从e4开始,eclipse rcp界面具备了深度自定义的能力。
这里介绍一种方式来自定义你自己的eclipse rcp。
我们在创建一个eclipse rcp的时候,必然会用到Application,我们来看一下eclipse提供的IDEApplication这个类的start方法,注意123行
int returnCode = PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(display,
new IDEWorkbenchAdvisor(processor));
Workbench 工作台(模型)
WorkbenchAdvisor 管理工作台生命周期
WorkbenchWindowAdvisor 提供ui配置,管理ui生命周期
WorkbechWindowConfigurer 配置保存类
WorbenchWindow 工作台UI(视图),基于SWT的界面类,实际上的RCP界面容器
public class AimWorkbenchAdvisor extends IDEWorkbenchAdvisor { public AimWorkbenchAdvisor(DelayedEventsProcessor processor) {
new AimWorkbench3xImplementation());
} public WorkbenchWindowAdvisor createWorkbenchWindowAdvisor(
IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer configurer) {
return new AimWorkbenchWindowAdvisor(this, configurer);
} }
public class AimWorkbench3xImplementation extends Workbench3xImplementation { /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.eclipse.ui.internal.tweaklets.WorkbenchImplementation#createWBW(int)
public WorkbenchWindow createWorkbenchWindow(int newWindowNumber) {
// return AimWorkbenchFrame.getInstance(newWindowNumber);
return new AimWorkbenchWindow(newWindowNumber);
} }
public class AimWorkbenchWindowAdvisor extends IDEWorkbenchWindowAdvisor { public AimWorkbenchWindowAdvisor(IDEWorkbenchAdvisor wbAdvisor,
IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer configurer) {
super(wbAdvisor, configurer);
} public void preWindowOpen() {
IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer configurer = getWindowConfigurer();
package cn.com.agree.ide.aim.product.ui.layout; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.IWindowTrim;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.LayoutUtil;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.SizeCache;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.TrimArea;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.TrimCommonUIHandle;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.TrimDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.TrimLayout;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.TrimToolBarBase; /**
* @author caiyu
* @date 2014-12-20
@SuppressWarnings({ "restriction", "rawtypes" })
public class AimTrimLayout extends TrimLayout { /**
* Trim area ID.
public static final Integer TOP_ID = new Integer(TOP);
* Trim area ID.
public static final Integer BAR_ID = new Integer(SWT.BAR); /**
* Trim area ID.
public static final Integer BOTTOM_ID = new Integer(BOTTOM); /**
* Trim area ID.
public static final Integer LEFT_ID = new Integer(LEFT);
public static int ICON = new Integer(334);
* Trim area ID.
public static final Integer ICON_ID = new Integer(ICON); /**
* Trim area ID.
public static final Integer RIGHT_ID = new Integer(RIGHT); /**
* Trim area ID.
public static final Integer NONTRIM_ID = new Integer(NONTRIM);
* Trim area ID.
public static final Integer BORDER_ID = new Integer(SWT.BORDER); /**
* IDs for the current trim areas we support.
private static final int[] TRIM_ID_INFO = { LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM,
public static int TOP_ANCHOR; private SizeCache centerArea = new SizeCache(); /**
* Map of TrimAreas by IDs.
private Map fTrimArea = new HashMap(); /**
* Map of TrimDescriptors by IDs.
private Map fTrimDescriptors = new HashMap(); private boolean trimLocked; private HashMap preferredLocationMap = new HashMap(); /**
* Creates a new (initially empty) trim layout.
public AimTrimLayout() {
// Determine whether or not the trim is 'locked'
final IPreferenceStore store = PlatformUI.getPreferenceStore();
trimLocked = store.getBoolean(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.LOCK_TRIM); createTrimArea(ICON_ID, ICON_ID.toString());
createTrimArea(BAR_ID, BAR_ID.toString());
createTrimArea(TOP_ID, TOP_ID.toString());
createTrimArea(BOTTOM_ID, BOTTOM_ID.toString());
createTrimArea(LEFT_ID, LEFT_ID.toString());
createTrimArea(RIGHT_ID, RIGHT_ID.toString());
} private void createTrimArea(Integer id, String displayName) {
TrimArea area = new AimTrimArea(id.intValue(), displayName);
fTrimArea.put(id, area);
} /**
* Returns the location of the given trim control. For example, returns
* SWT.LEFT if the control is docked on the left, SWT.RIGHT if docked on the
* right, etc. Returns SWT.DEFAULT if the given control is not a trim
* control.
* @param trimControl
* control to query
* @return The area ID of this control. If the control is not part of our
* trim, return SWT.DEFAULT.
