Java泛型:List, List, List>

时间:2021-03-04 15:51:21

Can someone explained, as detailed as possible, the differences between the following types?



Let me make this more specific. When would I want to use


// 1 
public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer(List l) { }

// 2
public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer(List<Object> l) { }

// 3
public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer(List<?> l) { }

12 个解决方案



As the other posts have noted, you're asking about a Java feature called generics. In C++, this is called templates. The Java beasties are far tamer to deal with.


Let me answer your questions functionally (if that's not a naughty word for OO discussions).


Before generics, you had good old concrete classes like Vector.


Vector V = new Vector();

Vectors hold any old object you give them.


V.add("This is an element");
V.add(new Integer(2));
v.add(new Hashtable());

However, they do this by casting everything you give it into an Object (the root of all Java classes). That's OK until you attempt to retrieve the values stored in your Vector. When you do, you need to cast the value back into the original class (if you want to do anything meaningful with it).


String s = (String) v.get(0);
Integer i = (Integer) v.get(1);
Hashtable h = (Hashtable) v.get(2);

Casting gets pretty old fast. More than that, the compiler whines at you about unchecked casts. For a vivid example of this, use the XML-RPC library from Apache (version 2 anyway). The most important problem with this is that consumers of your Vector have to know the exact class of its values at compile time in order to cast correctly. In cases where the producer of the Vector and the consumer are completely isolated from each other, this can be a fatal issue.


Enter generics. Generics attempt to create strongly typed classes to do generic operations.


ArrayList<String> aList = new ArrayList<String>();
String element = aList.get(0); // no cast needed
System.out.println("Got one: " + element); 

Now, if you take a look at the infamous gang of four's Design Patterns book, you'll notice that there is some wisdom in divorcing variables from their implementing class. It's better to think of contracts rather than implementation. So, you might say that all List objects do the same things: add(), get(), size(), etc. However, there are many implementations of List operations that may choose to obey the contract in various ways (e.g. ArrayList). However, the type of data these object deal with is left as a runtime consideration to you, the user of the generic class. Put it all together and you'll see the following line of code very frequently:


List<String> L = new ArrayList<String>();

You should read that as "L is a kind of List that deals with String objects". When you start dealing with Factory classes, it is critical to deal with contracts rather than specific implementations. Factories produce objects of various types at runtime.


Using generics is pretty easy (most of the time). However, one awful day you may decide you want to implement a generic class. Perhaps you've thought of a great new List implementation. When you define that class, you use <t> as a placeholder for the kind of object that will be manipulated by the methods. If you're confused, use the generic classes for List until you're comfortable. Then, you can dive into the implementation with a bit more confidence. Or you can look at the source code for the various List classes that ship with the JRE. Open source is great that way.

使用泛型是相当容易的(大部分时间)。然而,有一天你可能会决定要实现一个泛型类。也许您已经想到了一个很棒的新列表实现。当您定义该类时,您使用 作为方法将操作的对象类型的占位符。如果您感到困惑,请使用列表的泛型类,直到您感到舒服为止。然后,您可以更加自信地深入实现。或者您可以查看与JRE一起发布的各种列表类的源代码。开源就是这样。

Have a look at the Oracle/Sun docs about generics. Cheers.




In my own simple terms:




Would declare an ordinary collection, can hold any type, and will always return Object.



列表 <对象>

Will create a list that can hold any type of object, but can only get assigned a another List<Object>

将创建一个可以容纳任何类型对象的列表,但只能获得另一个列表< object >

For instance this doesn't work;


List<Object> l = new ArrayList<String>();

Of course you can add anything but only can pull Object.


List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>();

l.add( new Employee() );
l.add( new String() );

Object o = l.get( 0 );
Object o2 = l.get( 1 );




List < ?

Will let you assign any type, including


List <?> l = new ArrayList(); 
List <?> l2 = new ArrayList<String>();

This would be called collection of unknown and since the common denominator of unknown is Object you will be able to fetch Objects ( a coincidence )


The importance of unknown comes when its used with subclassing:


List<? extends Collection> l = new ArrayList<TreeSet>(); // compiles

List<? extends Collection> l = new ArrayList<String>(); // doesn't,
// because String is not part of *Collection* inheritance tree. 

I hope using Collection as the type doesn't create confusion, that was the only tree that came to my mind.


