开始 -〉新建 -〉新建项目 -〉“Windows窗体控件库”
名称栏 里 改为: myControl1
注: 若要添加城市国家区县等记录,请关联着 Area 表一同进行
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace myControls1 { public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl { private int LeftComboBox = 90; private int TopComboBox = 50; private int LeftRadioButton = 40; private int TopRadioButton = 48; private int Vertical = 45; public int ctWidth = 270;// tabControl 控件 属性 public int ctHeight = 480; private TabControl tc = new TabControl(); private TabPage tp层级 = new TabPage(); private TabPage tp树型 = new TabPage(); private TreeView tv = new TreeView(); private Button button确定 = new Button(); private RadioButton radioButtonTemp = new RadioButton();//临时的、不可见的 private string connStr = ""; private int _id_返回值 = 0; public bool flag { get; set; } public string tab表名1 { get; set; } public string tab表名2 { get; set; } public int id_返回值 { get { return _id_返回值; } } private SqlConnection sqlconn; private DataSet ds = new DataSet(); public UserControl1(string s)//s 系传进来的数据库连接字符串 { connStr = s; InitializeComponent(); sqlconn = new SqlConnection(connStr); flag = false; } private void UserControl1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { setMainControls(tab表名1, tab表名2); } /// <summary> /// tablename1 和 tablename2 系表名 /// </summary> /// <param name="tablename1"></param> /// <param name="tablename2"></param> private void setMainControls(string tablename1, string tablename2) { tc.Location = new Point(40, 30); tc.Width = ctWidth; tc.Height = ctHeight; tp层级.Text = "层级"; tp树型.Text = "树型"; tv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tc.Controls.Add(tp层级); tp树型.Controls.Add(tv); tc.Controls.Add(tp树型); this.Controls.Add(tc); radioButtonTemp.Visible = false; tp层级.Controls.Add(radioButtonTemp); button确定.Location = new Point(130, 510); button确定.Text = "确 定"; button确定.Enabled = false; this.Controls.Add(button确定); button确定.Show(); button确定.Click += (s, e) => { ThisButtonClick(_id_返回值); }; setSubControls(null, null, tablename1, tablename2, 1, 0); } //递归用 private int xh = 1; private void setSubControls(DataTable _dt, BindingSource _bs, string tablename1, string tablename2, int layer, int v) { TopComboBox += v; TopRadioButton += v; if (_dt == null) { try { DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); using (SqlDataAdapter sda1 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select a.ID, a.Name,a.ParentID,a.Layer,b.name as qx from " + tablename1 + " as a," + tablename2 + " as b where a.Layer=" + layer + " and a.Layer=b.ID", sqlconn)) { sda1.Fill(dt1); } using (SqlDataAdapter sda2 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select a.ID, a.Name,a.ParentID,a.Layer,b.name as qx from " + tablename1 + " as a," + tablename2 + " as b where a.Layer=" + (layer + 1) + " and a.Layer=b.ID", sqlconn)) { sda2.Fill(dt2); } ds.Tables.Add(dt1); ds.Tables.Add(dt2); string relationsName = "r" + xh.ToString(); ds.Relations.Add(relationsName, dt1.Columns["id"], dt2.Columns["ParentID"]); BindingSource bs = new BindingSource(); bs.DataSource = ds; bs.DataMember = ds.Tables[0].ToString(); ComboBox cmb = new ComboBox(); cmb.Left = LeftComboBox; cmb.Top = TopComboBox; cmb.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; RadioButton rb = new RadioButton(); rb.Left = LeftRadioButton; rb.Top = TopRadioButton; rb.Text = dt2.Rows[0]["qx"].ToString().Trim(); rb.Checked = false; rb.MouseClick += (s, e) => { ThisRadioButtonClick(rb, cmb); }; cmb.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { ThisComboBoxClick(cmb); }; tp层级.Controls.Add(cmb); tp层级.Controls.Add(rb); cmb.Show(); rb.Show(); BindingSource bs1 = new BindingSource(); bs1.DataSource = bs; bs1.DataMember = relationsName; cmb.DataSource = bs1; cmb.DisplayMember = "Name"; cmb.ValueMember = "id"; setSubControls(dt2, bs1, tablename1, tablename2, layer + 1, Vertical); TreeNode[] root = new TreeNode[dt1.Rows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < dt1.Rows.Count; i++) { root[i] = new TreeNode(dt1.Rows[i]["name"].ToString()); root[i].Tag = int.Parse(dt1.