在.NET 4.0中,值类型的Equals的默认实现是什么?

时间:2021-01-01 16:09:39

The two documentation pages seem to contradict on this topic:


  • ValueType.Equals Method says "The default implementation of the Equals method uses reflection to compare the corresponding fields of obj and this instance."
  • ValueType.Equals方法说“Equals方法的默认实现使用反射来比较obj和这个实例的相应字段。”
  • Object.Equals Method (Object) says "The default implementation of Equals supports reference equality for reference types, and bitwise equality for value types."
  • Object.Equals Method(Object)说“Equals的默认实现支持引用类型的引用相等,以及值类型的按位相等”。

So is it bitwise equality or reflection?


I took a glimpse at the source code of ValueType and found a comment saying


// if there are no GC references in this object we can avoid reflection


// and do a fast memcmp


Can someone clarify what "GC reference" means? I guess it's a field having a reference type but I'm not sure.


If I create a struct which only has value type fields, will the instances of it be always compared the fast way?


UPDATE: The documentation for.Net 4.5 has been significantly improved: it is free from the mentioned contradiction and now gives a better understanding how the default value type equality checking works.

更新:.Net 4.5的文档已得到显着改进:它没有提到的矛盾,现在可以更好地理解默认值类型相等性检查的工作原理。

2 个解决方案



ValueType is special. It does this:


  1. If the obj comparing to is null, it returns false.
  2. 如果obj比较为null,则返回false。
  3. If the this and obj arguments are different types, it returns false.
  4. 如果this和obj参数是不同的类型,则返回false。
  5. It uses reflection to call Equals on each instance field for each value, if any of those fields are not equal, it returns false. Otherwise it return true, never calling ValueTypes base.Equals (which is object.Equals).
  6. 它使用反射在每个值的每个实例字段上调用Equals,如果这些字段中的任何一个不相等,则返回false。否则返回true,从不调用ValueTypes base.Equals(即object.Equals)。

Because it uses reflection to compare the fields, you should always override Equals on any ValueType you create. Reflection is slow.


When it's a "GCReference", or a field in the struct that is a reference type, it winds up using reflection on each field to do the comparison. It has to do this, because the struct actually has a pointer to the reference type's location on the heap.


If there is no reference type used in the struct, and they are the same type, the fields are guaranteed to be in the same order, and be the same size in memory, so it can just compare the bare memory.


For a struct with only value types for fields, i.e. a struct with only one int field, no reflection is done during a comparison. None of the fields reference anything on the heap, so there is no GCReference or GCHandle. Furthermore, any instance of this structure will have the same in-memory layout of the fields (with a few minor exceptions), so the CLR team can do a direct memory comparison (memcmp), which is much faster than the other option.


So yes, if you only have value types in your structure, it will do the faster memcmp, instead of the reflection comparison, but you may not want to do that. Keep reading.


This does not mean you should use the default equals implementation. In fact, do not do that. Stop it. It's doing bit comparisons, which are not always accurate. What is that you say? Let me show you:


private struct MyThing
    public float MyFloat;

private static void Main(string[] args)
    MyThing f, s;
    f.MyFloat = 0.0f;
    s.MyFloat = -0.0f;

    Console.WriteLine(f.Equals(s));  // prints False
    Console.WriteLine(0.0f == -0.0f); // prints True

The numbers are equal mathematically, but they are not equal in their binary representation. So, I will stress it again, do not rely on the default implementation of ValueType.Equals




Not being a real expert in this field I would just go ahead and put my thoughts: The documentation (according to me) states that if your struct has a field that is object (reference type) reflection can not be avoided.


So if you have the following:


    public struct SomeStruct
        public object ObjectTest

The ObjectTest cannot be compared without reflection. So reflection will be used. This part of the text seems to say I am right:


"ValueType.Equals - The default implementation of the Equals method uses reflection to compare the corresponding fields of obj and this instance."

“ValueType.Equals - Equals方法的默认实现使用反射来比较obj和此实例的相应字段。”



ValueType is special. It does this:


  1. If the obj comparing to is null, it returns false.
  2. 如果obj比较为null,则返回false。
  3. If the this and obj arguments are different types, it returns false.
  4. 如果this和obj参数是不同的类型,则返回false。
  5. It uses reflection to call Equals on each instance field for each value, if any of those fields are not equal, it returns false. Otherwise it return true, never calling ValueTypes base.Equals (which is object.Equals).
  6. 它使用反射在每个值的每个实例字段上调用Equals,如果这些字段中的任何一个不相等,则返回false。否则返回true,从不调用ValueTypes base.Equals(即object.Equals)。

Because it uses reflection to compare the fields, you should always override Equals on any ValueType you create. Reflection is slow.


When it's a "GCReference", or a field in the struct that is a reference type, it winds up using reflection on each field to do the comparison. It has to do this, because the struct actually has a pointer to the reference type's location on the heap.


If there is no reference type used in the struct, and they are the same type, the fields are guaranteed to be in the same order, and be the same size in memory, so it can just compare the bare memory.


For a struct with only value types for fields, i.e. a struct with only one int field, no reflection is done during a comparison. None of the fields reference anything on the heap, so there is no GCReference or GCHandle. Furthermore, any instance of this structure will have the same in-memory layout of the fields (with a few minor exceptions), so the CLR team can do a direct memory comparison (memcmp), which is much faster than the other option.


So yes, if you only have value types in your structure, it will do the faster memcmp, instead of the reflection comparison, but you may not want to do that. Keep reading.


This does not mean you should use the default equals implementation. In fact, do not do that. Stop it. It's doing bit comparisons, which are not always accurate. What is that you say? Let me show you:


private struct MyThing
    public float MyFloat;

private static void Main(string[] args)
    MyThing f, s;
    f.MyFloat = 0.0f;
    s.MyFloat = -0.0f;

    Console.WriteLine(f.Equals(s));  // prints False
    Console.WriteLine(0.0f == -0.0f); // prints True

The numbers are equal mathematically, but they are not equal in their binary representation. So, I will stress it again, do not rely on the default implementation of ValueType.Equals




Not being a real expert in this field I would just go ahead and put my thoughts: The documentation (according to me) states that if your struct has a field that is object (reference type) reflection can not be avoided.


So if you have the following:


    public struct SomeStruct
        public object ObjectTest

The ObjectTest cannot be compared without reflection. So reflection will be used. This part of the text seems to say I am right:


"ValueType.Equals - The default implementation of the Equals method uses reflection to compare the corresponding fields of obj and this instance."

“ValueType.Equals - Equals方法的默认实现使用反射来比较obj和此实例的相应字段。”