1: 0级DOM
It's easy to use, and also we are frequently using it.
2: Level 2 DOM
Every mainstream browsers supports the level 2 APIs except IE.
Evnt Spread:
step 1: capturing, spread to DOM node from "document", if any of the parent nodes have registered the special handler, then will run these handlers.
step 2: event occurs, just like level 0 DOM, the event will happen on the Node.
step 3: bubbling, it means the event will bubble-up to the "document", but not all the events will bubble-up, like: blur, focus, load, unload will never bubble-up. Also we can stop bubble-up with stopPropagation()
5: Create user event segment
- Document.createEvent()
- dispatchEvent()
- Event.initEvent(), UIEvent.initEvent(), MouseEvent.initMouseEvent()
- IE
- Document.createEventObject
- fireEvent()
遗留问题:添加eventlistener后,create event并且dispatch这个事件,然后就等于触发这个事件?