The difference here, is that l is a collection of unknow that belongs to the Collection hierarchy.




I refer you to the excellent Java Generics tutorial, and the "advanced" Generics tutorial, both available from Sun Microsystems. Another great resource is the Java Generics and Collections book.

我将向您介绍优秀的Java泛型教程和“高级”泛型教程,它们都可以从Sun Microsystems获得。另一个伟大的资源是Java泛型和集合书籍。



To add to the already good answers here:


Method arguments:


List<? extends Foo>

列表< ?扩展Foo >

good choice if you don't intend to alter the list, and only care that everything in the list is assignable to type 'Foo'. This way, the caller can pass in a List<FooSubclass> and your method works. Usually the best choice.

如果您不打算更改列表,并且只关心列表中的所有内容都可以指定为“Foo”类型,那么这是一个很好的选择。这样,调用者可以传入一个列表 ,您的方法就可以工作了。通常是最好的选择。


< Foo >列表

good choice if you intend to add Foo objects to the list in your method. The caller may not pass in a List<FooSubclass>, as you intend to add a Foo to the List.

如果您打算将Foo对象添加到方法中的列表,那么这是一个很好的选择。调用者可能不会传入列表 ,因为您打算向列表添加一个Foo。

List<? super Foo>

列表< ?超级Foo >

good choice if you intend to add Foo objects to the list, and it's not important what else is in the list (ie, you are ok getting a List<Object> that contains a 'Dog' that has nothing to do with Foo).


Method return values


just like method arguments, but with the benefits reversed.


List<? extends Foo>

列表< ?扩展Foo >

Guarantees that everything in the returned List has type 'Foo'. It might be List<FooSubclass> though. Caller cannot add to the List. This is your go-to choice and the most common case by far.

保证返回列表中的所有内容都具有“Foo”类型。它可能是List< foo子类>。调用者不能添加到列表中。这是你的首选,也是目前最常见的情况。


< Foo >列表

Just like List<? extends Foo> but also allows the caller to add to the List. Less common.

就像列表< ?扩展Foo>,但也允许调用者添加到列表。不太常见的。

List<? super Foo>

列表< ?超级Foo >

allows the caller to add Foo objects to the List, but does not guarantee what will be returned from list.get(0)... it could be anything from Foo to Object. The only guarantee is that this won't be a list of 'Dog' or some other choice that would prevent list.add(foo) from being legal. Very rare use case.


I hope that helps. Good luck!


ps. To sum up... two questions...


do you need to add to the List? Do you care what is in the list?


yes yes - use List<Foo>.


yes no - use List<? super Foo>.

是否-使用列表 。

no yes - use <? extends Foo> --- most common.

no yes - use ——最常见的。

no no - use <?>.

不使用 。



Simplest explanation which is not "RTFM":



Will generate lots of compiler warnings, but is mostly equivalent to:






basically means its something generic, but you don't know what the generic type is. Its great for getting rid of compiler warnings when you cant modify the return types of other things that just returned List. Its much more useful in the form:


List<? extends SomeOtherThing>



I will try to answer this in detail. Before generics we were having only List (a raw list) and it can hold almost anything we can think of.


List rawList = new ArrayList();
rawList.add("String Item");
rawList.add(new Car("VW"));
rawList.add(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
               // do some work.

The major problem with the raw list is when we want to get any element out of such list it can only guarantee that it would be Object and for that reason we need to use casting as:


   Object item = rawList.get(0); // we get object without casting.
   String sameItem = (String) rawList.get(0); // we can use casting which may fail at runtime.

So conclusion is a List can store Object (almost everything is Object in Java) and always returns an Object.



Now lets talk about generics. Consider the following example:


List<String> stringsList = new ArrayList<>();
stringsList.add(new Car("Fiat")); //error
String stringItem = stringsList.get(0);

In the above case we cannot insert anything other than String in stringsList as Java compiler applies strong type checking to generic code and issues errors if the code violates type safety. And we get error when we try to insert a Car instance in it. Also it eliminates cast as you can check when we invoke get method. Check this link for understanding why we should use generics.



If you read about type erasure then you will understand that List<String>, List<Long>, List<Animal> etc. will be having different static types at compile time but will have same dynamic type List at run time.

