
时间:2021-12-16 16:13:33

I searched about generic type in C# and I made this conclusion:


  1. All reference types are based on Class
  2. 所有参考类型均基于Class

  3. All value types are based on struct
  4. 所有值类型都基于struct

  5. The main differences between struct and class, apart the global differences between value and reference type, are :


    • No inheritance in struct


    • The struct can not contain an empty constructor(without arguments)


  6. There are six basic implementations of a generic type:
  7. 泛型类型有六种基本实现:

  • Where T: class ==>the generic parameter must be a reference type

    其中T:class ==>泛型参数必须是引用类型

  • Where T:classA ==>the generic parameter must be an instance of the class classA

    其中T:classA ==>泛型参数必须是类classA的实例

  • Where T:InterfaceA ==> the generic parameter must implement the interface InterfaceA

    其中T:InterfaceA ==>泛型参数必须实现接口InterfaceA

  • Where T:New() ==> the generic parameter must be a class + have a default empty constructor


  • Where T:U ==> the generic parameter must be derived the class U or implement the interface U

    其中T:U ==>泛型参数必须从类U派生或实现接口U.

  • Where T: struct ==> the generic parameter must be a value type

    其中T:struct ==>泛型参数必须是值类型

So I need to know:


  1. If my conclusion is correct?
  2. 如果我的结论是正确的?

  3. I can't understand the difference between :
  4. 我无法理解之间的区别:

  • where T: New() ==> class with empty constructor


  • where T: class, New() ==> class with empty constructor


Why the second form is used? Why we don't just use the first one?



3 个解决方案


What you're describing are generic constraints.


Where T:New() ==> the generic parameter must be a class + have a default empty constructor


No, that just says "the type argument must have a parameterless constructor". That actually includes all value types. Even though you couldn't declare your own parameterless constructors for structs before C# 6, you could always call them. For example:


Guid guid = new Guid();

So if you have:


public void Foo<T>() where T : new()

it's perfectly valid to call




The generic constraint new() means that the type has a parameterless constructor. That type could be either a struct or a class. structs cannot provide a custom parameterless constructor, that is because all structs have a parameterless constructor already provided for them, with a default behavior that they cannot change. It doesn't mean that structs can never be created with a parameterless constructor.



The struct can not contain an empty constructor(without arguments).


Not true. The struct will always have a parameterless constructor. You are not however allowed to change it from the default parameterless constructor that you get automatically.



What you're describing are generic constraints.


Where T:New() ==> the generic parameter must be a class + have a default empty constructor


No, that just says "the type argument must have a parameterless constructor". That actually includes all value types. Even though you couldn't declare your own parameterless constructors for structs before C# 6, you could always call them. For example:


Guid guid = new Guid();

So if you have:


public void Foo<T>() where T : new()

it's perfectly valid to call




The generic constraint new() means that the type has a parameterless constructor. That type could be either a struct or a class. structs cannot provide a custom parameterless constructor, that is because all structs have a parameterless constructor already provided for them, with a default behavior that they cannot change. It doesn't mean that structs can never be created with a parameterless constructor.



The struct can not contain an empty constructor(without arguments).


Not true. The struct will always have a parameterless constructor. You are not however allowed to change it from the default parameterless constructor that you get automatically.
