Java 运行时数据存储的地方

时间:2022-04-26 17:41:54
Where storage lives
It’s useful to visualize some aspects of how things are laid out while the program is running—
in particular how memory is arranged. There are five different places to store data:


 不同其它的存储, 这是一个更快的存储,因为它存在一个不同的地方:在cpu中.然而,寄存器


    This is the fastest storage because it exists in a place different from that of
other storage: inside the processor. However, the number of registers is severely
limited, so registers are allocated as they are needed. You don’t have direct control,
nor do you see any evidence in your programs that registers even exist (C & C++, on
the other hand, allow you to suggest register allocation to the compiler).

2. The stack  堆栈



堆栈中所有的项目准确的生命周期。一些java存储存在堆栈上(具体的数据是对象的references ---java 对象本身是并不子堆栈上)。

       This lives in the general random-access memory (RAM) area, but has
direct support from the processor via its stack pointer. The stack pointer is moved
down to create new memory and moved up to release that memory. This is an
extremely fast and efficient way to allocate storage, second only to registers. The Java
system must know, while it is creating the program, the exact lifetime of all the items
that are stored on the stack. This constraint places limits on the flexibility of your
programs, so while some Java storage exists on the stack—in particular, object
references—Java objects themselves are not placed on the stack.
3.The heap 堆(存对象)


        This is a general-purpose pool of memory (also in the RAM area) where all
Java objects live. The nice thing about the heap is that, unlike the stack, the compiler
doesn’t need to know how long that storage must stay on the heap. Thus, there’s a
great deal of flexibility in using storage on the heap. Whenever you need an object, you
simply write the code to create it by using new, and the storage is allocated on the
heap when that code is executed. Of course there’s a price you pay for this flexibility: It
may take more time to allocate and clean up heap storage than stack storage (if you
even could create objects on the stack in Java, as you can in C++).
4. Constant storage:常量值存储


       Constant values are often placed directly in the program code,
which is safe since they can never change. Sometimes constants are cordoned off by
themselves so that they can be optionally placed in read-only memory (ROM), in
embedded systems.2

5. Non-RAM storage. non-RAM 存储






java提供了lightweight persistence,比如JDBC和Hibernate 提供了更多的复杂的支持,提供存储和恢复在数据库的对象信息。

        If data lives completely outside a program, it can exist while the  program is not running, outside the control of the program. The two primary  examples of this arestreamed objects, in which objects are turned into streams of  bytes, generally to be sent to another machine, andpersistent objects, in which the  objects are placed on disk so they will hold their state even when the program is terminated. The trick with these types of storage is turning the objects into something  that can exist on the other medium, and yet can be resurrected into a regular RAM based object when necessary. Java provides support for lightweight persistence, and mechanisms such as JDBC and Hibernate provide more sophisticated support for  storing and retrieving object information in databases.