
时间:2021-11-14 05:52:36

From the QnA for what a runtime is : What is "runtime"?


I understood about runtime a little. To make my understanding more robust, I'd like to ask new question.


Is C runtime an essential for any other programs like lua, haskell, java, etc... ?


I know C library implements not only standard C api but also system call wrappers also.

我知道C库不仅实现了标准的C api,还实现了系统调用包装器。

And I know lua runtime is no different than just a C program. This means lua runtime is based on C runtime.


So I guess any other language would be in the same situation. Because it is only C rumtime which can call system calls.


I considered for linux but I guess Windows and other Unix implementations must be same.


Am I right?


1 个解决方案



Not necessarily.


All programs written in C make use of the C runtime environment, be it the standard library, the stuff happening before the main function, or else.


If a compiler/interpreter/virtual machine is written in C, yes, it does make use of the C runtime.
OTOH, if it isn't, it does not.

如果编译器/解释器/虚拟机是用C编写的,是的,它确实使用了C运行时。 OTOH,如果不是,它不会。

Note that you have to go up the whole "compiler/interpreter/virtual machine chain."
A Python interpreter written in Haskell might still indirectly rely on the C runtime environment if the Haskell interpreter has been written in C.


[...] it is only C rumtime [sic] which can call system calls.

[...]只有C rumtime [原文如此]可以调用系统调用。

No. The C runtime provides wrappers around some system calls. You can write programs in pure assembly making use of system calls and not rely on the C runtime library at all.




Not necessarily.


All programs written in C make use of the C runtime environment, be it the standard library, the stuff happening before the main function, or else.


If a compiler/interpreter/virtual machine is written in C, yes, it does make use of the C runtime.
OTOH, if it isn't, it does not.

如果编译器/解释器/虚拟机是用C编写的,是的,它确实使用了C运行时。 OTOH,如果不是,它不会。

Note that you have to go up the whole "compiler/interpreter/virtual machine chain."
A Python interpreter written in Haskell might still indirectly rely on the C runtime environment if the Haskell interpreter has been written in C.


[...] it is only C rumtime [sic] which can call system calls.

[...]只有C rumtime [原文如此]可以调用系统调用。

No. The C runtime provides wrappers around some system calls. You can write programs in pure assembly making use of system calls and not rely on the C runtime library at all.