如果您阅读了关于类型擦除的内容,您就会了解列表 ,列表 , List 等将在编译时具有不同的静态类型,但在运行时将具有相同的动态类型列表。

If we have List<Object> then it can store only Object in it and almost everything is Object in Java. So we can have:


 List<Object> objectList = new ArrayList<Object>();
 objectList.add("String Item");
 objectList.add(new Car("VW"));
 objectList.add(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

 Object item = objectList.get(0); // we get object without casting as list contains Object
 String sameItem = (String) objectList.get(0); // we can use casting which may fail at runtime.

It seems List<Object> and List are same but actually they are not. Consider the following case:


List<String> tempStringList = new ArrayList<>();
rawList = tempStringList; // Ok as we can assign any list to raw list.
objectList = tempStringList; // error as List<String> is not subtype of List<Obejct> becuase generics are not convariant.

You can see we can assign any list to raw list and major reason for that is to allow backward compatibility. Also List<String> will be converted to List at run time due to type erasure and assignment will be fine anyways.

可以看到,我们可以为原始列表分配任何列表,主要原因是允许向后兼容。此外,List 将在运行时转换为List,因为类型擦除和赋值无论如何都很好。

But List<Object> means it can only refer to a list of objects and can also store objects only. Even though String is subtype of Object we cannot assign List<String> to List<Object> as generics are not covariant like arrays. They are invariant. Also check this link for more. Also check the difference between List and List<Object> in this question.

而List表示只能引用对象列表,也只能存储对象。即使字符串是对象的子类型,我们也不能将List 赋给List ,因为泛型不像数组那样是协变的。他们是不变的。也检查这个链接更多。还要检查列表和列表之间的区别。


Now we are left with List<?> which basically means list of unknown type and can refer to any list.

现在剩下List 基本上是指未知类型的列表,可以引用任何列表。

List<?> crazyList = new ArrayList<String>();
 List<String> stringsList = new ArrayList<>();
 crazyList = stringsList; // fine

The character ? is known as wildcard and List<?> is a list of unbounded wildcard. There are certain points to observe now.

这个角色?被称为通配符和列表 是一个*通配符的列表。现在有几个要点值得注意。

We cannot instantiate this list as the following code will not compile:


List<?> crazyList = new ArrayList<?>(); // any list.

We can say a wildcard parameterized type is more like an interface type as we can use it to refer to an object of compatible type but not for itself.


List<?> crazyList2 = new ArrayList<String>();

We cannot insert any item to it as we don't know what actually the type would be.


crazyList2.add("Apple"); // error as you dont actually know what is that type.

Now question arises When would I want to use List<?>?

现在问题来了,我想什么时候使用List ?

You can think of this as a read-only list where you don't care about the type of the items. You can use it to invoke methods like returning the length of the list, printing it etc.


 public static void print(List<?> list){

You can also check the difference between List, List<?>, List<T>, List<E>, and List<Object> here.

您还可以检查List和List 列表 ,列表 ,列表



The shortest possible explanation is: The second item is a list that can hold any type, and you can add objects to it:



The first item you list is treated as essentially equivalent to this, except you will get compiler warnings because it is a "raw type".



The third is a list that can hold any type, but you cannot add anything to it:



Basically, you use the second form (List<Object>) when you truly have a list that can contain any object and you want to be able to add elements to the list. You use the third form (List<?>)when you receive the list as a method return value and you will iterate over the list but never add anything to it Never use the first form (List) in new code compiling under Java 5 or later.

基本上,当您真正拥有一个可以包含任何对象的列表时,您将使用第二个表单(List),您希望能够将元素添加到列表中。当您将列表作为方法返回值接收时,您将使用第三个表单(List ),并且您将对列表进行迭代,但从不向它添加任何内容,永远不要在Java 5或更高版本的新代码编译中使用第一个表单(List)。



I'd put it this way: While List and List<Object> can contain any type of objects, List<?> contains elements of an unknown type, but once that type is captured, it can only contain elements of that type. Which is why it is the only type safe variant of those three, and therefore generally preferable.

我这样写:List和List可以包含任何类型的对象,List 包含未知类型的元素,但一旦捕获该类型,它只能包含该类型的元素。这就是为什么它是这三种类型中唯一的类型安全变体,因此通常更可取。



To complement the tutorials mentioned by Rob, here's a wikibook explaining the topic:




  1. No restrictions on type of items in list


  2. Items in list must extend Object


  3. Wildcard used by itself, so it matches anything


Would it be naive of me to conclude at this point that there's hardly any/no difference at all?




