text, what should I use?



7 个解决方案



Semantically, neither <div> nor <span> has any intrinsic meaning. They're "catch-all" tags meant to be used with stuff where no existing tag really fits. Use divs and spans as a last resort, if you care about semantics.



The only difference between them is that divs are block-level elements, and spans are inline. Meaning by default, a div will start a whole new block, and technically only inline elements and certain CSS would be allowed inside a span. Most browsers seem to process the tags regardless of the rules (assuming "tag soup"), and you can actually make either act like the other with CSS, but don't do any of that if you care about validation or cross-browser compatibility (which you DO care about, right?).




The primary difference between a span and a div is that a span is an inline element whereas a div is a block element, like a p or paragraph element. So, in essence


span { display: block; }

Is essentially turning all spans into divs. You use a span for just a line of text, like to apply effects or padding or something. Divs are generally for dividing up your web page, so if you had to position a piece of text somewhere I would recommend using a div.

实质上是将所有跨度转换为div。您只使用跨度来表示一行文本,例如应用效果或填充等。 Div通常用于划分你的网页,所以如果你不得不在某个地方放置一段文字,我建议使用div。



Div is a division block, span is for spanning inline text.


So Div is a box/block with height and width, span is inline. Basically.


If you want to read the spec, here's a link.


The DIV and SPAN elements, in conjunction with the id and class attributes, offer a generic mechanism for adding structure to documents. These elements define content to be inline (SPAN) or block-level (DIV) but impose no other presentational idioms on the content. Thus, authors may use these elements in conjunction with style sheets, the lang attribute, etc., to tailor HTML to their own needs and tastes.




<span> and <div> are both very generic elements. In themselves, they have no meaning.


The main difference is that <span> is an inline element. That means if you have something like:


<span>Some text.</span> Some other text

You don't have "Some other text" on a new line. If you replaced the spans with <div> (a block element), there would be newlines. Note that it is not proper syntax to have a block element inside an inline element. Therefore, you can have <span>'s inside <div>'s, but not vice versa.


内部使用 ,但反之亦然。

See here for more:


Wikipedia - Span and div

* - 跨度和div

About.com - Span vs. div

About.com - 跨度与div



There is a fundamental difference: <div> is a block-level element, while <span> is an inline element. The difference is that block-level elements start and end with line breaks, and inline elements don't.


是一个块级元素,而 是一个内联元素。区别在于块级元素以换行符开头和结尾,而内联元素则不然。

Perhaps even more importantly, depending on the HTML version, there are different rules for what other elements are valid inside block and inline elements.




Well, to give you a fast and simple answer, DIV is a division! The goal is to use it when certain elements are in need to be treated as a group!


Ex: Use a div to have a login panel, lets say, hidden @ the left side of the screen, that show's up when the mouse hovers the div :)

例如:使用div有一个登录面板,让我们说,隐藏在屏幕的左侧@当鼠标悬停在div时显示为up :)



You've got it. Span = inline, Div = block. That's all.

你有它。 Span = inline,Div = block。就这样。

If a blurb of text needs it's own layout, (You want to put it somewhere on the screen) then it's a div.


If a blurb of text participates in the layout of the other text right next to it, then it's a span.


An inline element can't have its own layout -- then it wouldn't be inline.

内联元素不能有自己的布局 - 那么它就不是内联的。



Semantically, neither <div> nor <span> has any intrinsic meaning. They're "catch-all" tags meant to be used with stuff where no existing tag really fits. Use divs and spans as a last resort, if you care about semantics.



The only difference between them is that divs are block-level elements, and spans are inline. Meaning by default, a div will start a whole new block, and technically only inline elements and certain CSS would be allowed inside a span. Most browsers seem to process the tags regardless of the rules (assuming "tag soup"), and you can actually make either act like the other with CSS, but don't do any of that if you care about validation or cross-browser compatibility (which you DO care about, right?).




The primary difference between a span and a div is that a span is an inline element whereas a div is a block element, like a p or paragraph element. So, in essence


span { display: block; }

Is essentially turning all spans into divs. You use a span for just a line of text, like to apply effects or padding or something. Divs are generally for dividing up your web page, so if you had to position a piece of text somewhere I would recommend using a div.

实质上是将所有跨度转换为div。您只使用跨度来表示一行文本,例如应用效果或填充等。 Div通常用于划分你的网页,所以如果你不得不在某个地方放置一段文字,我建议使用div。



Div is a division block, span is for spanning inline text.


So Div is a box/block with height and width, span is inline. Basically.


If you want to read the spec, here's a link.


The DIV and SPAN elements, in conjunction with the id and class attributes, offer a generic mechanism for adding structure to documents. These elements define content to be inline (SPAN) or block-level (DIV) but impose no other presentational idioms on the content. Thus, authors may use these elements in conjunction with style sheets, the lang attribute, etc., to tailor HTML to their own needs and tastes.




<span> and <div> are both very generic elements. In themselves, they have no meaning.


The main difference is that <span> is an inline element. That means if you have something like:


<span>Some text.</span> Some other text

You don't have "Some other text" on a new line. If you replaced the spans with <div> (a block element), there would be newlines. Note that it is not proper syntax to have a block element inside an inline element. Therefore, you can have <span>'s inside <div>'s, but not vice versa.


内部使用 ,但反之亦然。

See here for more:


Wikipedia - Span and div

* - 跨度和div

About.com - Span vs. div

About.com - 跨度与div



There is a fundamental difference: <div> is a block-level element, while <span> is an inline element. The difference is that block-level elements start and end with line breaks, and inline elements don't.


是一个块级元素,而 是一个内联元素。区别在于块级元素以换行符开头和结尾,而内联元素则不然。

Perhaps even more importantly, depending on the HTML version, there are different rules for what other elements are valid inside block and inline elements.




Well, to give you a fast and simple answer, DIV is a division! The goal is to use it when certain elements are in need to be treated as a group!


Ex: Use a div to have a login panel, lets say, hidden @ the left side of the screen, that show's up when the mouse hovers the div :)

例如:使用div有一个登录面板,让我们说,隐藏在屏幕的左侧@当鼠标悬停在div时显示为up :)



You've got it. Span = inline, Div = block. That's all.

你有它。 Span = inline,Div = block。就这样。

If a blurb of text needs it's own layout, (You want to put it somewhere on the screen) then it's a div.


If a blurb of text participates in the layout of the other text right next to it, then it's a span.


An inline element can't have its own layout -- then it wouldn't be inline.

内联元素不能有自己的布局 - 那么它就不是内联的。