* @see #getAreaIds()
public int getTrimAreaId(Control trimControl) {
TrimDescriptor desc = findTrimDescription(trimControl);
if (desc != null) {
return desc.getAreaId();
} /**
* @param control
* new window trim to be added
* @param areaId
* the area ID
* @see #getAreaIds()
* @deprecated
public void addTrim(IWindowTrim control, int areaId) {
addTrim(areaId, control, null);
} /**
* @param trim
* new window trim to be added
* @param areaId
* the area ID
* @param beforeMe
* if null, the control will be inserted as the last trim widget
* on this side of the layout. Otherwise, the control will be
* inserted before the given widget.
* @see #getAreaIds()
* @deprecated
public void addTrim(IWindowTrim trim, int areaId, IWindowTrim beforeMe) {
addTrim(areaId, trim, beforeMe);
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#addTrim(int,
* org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWindowTrim)
public void addTrim(int areaId, IWindowTrim trim) {
// If we're adding trim to the same side that it's
// already on then don't change its order
IWindowTrim insertBefore = null;
List trimDescs = getAreaTrim(areaId);
for (Iterator trimIter = trimDescs.iterator(); trimIter.hasNext();) {
IWindowTrim curTrim = (IWindowTrim) trimIter.next();
if (curTrim.getId().equals(trim.getId())) {
if (trimIter.hasNext()) {
insertBefore = (IWindowTrim) trimIter.next();
} addTrim(areaId, trim, insertBefore);
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#addTrim(int,
* org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWindowTrim, org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWindowTrim)
public void addTrim(int areaId, IWindowTrim trim, IWindowTrim beforeMe) {
TrimArea area = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(new Integer(areaId));
if (area == null) {
// remove the trim from the current layout
removeTrim(trim); // Create a new trim descriptor for the new area...
TrimDescriptor desc = new TrimDescriptor(trim, areaId); // If the trim can be relocated then add a dock ing handle
boolean isAlreadyAHandle = trim instanceof TrimToolBarBase;
if (!trimLocked && trim.getValidSides() != SWT.NONE
&& !isAlreadyAHandle) {
// Create a 'docking' handle to allow dragging the trim
Composite dockingHandle = new TrimCommonUIHandle(this, trim, areaId);
desc.setDockingCache(new SizeCache(dockingHandle));
} // Add the trim control
SizeCache cache = new SizeCache(trim.getControl());
desc.setCache(cache); // Add a dispose listener so we can clean up if the Client disposes the
// trim
trim.getControl().addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() {
public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) {
Control control = (Control) e.widget;
if (control.getLayoutData() instanceof IWindowTrim) {
IWindowTrim trim = (IWindowTrim) control.getLayoutData();
// forceLayout();
}); // Add the new descriptor to the map
fTrimDescriptors.put(desc.getId(), desc); // insert before behaviour, revisited
if (beforeMe != null) {
TrimDescriptor beforeDesc = (TrimDescriptor) fTrimDescriptors
if (beforeDesc != null && beforeDesc.getAreaId() == areaId) {
area.addTrim(desc, beforeDesc);
} else {
} else {
} /**
* Force a layout of the trim
public void forceLayout() {
removeDisposed(); // we hack this by calling the LayoutUtil with the
// first piece of trim that we find...(kludge!!)
Iterator d = fTrimDescriptors.values().iterator();
while (d.hasNext()) {
TrimDescriptor desc = (TrimDescriptor) d.next();
if (desc.getTrim().getControl() != null) {
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#removeTrim(org.eclipse.ui
* .internal.IWindowTrim)
public void removeTrim(IWindowTrim toRemove) {
TrimDescriptor desc = (TrimDescriptor) fTrimDescriptors.remove(toRemove
if (desc == null) {
} TrimArea area = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(new Integer(desc.getAreaId()));
if (area != null) {
} // If we had a trim UI handle then dispose it
if (desc.getDockingCache() != null) {
Control ctrl = desc.getDockingCache().getControl(); // KLUDGE!! we'll leak a handle rather than losing the
// mouse capture (for now...)
// ctrl.dispose();
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#getTrim(java.lang.String)
public IWindowTrim getTrim(String id) {
TrimDescriptor desc = (TrimDescriptor) fTrimDescriptors.get(id);
if (desc != null) {
return desc.getTrim();
return null;
} /**
* Removes any disposed widgets from this layout. This is still experimental
* code.
private void removeDisposed() {
Iterator a = fTrimArea.values().iterator();
while (a.hasNext()) {
TrimArea area = (TrimArea) a.next();
Iterator d = area.getDescriptors().iterator();
while (d.hasNext()) {
TrimDescriptor desc = (TrimDescriptor) d.next();
Control nextControl = desc.getTrim().getControl();
if (nextControl == null || nextControl.isDisposed()) {
// Remvoe the trim from the area's list (not the local copy)
area.removeTrim(desc); // Remove it from the map
} /**
* We -can't- determine the correct size for the shell because of it's
* underlying 'big lie' structure (i.e. many of the controls are created as
* children of the shell and then we play a games than makes them -appear-
* to be contained in a Control hoerarchy) and the fact that most of the UI
* elements don't really exist until shown (meaning that the normal
* 'computeSize' mechanism won't work).