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()); tv.Nodes.Add(root[i]); tv.AfterSelect += (s, e) => { ThisTreeViewNodeClick(s, e); }; DrawTreeView(root[i], int.Parse(dt1.Rows[i]["layer"].ToString()), int.Parse(dt1.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()), tablename1); } } catch { } } else { try { DataTable dt3 = new DataTable(); using (SqlDataAdapter sda3 = new SqlDataAdapter("Select a.ID,a.Name,a.ParentID,a.Layer,b.name as qx from " + tablename1 + " as a," + tablename2 + " as b where a.Layer=" + (layer + 1) + " and a.Layer=b.ID", sqlconn)) { sda3.Fill(dt3); } ds.Tables.Add(dt3); xh++; string relationsName = "r" + xh.ToString(); ds.Relations.Add(relationsName, _dt.Columns["id"], dt3.Columns["ParentID"]); ComboBox cmb = new ComboBox(); cmb.Left = LeftComboBox; cmb.Top = TopComboBox; cmb.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; RadioButton rb = new RadioButton(); rb.Left = LeftRadioButton; rb.Top = TopRadioButton; rb.Text = dt3.Rows[0]["qx"].ToString().Trim(); rb.Checked = false; rb.MouseClick += (s, e) => { ThisRadioButtonClick(rb, cmb); }; cmb.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { ThisComboBoxClick(cmb); }; tp层级.Controls.Add(cmb); tp层级.Controls.Add(rb); cmb.Show(); rb.Show(); BindingSource bs2 = new BindingSource(); bs2.DataSource = _bs; bs2.DataMember = relationsName; cmb.DataSource = bs2; cmb.DisplayMember = "Name"; cmb.ValueMember = "id"; setSubControls(dt3, bs2, tablename1, tablename2, layer + 1, Vertical); } catch { } } } private void DrawTreeView(TreeNode treeNode, int layer, int id, string tablename) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (layer < 5) { using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * from " + tablename + " as s where s.parentid=" + id, sqlconn)) { sda.Fill(dt); } for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { TreeNode SonNode = new TreeNode(dt.Rows[i]["name"].ToString()); SonNode.Tag = int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()); treeNode.Nodes.Add(SonNode); DrawTreeView(SonNode, int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["layer"].ToString()), int.Parse(dt.Rows[i]["id"].ToString()), tablename); } } } private void ThisButtonClick(int k) { flag = true; button确定.Enabled = false; } private void ThisComboBoxClick(ComboBox cmb) { radioButtonTemp.Checked = true; } private void ThisRadioButtonClick(RadioButton rb, ComboBox cmb) { rb.Checked = true; try { _id_返回值 = int.Parse(cmb.SelectedValue.ToString()); button确定.Enabled = true; } catch { radioButtonTemp.Checked = true; button确定.Enabled = false; } } //private void treeViewTv_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) private void ThisTreeViewNodeClick(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { _id_返回值 = int.Parse(e.Node.Tag.ToString()); button确定.Enabled = true; } } }
点击:生成 -〉生成 myControl1 或者 重新生成 myControl1 => 生成my Control1.dll
WinForm 中 调用
1。引用:添加引用 myControl1.dll
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication2 { public partial class Form1 : Form { private myControls1.UserControl1 f; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { f = new myControls1.UserControl1("Data Source=LocalHost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=zl"); f.tab表名1 = "country"; f.tab表名2 = "area"; f.Location = new Point(10, 10); this.Controls.Add(f); f.Show(); } private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (f.flag == true) { f.flag = false; MessageBox.Show(f.id_返回值.ToString());//获得了选定的城市的 id 值 } } } }
这里,timer1 是拖来的,Form1_Load(... 是双击form控件 产生的