
时间:2022-01-09 15:54:05

I have a byte array that will always be 10 megs. No matter what data is in it, it will be ten megs. The purpose has to do with the Large Object Heap (more information).


So if a 1Mb file is placed into the byte[], then the last nine megs are zero'd out. Problem is, when I upload this to SQL Server, the uploaded file is always 10 megs. I'd much rather upload only the necessary bits.

因此,如果一个1Mb的文件被放置到字节[]中,那么最后的9个megs就是0。问题是,当我上传这个到SQL Server时,上传的文件总是10兆。我宁愿只上传必要的数据。

I have the size before it's copied into the byte array, so I could do a trim if needs be. Problem is, I don't know how to do one efficiently that is not creating new byte[] on the LOH.




Updated #1

更新# 1

Here is some pseudo code. I've removed most of the unneccessary code. It's using the Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data library to access the database. (Legacy code, can't change)


Param[] parametersArray = new Param[10];
// other params
parametersArray[4] = new Param("DocumentData", DbType.Binary, documentToSave.Data);
// other params
DataAccess.ExecuteNonQuery("esMD.proc_WS_UpdateDocument", parametersArray);

public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string spName, params Param[] parameters)
    int ret = -1;

    DbCommand storedProcedure = Database.Db.GetStoredProcCommand(spName);
    storedProcedure.CommandTimeout = commandTimeout;

    if (parameters != null)
        foreach (Param parameter in parameters)
            if (parameter != null)
                Database.Db.AddInParameter(storedProcedure, parameter.ParameterName, parameter.DbType, parameter.Value);

        ret = MedicareDatabase.Db.ExecuteNonQuery(storedProcedure);
    catch (Exception)
        if (storedProcedure != null)
    return ret;

Updated #2

更新# 2

I modified the database call above and also modified how I entered Parameters.


if (parameter.Size != null && parameter.Size > 0)
    MedicareDatabase.Db.AddParameter(storedProcedure, parameter.ParameterName, DbType.Binary, parameter.Size, ParameterDirection.Input, true, 0, 0, string.Empty, DataRowVersion.Default, parameter.Value); 
    MedicareDatabase.Db.AddInParameter(storedProcedure, parameter.ParameterName, parameter.DbType, parameter.Value);

This seems to be working for me. Does anyone see any issues with this?




1 个解决方案



Create a MemoryStream from the byte[] and desired length. Use the stream to construct a SqlBytes instance. Build the parameter using the SqlBytes.


As a side comment, your large data should never be materialized as a byte[]. It should live as a stream through the processing. See Download and Upload images from SQL Server via ASP.Net MVC for an actual example of how you can keep a large object as a stream, never materialized into a large byte[], from end-to-end on both download and upload paths.

作为旁注,您的大数据永远不应该以字节[]表示。它应该作为一条流通过处理。请参阅通过ASP从SQL Server下载和上传图片。Net MVC提供了一个实例,说明如何在下载和上传路径上保持一个大对象为流,而不会变成一个大字节[]。



Create a MemoryStream from the byte[] and desired length. Use the stream to construct a SqlBytes instance. Build the parameter using the SqlBytes.


As a side comment, your large data should never be materialized as a byte[]. It should live as a stream through the processing. See Download and Upload images from SQL Server via ASP.Net MVC for an actual example of how you can keep a large object as a stream, never materialized into a large byte[], from end-to-end on both download and upload paths.

作为旁注,您的大数据永远不应该以字节[]表示。它应该作为一条流通过处理。请参阅通过ASP从SQL Server下载和上传图片。Net MVC提供了一个实例,说明如何在下载和上传路径上保持一个大对象为流,而不会变成一个大字节[]。