When would I want to use


public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer( List l ){}

When you cant to do all the casting your self.


When would I want to use


public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer( List l<Object> ){}

When you want to restrict the type of the List. For instance, this would be an invalid argument.


 new ArrayList<String>();

When would I want to use


public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer( List l<?> ){}

Mostly never.




List, List<?>, and List<? extends Object> are the same thing. The second is more explicit. For a list of this type, you cannot know what types are legal to put into it, and you don't know anything about the types you can get out of it, except that they will be objects.

列表,列表< ?列表>,< ?扩展对象>是一样的。第二个更明确。对于这种类型的列表,您不知道将哪些类型放入其中是合法的,您也不知道可以从中获得哪些类型,除了它们将是对象。

List<Object> specifically means that the list contains any sort of object.


Let's say we make a list of Foo:


List<Foo> foos= new ArrayList<Foo>();

It is not legal to put a Bar into foos.


foos.add(new Bar()); // NOT OK!

It is always legal to put anything into a List<Object>.


List<Object> objs = new ArrayList<Object>();
objs.add(new Foo());
objs.add(new Bar());

But you mustn't be allowed to put a Bar into a List<Foo> - that's the whole point. So that means that this:


List<Object> objs = foos; // NOT OK!

is not legal.


But it's ok to say that foos is a list of something but we don't know specifically what it is:


List<?> dontKnows = foos;

But that then means that it must be prohibited to go


dontKnows.add(new Foo()); // NOT OK
dontKnows.add(new Bar()); // NOT OK

because the variable dontKnows does't know what types are legal.




List < Object > is meant to pass input type parameter of an Object. While List < ? > represents Wildcard type. The wildcard < ? > is of Unknown parameter type. The wildcard cannot be used as a type argument for a generic method and cannot be used to create a generic instance of a class. Wildcard can be used to extend a subtype class, List < ? extends Number >. To relax the restriction of an Object type and in this case to relax "Number" Object type.

List < Object >是指传递对象的输入类型参数。当列表< ?>表示通配符类型。通配符< ?>是未知的参数类型。通配符不能用作泛型方法的类型参数,不能用于创建类的通用实例。通配符可用于扩展子类List < ?扩展数量>。放宽对象类型的限制,在本例中放宽“Number”对象类型。



As the other posts have noted, you're asking about a Java feature called generics. In C++, this is called templates. The Java beasties are far tamer to deal with.


Let me answer your questions functionally (if that's not a naughty word for OO discussions).


Before generics, you had good old concrete classes like Vector.


Vector V = new Vector();

Vectors hold any old object you give them.


V.add("This is an element");
V.add(new Integer(2));
v.add(new Hashtable());

However, they do this by casting everything you give it into an Object (the root of all Java classes). That's OK until you attempt to retrieve the values stored in your Vector. When you do, you need to cast the value back into the original class (if you want to do anything meaningful with it).


String s = (String) v.get(0);
Integer i = (Integer) v.get(1);
Hashtable h = (Hashtable) v.get(2);

Casting gets pretty old fast. More than that, the compiler whines at you about unchecked casts. For a vivid example of this, use the XML-RPC library from Apache (version 2 anyway). The most important problem with this is that consumers of your Vector have to know the exact class of its values at compile time in order to cast correctly. In cases where the producer of the Vector and the consumer are completely isolated from each other, this can be a fatal issue.


Enter generics. Generics attempt to create strongly typed classes to do generic operations.


ArrayList<String> aList = new ArrayList<String>();
String element = aList.get(0); // no cast needed
System.out.println("Got one: " + element); 

Now, if you take a look at the infamous gang of four's Design Patterns book, you'll notice that there is some wisdom in divorcing variables from their implementing class. It's better to think of contracts rather than implementation. So, you might say that all List objects do the same things: add(), get(), size(), etc. However, there are many implementations of List operations that may choose to obey the contract in various ways (e.g. ArrayList). However, the type of data these object deal with is left as a runtime consideration to you, the user of the generic class. Put it all together and you'll see the following line of code very frequently:


List<String> L = new ArrayList<String>();

You should read that as "L is a kind of List that deals with String objects". When you start dealing with Factory classes, it is critical to deal with contracts rather than specific implementations. Factories produce objects of various types at runtime.


