Is there something akin to the .NET xsd.exe for java - generating classes from a schema that you can easily de-serialize ? - or , What's the common practice for parsing and pull out/validate the content xml documents in Java ?
是否有类似于.NET的.NET xsd.exe - 从可以轻松反序列化的模式生成类? - 或者,在Java中解析和提取/验证内容xml文档的常见做法是什么?
Traversing a DOM tree and littering code with XPath queries to get the data you need seems quiet messy.
1 个解决方案
What you're after a data binding framework for XML. The popular ones are JAXB, JiBX and XmlBeans. They all allow you to take an XML schema and generate a bunch of java classes, and also have a runtime component which serializes/deserializes to and from XML and objects.
No one of them is the clear winner, they each have their strengths. JAXB is now included as part of Java 6, so that'd be my default choice.
他们中没有一个是明显的赢家,他们各自都有自己的优势。 JAXB现在作为Java 6的一部分包含在内,因此这是我的默认选择。
What you're after a data binding framework for XML. The popular ones are JAXB, JiBX and XmlBeans. They all allow you to take an XML schema and generate a bunch of java classes, and also have a runtime component which serializes/deserializes to and from XML and objects.
No one of them is the clear winner, they each have their strengths. JAXB is now included as part of Java 6, so that'd be my default choice.
他们中没有一个是明显的赢家,他们各自都有自己的优势。 JAXB现在作为Java 6的一部分包含在内,因此这是我的默认选择。