在SQL Server中将五个表与一个表之间的关系设置为不拒绝数据库规范化

时间:2022-12-10 12:53:50

I have some tables with names Contacts, Follows, Tasks, Tickets, Accounts and ... Each of the above tables, should have relation with Notifications table.


Now I use this structure for Notifications table in SQL to create relation between them:


Id, ContactId, FollowId, TaskId, TicketId, AccountId, Text

Id is the primary key and ContactId, FollowId, TaskId, TicketId, AccountId should be foreign keys.


Every time a record is added to this table, just one column of this foreign keys list got value, like this:


Id  ContactId   FollowId    TaskId  TicketId    AccountId   Text
1   null        null        null    null        2           notification test 1
2   null        null        null    12          null        notification test 2
3   null        null        null    11          null        notification test 3
4   5           null        null    null        null        notification test 4
5   null        1           null    null        null        notification test 5
6   null        null        null    null        3           notification test 6
7   null        null        null    null        43          notification test 7

Is this a fine architect that does not refuse Normalization in databBase?


2 个解决方案



Structure you created is denormalized structure not ideal for OLTP environment.


Below would be ideal normalized structure


Notifications Contacts
Notifications Follows
Notifications Tasks
Notifications Tickets
Notifications Accounts



Is it a fine solution? Well, not really. But SQL doesn't have a great solution for entities (such as notations) that are related to a bunch of other entities.


This particular solution has the advantage that you can declare foreign key relationships. It has the disadvantage that adding new entity types requires restructuring the table and that each of the NULL values occupies space. So, it is not particularly scalable.


There are no perfect solutions. If you are willing to give up the foreign key relationships, you can just do:


create table notifications (
    notificationId int identity(1, 1) primary key,
    notificationType varchar(32),
    relatedId int,
    check notificationType in ('contact', . . .)

Unfortunately, SQL Server does not have filtered foreign key relationships. You can do something like this:

不幸的是,SQL Server没有过滤外键关系。你可以这样做:

create table contacts (
    contactId int identity(1, 1) primary key,
    . . .

create table n (
      id int identity(1, 1),
      relatedId int,
      notificationType varchar(32),
      contactId as (case when type = 'contact' then relatedId end) persisted,
      foreign key (contactId) references contacts(contactId)

This almost does what you want. The problem is that contactId needs to be persisted to be used in a foreign key relationship -- and persisted computed columns still occupy space.

这几乎可以满足您的需求。问题是需要持久化contactId以用于外键关系 - 并且持久化的计算列仍然占用空间。



Structure you created is denormalized structure not ideal for OLTP environment.


Below would be ideal normalized structure


Notifications Contacts
Notifications Follows
Notifications Tasks
Notifications Tickets
Notifications Accounts



Is it a fine solution? Well, not really. But SQL doesn't have a great solution for entities (such as notations) that are related to a bunch of other entities.


This particular solution has the advantage that you can declare foreign key relationships. It has the disadvantage that adding new entity types requires restructuring the table and that each of the NULL values occupies space. So, it is not particularly scalable.


There are no perfect solutions. If you are willing to give up the foreign key relationships, you can just do:


create table notifications (
    notificationId int identity(1, 1) primary key,
    notificationType varchar(32),
    relatedId int,
    check notificationType in ('contact', . . .)

Unfortunately, SQL Server does not have filtered foreign key relationships. You can do something like this:

不幸的是,SQL Server没有过滤外键关系。你可以这样做:

create table contacts (
    contactId int identity(1, 1) primary key,
    . . .

create table n (
      id int identity(1, 1),
      relatedId int,
      notificationType varchar(32),
      contactId as (case when type = 'contact' then relatedId end) persisted,
      foreign key (contactId) references contacts(contactId)

This almost does what you want. The problem is that contactId needs to be persisted to be used in a foreign key relationship -- and persisted computed columns still occupy space.

这几乎可以满足您的需求。问题是需要持久化contactId以用于外键关系 - 并且持久化的计算列仍然占用空间。