Using generics is pretty easy (most of the time). However, one awful day you may decide you want to implement a generic class. Perhaps you've thought of a great new List implementation. When you define that class, you use <t> as a placeholder for the kind of object that will be manipulated by the methods. If you're confused, use the generic classes for List until you're comfortable. Then, you can dive into the implementation with a bit more confidence. Or you can look at the source code for the various List classes that ship with the JRE. Open source is great that way.

使用泛型是相当容易的(大部分时间)。然而,有一天你可能会决定要实现一个泛型类。也许您已经想到了一个很棒的新列表实现。当您定义该类时,您使用 作为方法将操作的对象类型的占位符。如果您感到困惑,请使用列表的泛型类,直到您感到舒服为止。然后,您可以更加自信地深入实现。或者您可以查看与JRE一起发布的各种列表类的源代码。开源就是这样。

Have a look at the Oracle/Sun docs about generics. Cheers.




In my own simple terms:




Would declare an ordinary collection, can hold any type, and will always return Object.



列表 <对象>

Will create a list that can hold any type of object, but can only get assigned a another List<Object>

将创建一个可以容纳任何类型对象的列表,但只能获得另一个列表< object >

For instance this doesn't work;


List<Object> l = new ArrayList<String>();

Of course you can add anything but only can pull Object.


List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>();

l.add( new Employee() );
l.add( new String() );

Object o = l.get( 0 );
Object o2 = l.get( 1 );




List < ?

Will let you assign any type, including


List <?> l = new ArrayList(); 
List <?> l2 = new ArrayList<String>();

This would be called collection of unknown and since the common denominator of unknown is Object you will be able to fetch Objects ( a coincidence )


The importance of unknown comes when its used with subclassing:


List<? extends Collection> l = new ArrayList<TreeSet>(); // compiles

List<? extends Collection> l = new ArrayList<String>(); // doesn't,
// because String is not part of *Collection* inheritance tree. 

I hope using Collection as the type doesn't create confusion, that was the only tree that came to my mind.


The difference here, is that l is a collection of unknow that belongs to the Collection hierarchy.




I refer you to the excellent Java Generics tutorial, and the "advanced" Generics tutorial, both available from Sun Microsystems. Another great resource is the Java Generics and Collections book.

我将向您介绍优秀的Java泛型教程和“高级”泛型教程,它们都可以从Sun Microsystems获得。另一个伟大的资源是Java泛型和集合书籍。



To add to the already good answers here:


Method arguments:


List<? extends Foo>

列表< ?扩展Foo >

good choice if you don't intend to alter the list, and only care that everything in the list is assignable to type 'Foo'. This way, the caller can pass in a List<FooSubclass> and your method works. Usually the best choice.

如果您不打算更改列表,并且只关心列表中的所有内容都可以指定为“Foo”类型,那么这是一个很好的选择。这样,调用者可以传入一个列表 ,您的方法就可以工作了。通常是最好的选择。


< Foo >列表

good choice if you intend to add Foo objects to the list in your method. The caller may not pass in a List<FooSubclass>, as you intend to add a Foo to the List.

如果您打算将Foo对象添加到方法中的列表,那么这是一个很好的选择。调用者可能不会传入列表 ,因为您打算向列表添加一个Foo。

List<? super Foo>

列表< ?超级Foo >

good choice if you intend to add Foo objects to the list, and it's not important what else is in the list (ie, you are ok getting a List<Object> that contains a 'Dog' that has nothing to do with Foo).


Method return values


just like method arguments, but with the benefits reversed.


List<? extends Foo>

列表< ?扩展Foo >

Guarantees that everything in the returned List has type 'Foo'. It might be List<FooSubclass> though. Caller cannot add to the List. This is your go-to choice and the most common case by far.

保证返回列表中的所有内容都具有“Foo”类型。它可能是List< foo子类>。调用者不能添加到列表中。这是你的首选,也是目前最常见的情况。


< Foo >列表

Just like List<? extends Foo> but also allows the caller to add to the List. Less common.

就像列表< ?扩展Foo>,但也允许调用者添加到列表。不太常见的。

List<? super Foo>

列表< ?超级Foo >

allows the caller to add Foo objects to the List, but does not guarantee what will be returned from list.get(0)... it could be anything from Foo to Object. The only guarantee is that this won't be a list of 'Dog' or some other choice that would prevent list.add(foo) from being legal. Very rare use case.


