
时间:2021-09-28 16:48:59

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I started learning Java. When would I use a HashMap over a TreeMap?

我开始学习Java。什么时候我可以在TreeMap上使用HashMap ?

8 个解决方案



TreeMap is an example of a SortedMap, which means that the order of the keys can be sorted, and when iterating over the keys, you can expect that they will be in order.


HashMap on the other hand, makes no such guarantee. Therefore, when iterating over the keys of a HashMap, you can't be sure what order they will be in.


HashMap will be more efficient in general, so use it whenever you don't care about the order of the keys.




HashMap is implemented by Hash Table while TreeMap is implemented by Red-Black tree. The main difference between HashMap and TreeMap actually reflect the main difference between a Hash and a Binary Tree , that is, when iterating, TreeMap guarantee can the key order which is determined by either element's compareTo() method or a comparator set in the TreeMap's constructor.


Take a look at following diagram.





To sum up:


  • HashMap: Lookup-array structure, based on hashCode(), equals() implementations, O(1) runtime complexity for inserting and searching, unsorted
  • HashMap:查询数组结构,基于hashCode()、equals()实现,O(1)用于插入和搜索的运行时复杂性,未排序
  • TreeMap: Tree structure, based on compareTo() implementation, O(log(N)) runtime complexity for inserting and searching, sorted
  • 树结构,基于compareTo()实现,O(log(N))运行时复杂度插入和搜索,排序

Taken from: HashMap vs. TreeMap

选自:HashMap vs. TreeMap



Use HashMap most of the times but use TreeMap when you need the key to be sorted (when you need to iterate the keys).




I'll talk about the HashMap and TreeMap implementation in Java:


  • HashMap -- implement basic map interface


    1. implemented by an array of buckets, each bucket is a LinkedList of entries
    2. 由bucket数组实现,每个bucket都是一个条目链表
    3. running time of basic operations: put(), average O(1), worst case O(n), happens when the table is resized; get(), remove(), average O(1)
    4. 基本操作的运行时间:put(),平均O(1),最坏情况O(n),表调整大小时发生;get()、删除(),平均O(1)
    5. not synchronized, to synchronize it: Map m = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(...));
    6. 不同步,同步:Map m =集合。synchronizedMap(新HashMap(…));
    7. Iteration order of the map is unpredictable.
    8. 映射的迭代顺序是不可预测的。
  • TreeMap -- implement navigable map interface


    1. implemented by a red-black tree
    2. 由红黑树实现
    3. running time of basic operations: put(), get(), remove(), worst case O(lgn)
    4. 基本操作的运行时间:put()、get()、remove()、最坏情况O(lgn)
    5. not synchronized, to synchronize it: SortedMap m = Collections.synchronizedSortedMap(new TreeMap(...));
    6. 不同步,同步:SortedMap m =集合。synchronizedSortedMap(新TreeMap(…));
    7. provide ordered iteration. higherKey(), lowerKey() can be used to get the successor and predecessor of a given key.
    8. 提供命令迭代。可以使用higherKey()、lowerKey()获取给定密钥的继承和继承。

To sum, the biggest difference between HashMap and TreeMap is that TreeMap implements NavigableMap<K,V>, which provide the feature of ordered iteration. Besides, both HashMap and TreeMap are members of Java Collection framework. You can investigate the source code of Java to know more about their implementations.

总的来说,HashMap和TreeMap最大的区别在于TreeMap实现了NavigableMap ,提供了有序迭代的特性。此外,HashMap和TreeMap都是Java集合框架的成员。您可以研究Java的源代码以了解它们的实现。 ,v>



You almost always use HashMap, you should only use TreeMap if you need your keys to be in a specific order.




HashMap is used for fast lookup, whereas TreeMap is used for sorted iterations over the map.




Along with sorted key store one another difference is with TreeMap, developer can give (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) with String keys, so then the comparator ignores case of key while performing comparison of keys on map access. This is not possible to give such option with HashMap - it is always case sensitive comparisons in HashMap.