* See bug 166619 for details but we'll keep returning the current value for
* legacy reasons...
* @see org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout#computeSize(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite,
* int, int, boolean)
protected Point computeSize(Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint,
boolean flushCache) {
return new Point(0, 0);
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Layout#layout(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite,
* boolean)
protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache) {
// long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
removeDisposed(); // get the actual trim areas
TrimArea bar = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(BAR_ID);
TrimArea top = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(TOP_ID);
TrimArea bottom = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(BOTTOM_ID);
TrimArea left = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(LEFT_ID);
TrimArea right = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(RIGHT_ID); Rectangle clientArea = composite.getClientArea(); TrimArea icon = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(ICON_ID);
Control iconControl = null;
Point iconSize = null;
for (Object cache : icon.getCaches()) {
if (cache instanceof SizeCache) {
iconControl = ((SizeCache) cache).getControl();
iconSize = iconControl.computeSize(0, 0);
} // Determine the amount of space necessary for the trim areas
int trim_bar = bar.computeWrappedTrim(clientArea.width
- (iconSize == null ? 0 : iconSize.x - 10)) - 8;
int trim_top = top.computeWrappedTrim(clientArea.width + trim_bar)
+ trim_bar;
int trim_bottom = bottom.computeWrappedTrim(clientArea.width); // The space left over after the top and bottom have been laid out
// represents the 'fixed' dimension for the vertical trim
int verticalMajor = clientArea.height - (trim_top + trim_bottom); // Lay out the left/ hhhright trim areas
// int trim_left = left.computeWrappedTrim(verticalMajor);
// int trim_right = right.computeWrappedTrim(verticalMajor);
int trim_left = 1;
int trim_right = 1; int trim_icon = 0;
if (iconSize != null) {
trim_icon = iconSize.x;
iconControl.setBounds(clientArea.x - 1, clientArea.y - 2,
iconSize.x, iconSize.y);
// TODO Tile the trim into the allotted space
bar.tileTrim(clientArea.x + trim_icon - 3, clientArea.y - 2,
top.tileTrim(clientArea.x + trim_icon, clientArea.y + trim_bar + 2,
clientArea.width - trim_icon);
bottom.tileTrim(clientArea.x - 2, clientArea.height - trim_bottom,
left.tileTrim(clientArea.x, clientArea.y + trim_top, verticalMajor);
right.tileTrim(clientArea.width - trim_right, clientArea.y + trim_top,
verticalMajor); // Lay out the center area in to the 'leftover' space
if (centerArea.getControl() != null) {
Control caCtrl = centerArea.getControl();
caCtrl.setBounds(clientArea.x + trim_left, clientArea.y + trim_top,
clientArea.width - (trim_left + trim_right),
clientArea.height - (trim_top + trim_bottom));
} /**
* Sets the widget that will occupy the central area of the layout.
* Typically, this will be a composite that contains the main widgetry of
* the application.
* @param center
* control that will occupy the center of the layout, or null if
* none
public void setCenterControl(Control center) {
} /**
* Returns the control in the center of this layout
* @return the center area control.
public Control getCenterControl() {
return centerArea.getControl();
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ICachingLayout#flush(org.eclipse.swt.widgets
* .Control)
public void flush(Control dirtyControl) {
if (dirtyControl == centerArea.getControl()) {
} else {
TrimDescriptor desc = findTrimDescription(dirtyControl);
if (desc != null) {
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#getAreaIds()
public int[] getAreaIds() {
return (int[]) TRIM_ID_INFO.clone();
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#getAreaTrim(int)
public List getAreaTrim(int areaId) {
TrimArea area = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(new Integer(areaId));
if (area == null) {
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
return area.getTrims();
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#updateAreaTrim(int,
* java.util.List, boolean)
public void updateAreaTrim(int id, List trim, boolean removeExtra) {
TrimArea area = (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(new Integer(id));
if (area == null) {
List current = area.getTrims(); // add back the trim ... this takes care of moving it
// from one trim area to another.
Iterator i = trim.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
IWindowTrim t = (IWindowTrim) i.next();
t.dock(id); // Ensure that the trim is properly oriented
addTrim(id, t, null);
} if (removeExtra) {
// if it wasn't removed from the current list, then it's extra
// trim we don't need.
i = current.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
IWindowTrim t = (IWindowTrim) i.next();
} /**
* Return a trim area rectangle.
* @param window
* the window that has the trim
* @param areaId
* the side it's on
* @return the area rectangle.