I hope that helps. Good luck!


ps. To sum up... two questions...


do you need to add to the List? Do you care what is in the list?


yes yes - use List<Foo>.


yes no - use List<? super Foo>.

是否-使用列表 。

no yes - use <? extends Foo> --- most common.

no yes - use ——最常见的。

no no - use <?>.

不使用 。



Simplest explanation which is not "RTFM":



Will generate lots of compiler warnings, but is mostly equivalent to:






basically means its something generic, but you don't know what the generic type is. Its great for getting rid of compiler warnings when you cant modify the return types of other things that just returned List. Its much more useful in the form:


List<? extends SomeOtherThing>



I will try to answer this in detail. Before generics we were having only List (a raw list) and it can hold almost anything we can think of.


List rawList = new ArrayList();
rawList.add("String Item");
rawList.add(new Car("VW"));
rawList.add(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
               // do some work.

The major problem with the raw list is when we want to get any element out of such list it can only guarantee that it would be Object and for that reason we need to use casting as:


   Object item = rawList.get(0); // we get object without casting.
   String sameItem = (String) rawList.get(0); // we can use casting which may fail at runtime.

So conclusion is a List can store Object (almost everything is Object in Java) and always returns an Object.



Now lets talk about generics. Consider the following example:


List<String> stringsList = new ArrayList<>();
stringsList.add(new Car("Fiat")); //error
String stringItem = stringsList.get(0);

In the above case we cannot insert anything other than String in stringsList as Java compiler applies strong type checking to generic code and issues errors if the code violates type safety. And we get error when we try to insert a Car instance in it. Also it eliminates cast as you can check when we invoke get method. Check this link for understanding why we should use generics.



If you read about type erasure then you will understand that List<String>, List<Long>, List<Animal> etc. will be having different static types at compile time but will have same dynamic type List at run time.

如果您阅读了关于类型擦除的内容,您就会了解列表 ,列表 , List 等将在编译时具有不同的静态类型,但在运行时将具有相同的动态类型列表。

If we have List<Object> then it can store only Object in it and almost everything is Object in Java. So we can have:


 List<Object> objectList = new ArrayList<Object>();
 objectList.add("String Item");
 objectList.add(new Car("VW"));
 objectList.add(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {

 Object item = objectList.get(0); // we get object without casting as list contains Object
 String sameItem = (String) objectList.get(0); // we can use casting which may fail at runtime.

It seems List<Object> and List are same but actually they are not. Consider the following case:


List<String> tempStringList = new ArrayList<>();
rawList = tempStringList; // Ok as we can assign any list to raw list.
objectList = tempStringList; // error as List<String> is not subtype of List<Obejct> becuase generics are not convariant.

You can see we can assign any list to raw list and major reason for that is to allow backward compatibility. Also List<String> will be converted to List at run time due to type erasure and assignment will be fine anyways.

可以看到,我们可以为原始列表分配任何列表,主要原因是允许向后兼容。此外,List 将在运行时转换为List,因为类型擦除和赋值无论如何都很好。

But List<Object> means it can only refer to a list of objects and can also store objects only. Even though String is subtype of Object we cannot assign List<String> to List<Object> as generics are not covariant like arrays. They are invariant. Also check this link for more. Also check the difference between List and List<Object> in this question.

而List表示只能引用对象列表,也只能存储对象。即使字符串是对象的子类型,我们也不能将List 赋给List ,因为泛型不像数组那样是协变的。他们是不变的。也检查这个链接更多。还要检查列表和列表之间的区别。


Now we are left with List<?> which basically means list of unknown type and can refer to any list.

现在剩下List 基本上是指未知类型的列表,可以引用任何列表。

List<?> crazyList = new ArrayList<String>();
 List<String> stringsList = new ArrayList<>();
 crazyList = stringsList; // fine

The character ? is known as wildcard and List<?> is a list of unbounded wildcard. There are certain points to observe now.

这个角色?被称为通配符和列表 是一个*通配符的列表。现在有几个要点值得注意。

We cannot instantiate this list as the following code will not compile:


List<?> crazyList = new ArrayList<?>(); // any list.

We can say a wildcard parameterized type is more like an interface type as we can use it to refer to an object of compatible type but not for itself.


List<?> crazyList2 = new ArrayList<String>();

We cannot insert any item to it as we don't know what actually the type would be.


crazyList2.add("Apple"); // error as you dont actually know what is that type.