在排序密钥存储库中,另一个区别是TreeMap,开发人员可以使用字符串键提供(String. case_inve_order),因此,比较器在对map访问的键进行比较时忽略了key的情况。在HashMap中不可能提供这样的选项——在HashMap中总是区分大小写的比较。



TreeMap is an example of a SortedMap, which means that the order of the keys can be sorted, and when iterating over the keys, you can expect that they will be in order.


HashMap on the other hand, makes no such guarantee. Therefore, when iterating over the keys of a HashMap, you can't be sure what order they will be in.


HashMap will be more efficient in general, so use it whenever you don't care about the order of the keys.




HashMap is implemented by Hash Table while TreeMap is implemented by Red-Black tree. The main difference between HashMap and TreeMap actually reflect the main difference between a Hash and a Binary Tree , that is, when iterating, TreeMap guarantee can the key order which is determined by either element's compareTo() method or a comparator set in the TreeMap's constructor.


Take a look at following diagram.





To sum up:


  • HashMap: Lookup-array structure, based on hashCode(), equals() implementations, O(1) runtime complexity for inserting and searching, unsorted
  • HashMap:查询数组结构,基于hashCode()、equals()实现,O(1)用于插入和搜索的运行时复杂性,未排序
  • TreeMap: Tree structure, based on compareTo() implementation, O(log(N)) runtime complexity for inserting and searching, sorted
  • 树结构,基于compareTo()实现,O(log(N))运行时复杂度插入和搜索,排序

Taken from: HashMap vs. TreeMap

选自:HashMap vs. TreeMap



Use HashMap most of the times but use TreeMap when you need the key to be sorted (when you need to iterate the keys).




I'll talk about the HashMap and TreeMap implementation in Java:


  • HashMap -- implement basic map interface


    1. implemented by an array of buckets, each bucket is a LinkedList of entries
    2. 由bucket数组实现,每个bucket都是一个条目链表
    3. running time of basic operations: put(), average O(1), worst case O(n), happens when the table is resized; get(), remove(), average O(1)
    4. 基本操作的运行时间:put(),平均O(1),最坏情况O(n),表调整大小时发生;get()、删除(),平均O(1)
    5. not synchronized, to synchronize it: Map m = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(...));
    6. 不同步,同步:Map m =集合。synchronizedMap(新HashMap(…));
    7. Iteration order of the map is unpredictable.
    8. 映射的迭代顺序是不可预测的。
  • TreeMap -- implement navigable map interface


    1. implemented by a red-black tree
    2. 由红黑树实现
    3. running time of basic operations: put(), get(), remove(), worst case O(lgn)
    4. 基本操作的运行时间:put()、get()、remove()、最坏情况O(lgn)
    5. not synchronized, to synchronize it: SortedMap m = Collections.synchronizedSortedMap(new TreeMap(...));
    6. 不同步,同步:SortedMap m =集合。synchronizedSortedMap(新TreeMap(…));
    7. provide ordered iteration. higherKey(), lowerKey() can be used to get the successor and predecessor of a given key.
    8. 提供命令迭代。可以使用higherKey()、lowerKey()获取给定密钥的继承和继承。

To sum, the biggest difference between HashMap and TreeMap is that TreeMap implements NavigableMap<K,V>, which provide the feature of ordered iteration. Besides, both HashMap and TreeMap are members of Java Collection framework. You can investigate the source code of Java to know more about their implementations.

总的来说,HashMap和TreeMap最大的区别在于TreeMap实现了NavigableMap ,提供了有序迭代的特性。此外,HashMap和TreeMap都是Java集合框架的成员。您可以研究Java的源代码以了解它们的实现。 ,v>



You almost always use HashMap, you should only use TreeMap if you need your keys to be in a specific order.




HashMap is used for fast lookup, whereas TreeMap is used for sorted iterations over the map.




Along with sorted key store one another difference is with TreeMap, developer can give (String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) with String keys, so then the comparator ignores case of key while performing comparison of keys on map access. This is not possible to give such option with HashMap - it is always case sensitive comparisons in HashMap.

在排序密钥存储库中,另一个区别是TreeMap,开发人员可以使用字符串键提供(String. case_inve_order),因此,比较器在对map访问的键进行比较时忽略了key的情况。在HashMap中不可能提供这样的选项——在HashMap中总是区分大小写的比较。