
时间:2020-12-26 17:42:48

How can I remove all installed packages except base and recommended?


3 个解决方案



Instead of


Updated to R 3.0.0 and have to rebuild all packages.

更新到R 3.0.0,并必须重新构建所有包。

just do


update.packages(..., checkBuilt=TRUE)

which is what I did on my R 3.0.0 (using lib.loc=... to point to my different local directories). This will update everything you have and which it can still get from repos such as CRAN. For install_git() etc, you are out of luck and need to reinstall.

这就是我在R 3。0上做的(使用lib.loc=…)指向不同的本地目录)。这将更新您所拥有的以及仍然可以从CRAN等repos获得的所有内容。对于install_git()等,您运气不佳,需要重新安装。

But either way you do not need to remove the packages first.




Be CAREFUL! And read the docs before you try this:


# Pasted as a commented to prevent blindly copying and pasting
# remove.packages( installed.packages( priority = "NA" )[,1] )

By default this will remove packages from the first library in your .libPaths().

默认情况下,这将从. libpaths()中的第一个库中删除包。



If on Linux, the easiest thing is probably to remove the library folder, which by default is located in /home/yourusername/R.


On Fedora, for example, it is called x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library. If the folder /home/yourusername/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library is deleted, it is automatically recreated at the following start of R. All default libraries are regularly available.

例如,在Fedora上,它被称为x86_64 redhat-linux-gnu-library。如果删除文件夹/home/yourusername/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library,则会在以下R开头自动重新创建所有默认库。



Instead of


Updated to R 3.0.0 and have to rebuild all packages.

更新到R 3.0.0,并必须重新构建所有包。

just do


update.packages(..., checkBuilt=TRUE)

which is what I did on my R 3.0.0 (using lib.loc=... to point to my different local directories). This will update everything you have and which it can still get from repos such as CRAN. For install_git() etc, you are out of luck and need to reinstall.

这就是我在R 3。0上做的(使用lib.loc=…)指向不同的本地目录)。这将更新您所拥有的以及仍然可以从CRAN等repos获得的所有内容。对于install_git()等,您运气不佳,需要重新安装。

But either way you do not need to remove the packages first.




Be CAREFUL! And read the docs before you try this:


# Pasted as a commented to prevent blindly copying and pasting
# remove.packages( installed.packages( priority = "NA" )[,1] )

By default this will remove packages from the first library in your .libPaths().

默认情况下,这将从. libpaths()中的第一个库中删除包。



If on Linux, the easiest thing is probably to remove the library folder, which by default is located in /home/yourusername/R.


On Fedora, for example, it is called x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library. If the folder /home/yourusername/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library is deleted, it is automatically recreated at the following start of R. All default libraries are regularly available.

例如,在Fedora上,它被称为x86_64 redhat-linux-gnu-library。如果删除文件夹/home/yourusername/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library,则会在以下R开头自动重新创建所有默认库。