SQL Server 2005快速版配置问题

时间:2021-03-21 15:55:24

i want to use SQL Server 2005 Express edition as database for my "thesis" but i have a bit of problem configuring it. I've installed SQL Server 2005 Express edition, SQL 2005 Service Pack 3(sp3) and the Sql Server Management Studio Express.

我想使用SQL Server 2005 Express版作为我的“论文”的数据库,但我在配置它时遇到了一些问题。我已经安装了SQL Server 2005 Express Edition,SQL 2005 Service Pack 3(sp3)和Sql Server Management Studio Express。

I opened up the Sql Server 2005 Surface Area configurations, clicked on Surface are Configuration for service and connection> Remote Connections> Local and Remote Connections> Using TCP/IP only. To enable TCP and IP connections but when i click ok i get an error message "Alter failed. (Microsoft.SqlServer.smo)" then under additional information it says "SetEnable failed for server protocol 'TCP' (Microsoft.SqlServer.smo)" and under that t says "Access denied (System.management).

我打开了Sql Server 2005 Surface Area配置,单击Surface是配置服务和连接>远程连接>本地和远程连接>仅使用TCP / IP。要启用TCP和IP连接,但是当我单击确定时,我收到错误消息“Alter failed。(Microsoft.SqlServer.smo)”,然后根据附加信息,它说“SetEnable服务器协议'TCP'(Microsoft.SqlServer.smo)失败“并且根据那个t说”访问被拒绝(System.management)。

What could be the problem? hmm I'm working on an ACER ASPIRE ONE notebook. Do you think that a notebook doesn't have the capabilities to be an SQL Server database server that's why it has that error message? My OS is Windows 7 btw.

可能是什么问题呢?嗯,我正在研发一款ACER ASPIRE ONE笔记本电脑。您是否认为笔记本电脑没有能力成为SQL Server数据库服务器,这就是为什么它有错误消息?我的操作系统是Windows 7顺便说一句。

2 个解决方案



The error message you are seeing is often due to a user permissions problem (you need to run SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool with admin permissions: choose 'Run As Administrator' when launching the tool).

您看到的错误消息通常是由于用户权限问题(您需要使用管理员权限运行SQL Server表面区域配置工具:在启动该工具时选择“以管理员身份运行”)。

Have you enabled TCP/NamedPipes from SQL Server Configuration Manager?

您是否从SQL Server配置管理器启用了TCP / NamedPipes?



Since you are running windows 7, you may have better luck with SQL Server 2008. I remember running in to strange issues with 2005 back on Vista, so I can only imagine even more oddities with SQL 2005 on 7.

由于您运行的是Windows 7,因此您可能会更好地使用SQL Server 2008.我记得在2005年运行时遇到了奇怪的问题,因此我只能想象使用SQL 2005 7时会出现更多奇怪的问题。

I am running 2008 very nicely on my Win 7 box though.

我虽然在Win 7盒子上运行得非常好。



The error message you are seeing is often due to a user permissions problem (you need to run SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool with admin permissions: choose 'Run As Administrator' when launching the tool).

您看到的错误消息通常是由于用户权限问题(您需要使用管理员权限运行SQL Server表面区域配置工具:在启动该工具时选择“以管理员身份运行”)。

Have you enabled TCP/NamedPipes from SQL Server Configuration Manager?

您是否从SQL Server配置管理器启用了TCP / NamedPipes?



Since you are running windows 7, you may have better luck with SQL Server 2008. I remember running in to strange issues with 2005 back on Vista, so I can only imagine even more oddities with SQL 2005 on 7.

由于您运行的是Windows 7,因此您可能会更好地使用SQL Server 2008.我记得在2005年运行时遇到了奇怪的问题,因此我只能想象使用SQL 2005 7时会出现更多奇怪的问题。

I am running 2008 very nicely on my Win 7 box though.

我虽然在Win 7盒子上运行得非常好。