使用Google App Engine登录

时间:2022-07-20 16:39:36

I have a Google Application Engine for Business and its working now. Now I want to develop a new Java web application and I wanted to know can I implement 'Sing in with' my GAE. In other words I want Sign in to my Java web application only my GAE user. Just like that it is implemented in this site but only for my GAE users.

我有一个Google Application Engine for Business及其现在的工作。现在我想开发一个新的Java Web应用程序,我想知道我可以实现'与我一起使用'GAE。换句话说,我想只登录我的Java Web应用程序我的GAE用户。就像它在这个网站上实现,但只适用于我的GAE用户。

P.S. I am very new to web development so if the above is possible can you give any reference. Thanks.


1 个解决方案



That's pretty simple, and described in detail here: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/users/overview#Authentication_Options




That's pretty simple, and described in detail here: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/users/overview#Authentication_Options
