
时间:2022-07-04 18:06:18

first time at stack overflow.


I'm looking into using some of the metaprogramming features provided by Ruby or Python, but first I need to know the extent to which they will allow me to extend the language. The main thing I need to be able to do is to rewrite the concept of Class. This doesn't mean that I want to rewrite a specific class during run time, but rather I want to make my own conceptualization of what a Class is. To be a smidge more specific here, I want to make something that is like what people normally call a Class, but I want to follow an "open world" assumption. In the "closed world" of normal Classes, if I declare Poodle to be a subclass of Dog to be a subclass of Animal, then I know that Poodle is not going to also be a type of FurCoat. However, in an open world Class, then the Poodle object I've defined may or may not be and object of type FurCoat and we won't know for sure until I explain that I can wear the poodle. (Poor poodle.) This all has to do with a study I'm doing concerning OWL ontologies.


Just so you know, I've tried to find information online, but due to the overloading of terms here I haven't found anything helpful.


Super thanks, John


UPDATE: I just thought of a good use case for my open-world concept of Class. Perhaps this will provide a better understanding of what I really wish to do. I want to be able to "describe" a Class rather than define it. For instance, I want to be able to say that a Dog is anything that a) has four legs b) barks. Then I want to be able to create an object of unspecified Class, and describe that this object has four legs. At this point the object is still of unspecified type. Then I want to say that the object barks. At this point, the object will be known to be (possibly among other things) a Dog.


5 个解决方案



I agree with Samir that it just sounds like duck typing. You don't need to care what 'type' an object really 'is' you only need bother with what an object can 'do'. This is true in both Ruby and Python.


However if you really are checking the types of classes and you really do need to have a Poodle object optionally also be a FurCoat at runtime, then the way to do this in Ruby is to mixin a FurCoat module into the Poodle object, as follows:


class Poodle; end
module FurCoat; def wear; end; end

my_poodle = Poodle.new
my_poodle.is_a?(Poodle) #=> true
my_poodle.is_a?(FurCoat) #=> false
my_poodle.wear #=> NoMethodError

# now we mix in the FurCoat module

# my_poodle is now also a FurCoat
my_poodle.is_a?(Poodle) #=> true (still)
my_poodle.is_a?(FurCoat) #=> true
my_poodle.wear #=> the wear method now works

EDIT (due to your updated question):


You still do not need to rewrite Class to achieve what you want, you just need to monkey-patch the kind_of? and is_a? (and potentially instance_of?) methods on Ruby's Kernel module. Since Ruby has open classes this is easily done:


class Module
    def obj_implements_interface?(obj)

module Kernel
    alias_method :orig_is_a?, :is_a?

    def is_a?(klass)
        orig_is_a?(klass) || klass.obj_implements_interface?(self)

And then define for each class (or module) what it means for an object to implement its interface:


class Dog
    def self.obj_implements_interface?(obj)
        obj.respond_to?(:bark) && obj.respond_to?(:num_legs) && obj.num_legs == 4

module FurCoat
    def self.obj_implements_interface?(obj)

Now test it:


my_poodle = Poodle.new
my_poodle.is_a?(FurCoat) #=> false

# now define a wear method on my_poodle
def my_poodle.wear; end
my_poodle.is_a?(FurCoat) #=> true



Sounds like duck typing to me. Just declare the methods you want and remember that it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission:


except (AttributeError, TypeError):



No, you cannot do that in Ruby. In Ruby, the object model is baked into the language specification and is not accessible (and certainly not modifiable) from within the program. Even in Rubinius, which is a Ruby implementation written mostly in Ruby, and with amazing metaprogramming capabilities that extend far beyond what the Ruby specification offers, some of the fundamental primitives are hardwired in C++.


I am not that intimately familiar with Python, but I'm pretty sure it's the same way, even in PyPy.


You might be able to do that in Smalltalk, by modifying (or subclassing) the Behavior class, which is the superclass of Class and defines the behavior of both classes and metaclasses.


