
时间:2023-01-04 13:42:30

I'm working on a Django project using Django Pipline to process CSS and JavaScript files when deploying the static files of the application. I would like to use Babel to compile JSX source to JavaScript in that process. For this I will need to write a pipeline plugin which calls babel and passes it the JSX file.

我正在使用Django Pipline处理Django项目,以便在部署应用程序的静态文件时处理CSS和JavaScript文件。我想使用Babel在该过程中将JSX源代码编译为JavaScript。为此,我需要编写一个管道插件,它调用babel并将其传递给JSX文件。

To install Babel and its dependencies, I've set up a minimal package.json:


    "name": "my-project",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "dependencies": [

When I run npm install it will install all the necessary dependencies into node_modules.

当我运行npm install时,它会将所有必要的依赖项安装到node_modules中。

This all works fine but there is one part which eludes me. I have not found a straightforward way to run the babel binary. npm installs those binaries under node_modules/.bin, which is also returned by npm bin:

这一切都很好,但有一部分让我望而却步。我还没有找到一种直接运行babel二进制文件的方法。 npm在node_modules / .bin下安装这些二进制文件,这也是由npm bin返回的:

$ find node_modules -name babel

$ npm bin

What is the intended way to then e.g. run the babel binary?


Should I put that directory on my $PATH? Is there a script akin to the activate script from virtualenv? Should I hard-code the path in my project instead?

我应该把这个目录放在我的$ PATH上吗?是否有类似于virtualenv的激活脚本的脚本?我应该在项目中硬编码路径吗?

I'm sure the authors of npm have thought of that use case. Otherwise projects like Babel would live in a gray area of intended usages of npm.


1 个解决方案



If you use npm scripts, the binaries in node_modules/.bin will get added to your PATH. So, you could create a, say, "build" script like so:

如果使用npm脚本,则node_modules / .bin中的二进制文件将添加到PATH中。所以,你可以像这样创建一个“构建”脚本:

    "name": "my-project",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "dependencies": [
    "scripts": {
        "build": "babel script.js"

And then do npm run build to execute the script.

然后执行npm run build来执行脚本。



If you use npm scripts, the binaries in node_modules/.bin will get added to your PATH. So, you could create a, say, "build" script like so:

如果使用npm脚本,则node_modules / .bin中的二进制文件将添加到PATH中。所以,你可以像这样创建一个“构建”脚本:

    "name": "my-project",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "",
    "dependencies": [
    "scripts": {
        "build": "babel script.js"

And then do npm run build to execute the script.

然后执行npm run build来执行脚本。