Excel - 如何删除1张表中不包含来自另一张表的列输入的所有行

时间:2022-02-20 20:53:31

I have a list of email addresses in 1 sheet in my Excel Book that are on Column M (Sheet1) with 2050 rows long (there is other data on other columns, such as First and Last Name, etc.), and another Sheet (Sheet2) that have a list of email addresses in Column A (210 rows long). I need to keep all email addresses in Sheet1 - Column M (need to keep entire row) that match with the email addresses in Sheet2 - Column A, but need to remove all other rows where email addresses that do not match from Sheet2 column A with Sheet1 - Column M.

我的Excel工作簿中有一个电子邮件地址列表,列在M列(Sheet1)上,长度为2050行(其他列上有其他数据,如名字和姓氏等),另有一张表( Sheet2)在A列中有一个电子邮件地址列表(210行长)。我需要保留Sheet1中的所有电子邮件地址 - 列M(需要保留整行)与Sheet2 - A列中的电子邮件地址匹配,但需要删除与Sheet2列A中的电子邮件地址不匹配的所有其他行Sheet1 - M栏。

Is there a formula to do this?


Or Perhaps it can create another sheet (Sheet3) with the rows from Sheet1 that match Sheet1 - Column M with Sheet2 - Column A?

或者也许它可以创建另一张表(Sheet3),其中Sheet1中的行与Sheet1匹配 - 列M与Sheet2 - 列A?

Thanks very much.


1 个解决方案



Here's one method but doesn't use just a formula:


Setup an additional column as in "N" below. and fill using a similar formula


Excel  - 如何删除1张表中不包含来自另一张表的列输入的所有行

  • Turn on filtering for your sheets and filter for "no"
    • data --> filtering click on drop down for "N" and un-select yes/blanks
    • data - > filtering点击下拉列表中的“N”并取消选择yes / blanks
  • 打开过滤器并过滤“否”数据 - >过滤单击下拉列表中的“N”并取消选择是/空白
  • now place cursor in cell aX (where x will be the first row that is no)
  • 现在将光标放在单元格aX中(其中x将是第一行为no)
  • press ctrl-end to highlight all rows that are "No"
  • 按ctrl-end突出显示“No”的所有行
  • Now press delete.
  • 现在按删除。

Or you can copy and paste the "YES" using filtering to another sheet.


I believe the crux of the issue here was identifying the records that didn't match which the formula in the image above: and here: =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(M5,Sheet2!A:A,0)),"Yes","No") does

我认为这里问题的症结在于确定与上图中的公式不匹配的记录:这里:= IF(ISNUMBER(MATL(M5,Sheet2!A:A,0)),“是” ,“不”)



Here's one method but doesn't use just a formula:


Setup an additional column as in "N" below. and fill using a similar formula


Excel  - 如何删除1张表中不包含来自另一张表的列输入的所有行

  • Turn on filtering for your sheets and filter for "no"
    • data --> filtering click on drop down for "N" and un-select yes/blanks
    • data - > filtering点击下拉列表中的“N”并取消选择yes / blanks
  • 打开过滤器并过滤“否”数据 - >过滤单击下拉列表中的“N”并取消选择是/空白
  • now place cursor in cell aX (where x will be the first row that is no)
  • 现在将光标放在单元格aX中(其中x将是第一行为no)
  • press ctrl-end to highlight all rows that are "No"
  • 按ctrl-end突出显示“No”的所有行
  • Now press delete.
  • 现在按删除。

Or you can copy and paste the "YES" using filtering to another sheet.


I believe the crux of the issue here was identifying the records that didn't match which the formula in the image above: and here: =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(M5,Sheet2!A:A,0)),"Yes","No") does

我认为这里问题的症结在于确定与上图中的公式不匹配的记录:这里:= IF(ISNUMBER(MATL(M5,Sheet2!A:A,0)),“是” ,“不”)