
时间:2021-08-07 17:17:56

i need a free software that can normalize tables and shows the steps it takes.


2 个解决方案



CASE tools of that kind used to be pretty common but are less common today. If you define a set of attributes and dependencies then it isn't difficult to write code to put them into a given Normal Form - the algorithms to do it are well known and straightforward.

这种CASE工具过去很常见,但今天不太常见。如果您定义了一组属性和依赖关系,那么编写代码将它们放入给定的Normal Form中并不困难 - 执行此操作的算法是众所周知且直截了当的。

However, for most practical purposes such tools are of limited value. Most of the analysis effort needs to be put into identifying the right attributes and desired dependencies in the first place. So actually normalizing them is a fairly simple part of the design process.




Seeing as database normalization requires good analysis skills, understanding the problem domain and being able to decide when to stop normalizing (seeing as there is a trade-off between speed and space savings), you are unlikely find a piece of software that will automatically normalize a database.




CASE tools of that kind used to be pretty common but are less common today. If you define a set of attributes and dependencies then it isn't difficult to write code to put them into a given Normal Form - the algorithms to do it are well known and straightforward.

这种CASE工具过去很常见,但今天不太常见。如果您定义了一组属性和依赖关系,那么编写代码将它们放入给定的Normal Form中并不困难 - 执行此操作的算法是众所周知且直截了当的。

However, for most practical purposes such tools are of limited value. Most of the analysis effort needs to be put into identifying the right attributes and desired dependencies in the first place. So actually normalizing them is a fairly simple part of the design process.




Seeing as database normalization requires good analysis skills, understanding the problem domain and being able to decide when to stop normalizing (seeing as there is a trade-off between speed and space savings), you are unlikely find a piece of software that will automatically normalize a database.
