
时间:2021-11-28 07:37:40

So here's the code:


function pullLists(){
  require ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sql_connection/connect.php');
  $sql_sn = "SELECT sName FROM skills";
  $sql_st = "SELECT sType FROM skills";
  $sql_class = "SELECT class_name FROM class_info";
  $sql_race = "SELECT race_name FROM races";

  $r_sn = $link->query($sql_sn);
  $r_st = $link->query($sql_st);
  $classes = $link->query($sql_class);
  $races = $link->query($sql_race);

  $skillnames = array();
  $skilltypes = array();
  $classnames = array();
  $racenames = array();

  if ($r_sn->num_rows > 0){
    while ($row = $r_sn->fetch_assoc()){
      $skillnames[] = $row["sName"]; 
    echo $skillnames[1];
  } else {echo "No rows found for Skill Names.";}
  if ($r_st->num_rows > 0){
    while ($row = $r_st->fetch_assoc()){
      $skilltypes[] = $row["sType"];
  } else {echo "No rows found for Skill Types.";}
  if ($classes->num_rows > 0){
    while ($row = $classes->fetch_assoc()){
      $classnames[] = $row["class_name"];
  } else {echo "No rows found for Class Names.";}
  if ($races->num_rows > 0){
    while ($row = $races->fetch_assoc()){
      $racenames[] = $row["race_name"];
  } else {echo "No rows found for Race Names.";}
  $resultArray = array($skillnames, $classnames, $racenames);
  echo json_encode($resultArray);

If I run it as-is, I get an error in my Chrome Console saying "Uncaught SyntaxError: unexpected end of input" and points at my .js file that's calling this function (via AJAX and all that). However, if I remove $skillnames from $resultArray, it returns the other two arrays just fine and the .js script works great. I'm baffled. While I was debugging, I added the echo $skillnames[1]; line just to see what would happen, and sure enough in my Chrome Console I saw the 2nd value of the $skillnames array. So as far as I can tell, it's pulling the values correctly, but by the time it gets down to actually echo'ing $resultArray it gets goobered up. What am I missing?

如果我按原来的方式运行,我的Chrome控制台会出现一个错误:“未捕获的SyntaxError:意外的输入端”和指向我的.js文件的点(通过AJAX和所有这些)。但是,如果我从resultArray中删除$skillname,它将返回其他两个数组,而.js脚本工作得很好。我困惑。在调试期间,我添加了echo $skillnames[1];行,看看会发生什么,当然,在我的Chrome控制台,我看到了$skillnames数组的第二个值。就我所知,它正在正确地提取值,但是当它真正地返回到返回$resultArray时,它就会被粘附起来。我缺少什么?

Same "unexpected end of input" error ends up happening when I throw $skilltypes into $resultArray. This was working for a while, but I ended up rebuilding the skills table in my SQL database. That's the latest change I remember that might cause this, but I don't see why it would. I'm convinced it's this PHP file, but if y'all would like to see the AJAX that's calling it, let me know.


.js for giggles:

. js咯咯地笑:

//Pull Skill, Class, & Race Lists
window.onload = function() {
  xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
  userVar = "func=pullLists";
  xhr.open("POST", "pullSQLData.php", true);
  xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if (xhr.status == 200 && xhr.readyState == 4){
      responseArray = xhr.responseText;  
      targetDiv = document.getElementById('skillList');


      targetInfo = JSON.parse(responseArray);
      // ... do stuff... 

JSON.parse(responseArray); is as far as it gets. console.log(responseArray); will either return nothing at all (not even a pair of empty square brackets) if $skillnames or $skilltypes are a part of the result from PHP, or will return the correct arrays if the aforementioned arrays are taken out of the result.


1 个解决方案



Found it. In rebuilding my "skills" table, I used parentheses in some of the names. After iterating through the array list on its own, I saw the Chrome Console throw some weird symbols when it hit those names.


Sure enough, renaming those values and removing the parentheses in the SQL table solved it.




Found it. In rebuilding my "skills" table, I used parentheses in some of the names. After iterating through the array list on its own, I saw the Chrome Console throw some weird symbols when it hit those names.


Sure enough, renaming those values and removing the parentheses in the SQL table solved it.