You can certainly do that in CLOS, or more precisely using CLOS's MOP (Meta-Object Protocol). After all, that's what a MOP is for: defining the object model.


The closest OO concept to what you are describing seems to be that of Predicate Classes. A predicate class is a class whose instances are not defined statically, but by a set of predicates: all objects that satisfy the set of predicates are instances of the class, as soon as and for as long as the predicate holds. In a language with mutable state, this obviously means that objects can "move" in and out of predicate classes as their state changes. It also means that at any given time an object can be an instance of many or no predicate classes.


The only mainstream language (for a rather broad definition of "mainstream") I know of that has predicate classes is Factor.


However, please note that even here, the predicates are defined and an object either fulfils them or it doesn't. There is no concept of discovering whether or not an object fulfils a predicate at runtime.


You might also be interested in Clojure's idea of ad-hoc taxonomy.


Last, but certainly not least, you might take a look at Mikel Evins's object system called Categories. The best description of Categories, is to simply follow the blog entries in chronological order:

最后,但同样重要的是,您可以看看Mikel Evins的对象系统,称为类别。对分类的最好描述,就是按照时间顺序简单地按照博客的条目来做:

  1. Protocols
  2. 协议
  3. Categories
  4. 类别
  5. A peek at Categories
  6. 一窥类别
  7. No Kings in Rome
  8. 在罗马没有国王
  9. Up pops a reasonable facsimile thereof
  10. 弹出一个合理的传真
  11. Different Categories of Categories
  12. 不同类别的类别
  13. Categories Bugs
  14. 分类错误
  15. Flat Cat in a C3 Vat
  16. 平底猫在C3桶
  17. Categories 0.2
  18. 0.2类
  19. Bard
  20. 吟游诗人
  21. Bard intricacies
  22. 吟游诗人错综复杂

In the future, most of the development on Categories is going to be done in Mikel's new language Bard and you can follow their progress by following the Categories tag and the Bard tag on Mikel's new blog.


However, in general, I would say that the fact that Knowledge Management and Object-Orientation both use the word class is mainly a historic accident. I don't think that modeling one with the other is a good fit.




In Python you can change the inheritence of a class at runtime, but at every given time a class is not a subclass of another one unless declared otherwise. There is no "may or may not" - that would need ternary logic which Python doesn't support. But of course you can write your own "Is-a" and "Has-a" functions to map OWL ontologies to Python classes.




I think relying on a class structure, no matter how dynamic, is a step backwards when representing information with an open word assumption.


Classes serving as templates and objects serving as instances give absolutely no advantage when used with an OWA. Consider a Person class where we encode the knowledge that a person has 2 legs. However, we cannot deduce that a instance of Person will have two legs, as the person may have a disability.


If class properties don't mean anything as in the above example, there seems little point in using them or any other hierarchical structure to encode information.




I agree with Samir that it just sounds like duck typing. You don't need to care what 'type' an object really 'is' you only need bother with what an object can 'do'. This is true in both Ruby and Python.


However if you really are checking the types of classes and you really do need to have a Poodle object optionally also be a FurCoat at runtime, then the way to do this in Ruby is to mixin a FurCoat module into the Poodle object, as follows:


class Poodle; end
module FurCoat; def wear; end; end

my_poodle = Poodle.new
my_poodle.is_a?(Poodle) #=> true
my_poodle.is_a?(FurCoat) #=> false
my_poodle.wear #=> NoMethodError

# now we mix in the FurCoat module

# my_poodle is now also a FurCoat
my_poodle.is_a?(Poodle) #=> true (still)
my_poodle.is_a?(FurCoat) #=> true
my_poodle.wear #=> the wear method now works

EDIT (due to your updated question):


You still do not need to rewrite Class to achieve what you want, you just need to monkey-patch the kind_of? and is_a? (and potentially instance_of?) methods on Ruby's Kernel module. Since Ruby has open classes this is easily done:


class Module
    def obj_implements_interface?(obj)

module Kernel
    alias_method :orig_is_a?, :is_a?

    def is_a?(klass)
        orig_is_a?(klass) || klass.obj_implements_interface?(self)

