Vert.x 3学习笔记---08

时间:2022-03-16 18:02:22

Using Shared Data with Vert.x
Shared data includes local shared maps, distributed, cluster-wide maps, asynchronous cluster-wide locks and asynchronous cluster-wide counters.

Local shared maps

Local shared maps 允许你在同一个vertx实例的不同event loop之间安全的分享数据。
Local shared maps 只支持特定的几种类型作为key和value。这些类型必须是不可改变的,或者某些其他类型可以被复制到缓冲区。后一种情况下,在数据被放到map之前会被copy。这样我们就可以确保没有共享访问不同线程之间的可变状态。

SharedData sd = vertx.sharedData();

LocalMap<String, String> map1 = sd.getLocalMap("mymap1");

map1.put("foo", "bar"); // Strings are immutable so no need to copy

LocalMap<String, Buffer> map2 = sd.getLocalMap("mymap2");

map2.put("eek", Buffer.buffer().appendInt(123)); // This buffer will be copied before adding to map

// Then... in another part of your application:

map1 = sd.getLocalMap("mymap1");

String val = map1.get("foo");

map2 = sd.getLocalMap("mymap2");

Buffer buff = map2.get("eek");

Cluster-wide asynchronous maps


You get an instance of AsyncMap with getClusterWideMap method。此操作是异步的。

SharedData sd = vertx.sharedData();

sd.<String, String>getClusterWideMap("mymap", res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
AsyncMap<String, String> map = res.result();
} else {
// Something went wrong!

Putting data in a map

map.put("foo", "bar", resPut -> {
if (resPut.succeeded()) {
// Successfully put the value
} else {
// Something went wrong!

Getting data from a map

map.get("foo", resGet -> {
if (resGet.succeeded()) {
// Successfully got the value
Object val = resGet.result();
} else {
// Something went wrong!

Other map operations


Cluster-wide locks


Cluster-wide locks 允许在集群中设置高级的锁。例如:集群中我们只允许在同一时间一个节点访问某一个资源或者做什么事情。
Cluster-wide locks有一些异步的API。

sd.getLock("mylock", res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
// Got the lock!
Lock lock = res.result();//Lock对象的实例

// 5 seconds later we release the lock so someone else can get it
vertx.setTimer(5000, tid -> lock.release());

} else {
// Something went wrong

如上例。这不会阻塞,但是当lock可用时,handler就会被执行,这也表明,你拥有了这个lock。当你操作完毕后,你需要调用 lock.release() 来释放lock。


sd.getLockWithTimeout("mylock", 10000, res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
// Got the lock!
Lock lock = res.result();

} else {
// Failed to get lock

Cluster-wide counters


You can do this with Counter.

You obtain an instance with getCounter:

sd.getCounter("mycounter", res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
Counter counter = res.result();
} else {
// Something went wrong!

Once you have an instance you can retrieve the current count, atomically increment it, decrement and add a value to it using the various methods.
使用Counter 的相应方法来增加、减少计数。