English trip V1 - 19.Where Am I? 我在哪里?Teacher:Patrick Key:Ask for and directions

时间:2024-10-15 08:05:43

In this  lesson you will learn to ask for and give directions. 本节课你将学习到学会问路和指路。



正义感 justice

责任感  responsibility

幽默感  humor

词汇(Key Word )

opposite  对面

across from  对面

behind  后面

between... and ...    在...之间

at the corner    在拐角

retail 零售

copy right  版权             # right 的第三种意思,权利

keep silence 保持沉默,保持安静

go for it  去忙吧

# 住口的2种说法

Stop it

Zip it

make a living 谋生,维持生活

grocery 食品杂货店

between 在... 之间

burger 汉堡

direction 方向;指导

floor  地板

left  左边

rearrange  重新整理

right  adj.右边

Burger bar 汉堡吧

along the street 沿街

at the corner 在拐角处

go down 下去;俯身

go up 上升;向...上走

in front of 在...前面

next to  几乎,紧挨着

post office  邮局

look around 环顾四周

健身房  gym

旅行  tour

旅店  hotel

街道  street

地铁 subway

电影院  cinema    film

剧院  theater

车站 station

饭店 restaurant

超市  supermarket

购物中心  shopping mall

警察局  police station


Stand up  起立

Turn right  右转

Turn left  左转

Look around  四处看看

Go straight ahead 一直往前走

Stop  停止

Excuse me. Is there a Burger Bar near here?

Yes, there is . It's Renmin Nan Road.

Where is Renmin Nan Road?

Go along the street. Turn left at the corner.It's next to the coffee house.

Thank you.

You're welcome

From Your hotel, turn left and keep walking.

Once you see the bank on your right, stop and turn left.

Cross the street to the post office.

Turn right and go along the street until you see a Burger Bar on your left.

My home is opposite the Burger Bar.

My flat is number 9C on the second floor.

Cell me if you get lost.I'll see you there!

Cross the street  过马路;穿过马路

It's on Jiabin street  在嘉宾街

It's next to police  station  就在警察局旁边。

Turn left at the corner  在拐角处向左拐。

Turn right 右转

Keep walking  继续走

Go straighter  直走

Go straight ahead 一直向前走

He is on a tour. 他在旅行

Where is Renmin Nan Road?

Go along the street 沿着街道一直往前走

Call me if you get lost 如果你迷路了就给我打电话

He is feeling hungry 他感觉很饿

Mike wants to visit your home. 迈克想去你家拜访

You're welcome. 不用谢                  #  还可以说:   It's my pleasure  这是我的荣幸 ; My pleasure  别客气;非常高兴为您服务


northern  adj.  北方的

southern   adj. 南方的

western    adj. 西方的

eastern  adj. 东方的