And then define for each class (or module) what it means for an object to implement its interface:


class Dog
    def self.obj_implements_interface?(obj)
        obj.respond_to?(:bark) && obj.respond_to?(:num_legs) && obj.num_legs == 4

module FurCoat
    def self.obj_implements_interface?(obj)

Now test it:


my_poodle = Poodle.new
my_poodle.is_a?(FurCoat) #=> false

# now define a wear method on my_poodle
def my_poodle.wear; end
my_poodle.is_a?(FurCoat) #=> true



Sounds like duck typing to me. Just declare the methods you want and remember that it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission:


except (AttributeError, TypeError):



No, you cannot do that in Ruby. In Ruby, the object model is baked into the language specification and is not accessible (and certainly not modifiable) from within the program. Even in Rubinius, which is a Ruby implementation written mostly in Ruby, and with amazing metaprogramming capabilities that extend far beyond what the Ruby specification offers, some of the fundamental primitives are hardwired in C++.


I am not that intimately familiar with Python, but I'm pretty sure it's the same way, even in PyPy.


You might be able to do that in Smalltalk, by modifying (or subclassing) the Behavior class, which is the superclass of Class and defines the behavior of both classes and metaclasses.


You can certainly do that in CLOS, or more precisely using CLOS's MOP (Meta-Object Protocol). After all, that's what a MOP is for: defining the object model.


The closest OO concept to what you are describing seems to be that of Predicate Classes. A predicate class is a class whose instances are not defined statically, but by a set of predicates: all objects that satisfy the set of predicates are instances of the class, as soon as and for as long as the predicate holds. In a language with mutable state, this obviously means that objects can "move" in and out of predicate classes as their state changes. It also means that at any given time an object can be an instance of many or no predicate classes.


The only mainstream language (for a rather broad definition of "mainstream") I know of that has predicate classes is Factor.


However, please note that even here, the predicates are defined and an object either fulfils them or it doesn't. There is no concept of discovering whether or not an object fulfils a predicate at runtime.


You might also be interested in Clojure's idea of ad-hoc taxonomy.


Last, but certainly not least, you might take a look at Mikel Evins's object system called Categories. The best description of Categories, is to simply follow the blog entries in chronological order:

最后,但同样重要的是,您可以看看Mikel Evins的对象系统,称为类别。对分类的最好描述,就是按照时间顺序简单地按照博客的条目来做:

  1. Protocols
  2. 协议
  3. Categories
  4. 类别
  5. A peek at Categories
  6. 一窥类别
  7. No Kings in Rome
  8. 在罗马没有国王
  9. Up pops a reasonable facsimile thereof
  10. 弹出一个合理的传真
  11. Different Categories of Categories
  12. 不同类别的类别
  13. Categories Bugs
  14. 分类错误
  15. Flat Cat in a C3 Vat
  16. 平底猫在C3桶
  17. Categories 0.2
  18. 0.2类
  19. Bard
  20. 吟游诗人
  21. Bard intricacies
  22. 吟游诗人错综复杂

In the future, most of the development on Categories is going to be done in Mikel's new language Bard and you can follow their progress by following the Categories tag and the Bard tag on Mikel's new blog.


However, in general, I would say that the fact that Knowledge Management and Object-Orientation both use the word class is mainly a historic accident. I don't think that modeling one with the other is a good fit.




In Python you can change the inheritence of a class at runtime, but at every given time a class is not a subclass of another one unless declared otherwise. There is no "may or may not" - that would need ternary logic which Python doesn't support. But of course you can write your own "Is-a" and "Has-a" functions to map OWL ontologies to Python classes.




I think relying on a class structure, no matter how dynamic, is a step backwards when representing information with an open word assumption.


Classes serving as templates and objects serving as instances give absolutely no advantage when used with an OWA. Consider a Person class where we encode the knowledge that a person has 2 legs. However, we cannot deduce that a instance of Person will have two legs, as the person may have a disability.


If class properties don't mean anything as in the above example, there seems little point in using them or any other hierarchical structure to encode information.