Now question arises When would I want to use List<?>?

现在问题来了,我想什么时候使用List ?

You can think of this as a read-only list where you don't care about the type of the items. You can use it to invoke methods like returning the length of the list, printing it etc.


 public static void print(List<?> list){

You can also check the difference between List, List<?>, List<T>, List<E>, and List<Object> here.

您还可以检查List和List 列表 ,列表 ,列表



The shortest possible explanation is: The second item is a list that can hold any type, and you can add objects to it:



The first item you list is treated as essentially equivalent to this, except you will get compiler warnings because it is a "raw type".



The third is a list that can hold any type, but you cannot add anything to it:



Basically, you use the second form (List<Object>) when you truly have a list that can contain any object and you want to be able to add elements to the list. You use the third form (List<?>)when you receive the list as a method return value and you will iterate over the list but never add anything to it Never use the first form (List) in new code compiling under Java 5 or later.

基本上,当您真正拥有一个可以包含任何对象的列表时,您将使用第二个表单(List),您希望能够将元素添加到列表中。当您将列表作为方法返回值接收时,您将使用第三个表单(List ),并且您将对列表进行迭代,但从不向它添加任何内容,永远不要在Java 5或更高版本的新代码编译中使用第一个表单(List)。



I'd put it this way: While List and List<Object> can contain any type of objects, List<?> contains elements of an unknown type, but once that type is captured, it can only contain elements of that type. Which is why it is the only type safe variant of those three, and therefore generally preferable.

我这样写:List和List可以包含任何类型的对象,List 包含未知类型的元素,但一旦捕获该类型,它只能包含该类型的元素。这就是为什么它是这三种类型中唯一的类型安全变体,因此通常更可取。



To complement the tutorials mentioned by Rob, here's a wikibook explaining the topic:




  1. No restrictions on type of items in list


  2. Items in list must extend Object


  3. Wildcard used by itself, so it matches anything


Would it be naive of me to conclude at this point that there's hardly any/no difference at all?




When would I want to use


public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer( List l ){}

When you cant to do all the casting your self.


When would I want to use


public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer( List l<Object> ){}

When you want to restrict the type of the List. For instance, this would be an invalid argument.


 new ArrayList<String>();

When would I want to use


public void CanYouGiveMeAnAnswer( List l<?> ){}

Mostly never.




List, List<?>, and List<? extends Object> are the same thing. The second is more explicit. For a list of this type, you cannot know what types are legal to put into it, and you don't know anything about the types you can get out of it, except that they will be objects.

列表,列表< ?列表>,< ?扩展对象>是一样的。第二个更明确。对于这种类型的列表,您不知道将哪些类型放入其中是合法的,您也不知道可以从中获得哪些类型,除了它们将是对象。

List<Object> specifically means that the list contains any sort of object.


Let's say we make a list of Foo:


List<Foo> foos= new ArrayList<Foo>();

It is not legal to put a Bar into foos.


foos.add(new Bar()); // NOT OK!

It is always legal to put anything into a List<Object>.


List<Object> objs = new ArrayList<Object>();
objs.add(new Foo());
objs.add(new Bar());

But you mustn't be allowed to put a Bar into a List<Foo> - that's the whole point. So that means that this:


List<Object> objs = foos; // NOT OK!

is not legal.


But it's ok to say that foos is a list of something but we don't know specifically what it is:


List<?> dontKnows = foos;

But that then means that it must be prohibited to go


dontKnows.add(new Foo()); // NOT OK
dontKnows.add(new Bar()); // NOT OK

because the variable dontKnows does't know what types are legal.




List < Object > is meant to pass input type parameter of an Object. While List < ? > represents Wildcard type. The wildcard < ? > is of Unknown parameter type. The wildcard cannot be used as a type argument for a generic method and cannot be used to create a generic instance of a class. Wildcard can be used to extend a subtype class, List < ? extends Number >. To relax the restriction of an Object type and in this case to relax "Number" Object type.

List < Object >是指传递对象的输入类型参数。当列表< ?>表示通配符类型。通配符< ?>是未知的参数类型。通配符不能用作泛型方法的类型参数,不能用于创建类的通用实例。通配符可用于扩展子类List < ?扩展数量>。放宽对象类型的限制,在本例中放宽“Number”对象类型。