Camera中拍摄图片后,通过主Activity中的public void gotoGallery()进入图片廊,发现竖屏拍摄的图片与上一张拍摄的图片不对称,但横屏拍摄的图片不会这样。横屏拍摄的图片与上一张水平方向很对称。
<1>通过手动public abstract class LocalMediaData implements LocalData
VideoData d = new VideoData(id, title, mimeType, dateTakenInSeconds,
dateModifiedInSeconds, path, width, height, sizeInBytes,
latitude, longitude, durationInSeconds);//这个方法主要对数据进行处理
自己手动修改图片的大小把小图(320*240)改成大图(3420*1200) 后,图片正常显示了。但这继续分析下去,不能解决根本问题。
<3>通过一天的打adb log 发现一些问题,最终解决。
adb logcat -v time *:V > test.log
通过从里到外,慢慢发现时PhotoModule.java 中的问题
1》首先研究侧滑类()public class FilmStripView extends ViewGroup implements BottomControlsListener {
<span style="font-size:18px;">/** * Layouts the view in the area assuming the center of the area is at a * specific point of the whole filmstrip. * * @param drawArea The area when filmstrip will show in. * @param refCenter The absolute X coordination in the whole filmstrip * of the center of {@code drawArea}. * @param scale The current scale of the filmstrip. */ public void layoutIn(Rect drawArea, int refCenter, float scale) { final float translationX = (mTranslationXAnimator.isRunning() ? (Float) mTranslationXAnimator.getAnimatedValue() : 0f); int left = (int) (drawArea.centerX() + (mLeftPosition - refCenter + translationX) * scale); int top = (int) (drawArea.centerY() - (mView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2) * scale); Log.i(TAG, getId()+"+layoutIn ===top=== "+top+"==left==="+left ); layoutAt(left, top); mView.setScaleX(scale); mView.setScaleY(scale); // update mViewArea for touch detection. int l = mView.getLeft(); int t = mView.getTop(); mViewArea.set(l, t, l + mView.getMeasuredWidth() * scale, t + mView.getMeasuredHeight() * scale); } /** Returns true if the point is in the view. */ public boolean areaContains(float x, float y) { return mViewArea.contains(x, y); }</span>
研究LayoutIn 并打印一些关键的变量值,发现top的值与正常情况(侧滑进入图片)的值明显大了许多。
最后在保存图片的方法打印log 发现 在竖屏时 宽和高传入方法的值是颠倒的。
<span style="font-size:14px;">private void GIFencode(){ mGIFstatus = GIF_ENCODING; String title = new SimpleDateFormat(TIME_STAMP_NAME).format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); String giffilename = PIC_PATH + title + ".gif"; startGifencoding(mPiclist,giffilename,(int)count_num); Size PreviewSize = mParameters.getPreviewSize(); if(mGIFOrientation == 90 || mGIFOrientation == 270){ mActivity.getMediaSaveService().addGIFImage(title, System.currentTimeMillis(), null, PreviewSize.width/IN_SAMPLE_SIZE, PreviewSize.height/IN_SAMPLE_SIZE , 0, mOnMediaSavedListener, mContentResolver); }else{ mActivity.getMediaSaveService().addGIFImage(title, System.currentTimeMillis(), null, PreviewSize.height/IN_SAMPLE_SIZE, PreviewSize.width/IN_SAMPLE_SIZE , 0, mOnMediaSavedListener, mContentResolver); } }</span>传入的值有问题。立马 兴奋了。
总结: 这个Cr解决用了接近2天的时间,但如果从外面往里找,也许就半天解决了。