基于Eclipse RCP的appilication的GUI:交互式设计或编码?

时间:2023-01-21 15:23:45

First of all, for the sake of clarity: the question is addressed to those who have experience with ERCP, for those who make, say, business applications. The question is not about a general approach to GUI creation.


I am considering the Eclipse RCP as a platform for desktop applications. I am at the very start (I mean with ERCP), I've read some tutorials, helps, sites etc. and so far I did not understand one thing. What is the usual use of ERCP when it comes to GUI design: is it done by means of some GUI designer or is it usually hand-coded?

我正在考虑将Eclipse RCP作为桌面应用程序的平台。我在一开始(我的意思是ERCP),我已经阅读了一些教程,帮助,网站等等。到目前为止,我还不明白一件事。在GUI设计方面,ERCP的通常用途是什么:它是通过某种GUI设计者完成的,还是通常是手工编码的?

Thank you.

2 个解决方案


Usually Eclipse RCP applications (which are based of SWT) are hand coded affairs.

通常,Eclipse RCP应用程序(基于SWT)是手动编码事务。

The Eclipse FAQ states that there isn't a GUI builder:

Eclipse FAQ声明没有GUI构建器:


although there is a project underway called the Visual Editor Project to provide GUI building tools:

虽然有一个名为Visual Editor Project的项目正在进行中,但它提供了GUI构建工具:


Hope that helps, not sure whether there are any useful third party products that will help.


EDIT: Actually there are some third party products, check out SWT Designer:



and Jigloo:




We used the visual editor (VE) in Eclipse, but it was largely written by IBM internally, and they stopped maintaining it so it no longer works (easily) in versions after 3.2.


You can have a look at our "internal" page for getting it to work with 3.3.2 (and probably other 3.3.X): http://dev.nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org/wiki/EclipseVisualEditor


When it works the visual editor can be quite nice, once you get a feel for what code it modifies it is also possible to mix your own code and the generated code.


In the end though, the VE is not powerful enough that you never have to tweak the code by hand, and you'll probably have to learn SWT/JFace by hand anyway. Also, it is slighly unstable, will sometimes crash and will often cause Eclipse to run out of memory.

最后,VE不够强大,你不必手动调整代码,你可能不得不手动学习SWT / JFace。此外,它非常不稳定,有时会崩溃,并且经常会导致Eclipse耗尽内存。


Usually Eclipse RCP applications (which are based of SWT) are hand coded affairs.

通常,Eclipse RCP应用程序(基于SWT)是手动编码事务。

The Eclipse FAQ states that there isn't a GUI builder:

Eclipse FAQ声明没有GUI构建器:


although there is a project underway called the Visual Editor Project to provide GUI building tools:

虽然有一个名为Visual Editor Project的项目正在进行中,但它提供了GUI构建工具:


Hope that helps, not sure whether there are any useful third party products that will help.


EDIT: Actually there are some third party products, check out SWT Designer:



and Jigloo:




We used the visual editor (VE) in Eclipse, but it was largely written by IBM internally, and they stopped maintaining it so it no longer works (easily) in versions after 3.2.


You can have a look at our "internal" page for getting it to work with 3.3.2 (and probably other 3.3.X): http://dev.nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org/wiki/EclipseVisualEditor


When it works the visual editor can be quite nice, once you get a feel for what code it modifies it is also possible to mix your own code and the generated code.


In the end though, the VE is not powerful enough that you never have to tweak the code by hand, and you'll probably have to learn SWT/JFace by hand anyway. Also, it is slighly unstable, will sometimes crash and will often cause Eclipse to run out of memory.

最后,VE不够强大,你不必手动调整代码,你可能不得不手动学习SWT / JFace。此外,它非常不稳定,有时会崩溃,并且经常会导致Eclipse耗尽内存。