* @since 3.2
* @see #getAreaIds()
public Rectangle getTrimRect(Composite window, int areaId) {
TrimArea area = getTrimArea(areaId);
return window.getDisplay().map(window, null, area.getCurRect());
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#getAllTrim()
public List getAllTrim() {
List trimList = new ArrayList(fTrimDescriptors.size()); Iterator d = fTrimDescriptors.values().iterator();
while (d.hasNext()) {
TrimDescriptor desc = (TrimDescriptor) d.next();
} return trimList;
} /*
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see
* org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager#setTrimVisible(org.eclipse
* .ui.internal.IWindowTrim, boolean)
public void setTrimVisible(IWindowTrim trim, boolean visible) {
TrimDescriptor desc = findTrimDescription(trim.getControl()); if (desc != null) {
} /**
* Find the trim descriptor for this control.
* @param trim
* the Control to find.
* @return the trim descriptor, or <code>null</code> if not found.
* @since 3.2
private TrimDescriptor findTrimDescription(Control trim) {
Iterator d = fTrimDescriptors.values().iterator();
while (d.hasNext()) {
TrimDescriptor desc = (TrimDescriptor) d.next();
if (desc.getTrim().getControl() == trim) {
return desc;
if (desc.getDockingCache() != null
&& desc.getDockingCache().getControl() == trim) {
return desc;
return null;
} /**
* Return the trim area associated with the given id
* @param areaId
* The id of the trim area to get
* @return The TrimArea or <code>null</code> if the id is not found
public TrimArea getTrimArea(int areaId) {
return (TrimArea) fTrimArea.get(new Integer(areaId));
} /**
* Remember the persisted locations for the trim. This allows the code to
* site the trim in its preferred (i.e. cached) location on creation
* @param areaId
* The id of the trim area being defined
* @param preferredLocations
* A list of trim ID's
public void setPreferredLocations(int areaId, List preferredLocations) {
preferredLocationMap.put(new Integer(areaId), preferredLocations);
} /**
* If the given id has a cached location return its preferred side
* @param trimId
* The id of the trim to be tested
* @return The areaId of a cached id or -1 if no cache info exists
public int getPreferredArea(String trimId) {
Iterator keyIter = preferredLocationMap.keySet().iterator();
while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
Integer key = (Integer) keyIter.next();
List areaList = (List) preferredLocationMap.get(key);
if (areaList.contains(trimId))
return key.intValue();
} return -1;
} /**
* If the given id has a cached location return an existing trim element
* that it should be placed before (if any)
* @param trimId
* The id of the trim to be tested
* @return The trim to be inserted before or <code>null</code> if no cached
* info exists
public IWindowTrim getPreferredLocation(String trimId) {
Iterator keyIter = preferredLocationMap.keySet().iterator();
while (keyIter.hasNext()) {
Integer key = (Integer) keyIter.next();
List areaList = (List) preferredLocationMap.get(key);
int index = areaList.indexOf(trimId);
if (index != -1) {
// OK, find the first 'real' trim after this one
// This will be used as the 'beforeMe' parameter
// in the 'addTrim' call
for (int i = index + 1; i < areaList.size(); i++) {
String id = (String) areaList.get(i);
IWindowTrim trim = getTrim(id);
if (trim != null)
return trim;
} return null;
} /**
* Disables the controls associated with visible trim elements. This is only
* used during long-running WorkbenchWindow operations to prevent users from
* changing the environment while the operation (i.e. a long-running editor
* 'save') is in progress.
* The expected life-cycle is to first call this this method to disable any
* visible trim (and caching the elements that had to be disabled) followed
* by a call to 'enableTrim' passing in the list returned from this method.
* @param ignoreMe
* Since the current UI has a disable button in the StatusLine we
* allow the caller to designate one piece of trim to ignore
* @return The list of trim controls that were disabled during this call
public List disableTrim(IWindowTrim ignoreMe) {
List disabledControls = new ArrayList(); // Disable all the trim -except- for 'ignoreMe'
List allTrim = getAllTrim();
for (Iterator trimIter = allTrim.iterator(); trimIter.hasNext();) {
IWindowTrim trim = (IWindowTrim) trimIter.next();
if (ignoreMe == trim)
continue; Control ctrl = trim.getControl();
if (ctrl == null || ctrl.isDisposed() || !ctrl.isVisible()
|| !ctrl.isEnabled())
continue; ctrl.setEnabled(false);
} return disabledControls;
} /**
* Enables the controls in the list. This list is expected to be a
* non-modified List as returned from a call to 'disableTrim'.
* @param disabledControls
* The list of controls to enable
public void enableTrim(List disabledControls) {
// Simply re-enable any controls in the list
for (Iterator dcIter = disabledControls.iterator(); dcIter.hasNext();) {
Control ctrl = (Control) dcIter.next(); if (!ctrl.isDisposed() && !ctrl.isEnabled())
以上 就完成了基本的改写。