
时间:2022-04-02 12:32:27

Most popular web-sites that require you to log in, have the authentication form on the right side of the page. More or less. As a right-handed person, I find it rather intuitive to look at and convenient to work with—that I don't have to sprain my neck or move my mouse too much to select the username field (though of late, most pages do that by default, immediately after loading completes). Not being omniscient I wonder how a left-handed person would react to the very same UI. Which begs the question: should this not be part of the web-site design goal to flip the forms for a left-handed person? Also, I guess it matters what language you are interacting in. For a language like English that reads left to right, having the form on your right probably makes more sense.

要求您登录的大多数热门网站都在页面右侧显示身份验证表单。或多或少。作为一个惯用右手的人,我发现它看起来很直观,操作起来很方便 - 我不必扭伤我的脖子或移动我的鼠标太多来选择用户名字段(虽然最近,大多数页面做默认情况下,加载完成后立即)。不是无所不知我想知道一个惯用左手的人会对同一个UI做出反应。这引出了一个问题:这不应该成为网页设计目标的一部分,为左撇子人翻转表格吗?此外,我认为你正在使用的是什么语言也很重要。对于像英语这样从左到右阅读的语言,在右边有一个表格可能更有意义。

Some examples to look at with different layout of auth forms:


Facebook, Gmail, Y! Right
Buzzword Center
SOF Left

Facebook,Gmail,Y!正确的流行语中心SOF Left

Feel free to share your $0.02. I'd also be interested to know if actual research has gone in to this.


Update:(02/20) Some excellent posts there. Good time to summarize:


The story so far:


  • Most web-pages are static in terms of manoeuvrability.


  • Users have little/no choice on how content is served.


  • English being a the lingua franca of the Internet, web sites have, over time ended up using the left-to-right reading order of English as the order. This is in keeping with UI design guidelines.


  • Being left-handed puts you at unease when using such web-sites (not a general rule perhaps, but people have experienced issues)


  • Users tend to change habits rather than complain.


Clarification: Some of you seem to have misinterpreted my reference to mouse manoeuvre. It was supposed to serve as an example of what I think I'd take time to get adjusted to if things weren't the way they are. Cheers!


10 个解决方案


i'm left-handed. even more, i'm the only one i know that uses mouse on the left and swaps buttons (so the 'main' button is my index). but i don't see why you think that anything on screen should move 'for our benefit'.


one thing i've found by obsessively observing (i did my first semi-formal poll about this when i was 13 years old) other left-handed people's habits is that there's a lot more variety among us than among right-handed people. so, if you want to do some 'multi-handed' ergonomics, you shouldn't assume anything, just allow for maximum flexibility.



I don't think it has anything to do with what's natural. At least not anymore. Whatever the original reason, it's self-perpetuating now. Most websites have the login form on the right-hand side of the page. Therefore, if you're striving for the goal of "don't make me think," you should put the login form on the right-hand side of the page...


...thus increasing the number of sites that have the login form on the right-hand side of the page and the strength of the suggestion to put the login form on the right-hand side of the page so your users won't have to think...


...thus increasing... you get the idea.



I'd guess the reason for sticking it in the upper-right corner is that it's an important thing to do on a page, but not nearly as important as the title for the page/website, and that goes in the top-left corner. It's all about reading order.


I doubt right-handedness or left-handedness makes any difference. Your hand and neck use independent muscle groups.



UI Design 101 dictates that you orient the controls of your user interface (desktop application, web page, etc.) using the natural reading order of your customers. For English users, this would entail a left-to-right, top-to-bottom approach. That is, the most important information should be in the top-left corner and the least important information should be in the bottom-right corner.


The reason various websites put their login controls at different locations has less to do with conformance with some industry standard than it does with what the website designers perceive to be the most important information.


Take Gmail for example. Google is more concerned with advertising their various products (Gmail, Web History, iGoogle, etc.) to new users than they are about you logging in. Hence, they tout their products in the place that most users look first - the top-left corner. If you've already got an account, you immediately skip over this and type your login credentials on the right-hand side. And remember that once you're logged in, you never see this screen again. With this approach, Google is clearly trying to accommodate new users, not existing users. From a business perspective, this makes sense.

以Gmail为例。谷歌更关注向新用户宣传他们的各种产品(Gmail,网络历史记录,iGoogle等)而不是他们登录。因此,他们在大多数用户首先看到的地方宣传他们的产品 - 左上角角。如果您已经拥有帐户,则立即跳过此帐户并在右侧输入您的登录凭据。请记住,一旦您登录,您再也不会看到此屏幕了。通过这种方法,Google显然正在尝试容纳新用户,而不是现有用户。从商业角度来看,这是有道理的。


You might find this page interesting.


"As the owner of a website you want people to be able to use your website easily and reach content quickly - which is your ultimate goal. Being consistent with other websites in terms of the positioning of menus and content will help your visitors, give them a better overall experience and reduce the likelihood of closing the browser in annoyance. Once you have confirmed the layout, you can by all means go wild with the content and design."

“作为网站的所有者,您希望人们能够轻松地使用您的网站并快速获取内容 - 这是您的最终目标。在菜单和内容的定位方面与其他网站保持一致将有助于您的访问者,给他们更好的整体体验,减少烦恼关闭浏览器的可能性。一旦确认了布局,您就可以随心所欲地使用内容和设计。“

Having the login box on the right side also allows you to keep the left hand navigation bar the same for people who are logged in and those who are not. See ING Direct's website for an example.

右侧的登录框还允许您为登录的人和不登录的人保持左侧导航栏相同。有关示例,请参阅ING Direct的网站。


I found this article by Joel very enlightening. The part about conforming with the leaders in your field in order to eschew confusion and frustration is particularly applicable to your question.



I am left handed but I use the mouse with my right hand, always have....I feel awkward when I use it with my left now.



I'd never really thought about this before... interesting. I think it has to do with organization for an left-to-right language universe.


Since most languages move from left-to-right, it makes sense to have the site expand from the left to the right. Along those same lines, if you need to expand your menus, it makes sense to expand your menus from the left out to the right. However, user links (such as login, profile, etc.) are typically static. If you want to keep them out of the way of the rest of your navigation, better to put them on the other corner of the page - thus the right corner, rather than the left.

由于大多数语言从左向右移动,因此将站点从左向右扩展是有意义的。同样,如果您需要扩展菜单,将菜单从左侧扩展到右侧是有意义的。但是,用户链接(例如登录,配置文件等)通常是静态的。如果你想让它们远离导航的其他部分,最好把它们放在页面的另一个角落 - 因此是右角,而不是左边。

Edit: Sorry, I think I misinterpreted your question to mean "why are the login links on the upper right" rather than "why is the whole form on the right side of the page".



I am not expert in design, but I have my opinion about this subject.


The main reason there is alignment on the right should have to do with the way of reading. The majority of existing languages. The most people don't care about the minority of people, they only care about the majority.


Not being omniscient I wonder how a left-handed person would react to the very same UI


I don't think that this could matters for any person. But I'm not the right kind of guy to talk about this... I write with right hand :S


It would be great that all companies start to worry about this subject, for a better world :D


It's choice, not chance, that determines your destiny.


I don't see how it matters which hand you use the mouse with (FWIW, I am right-handed but use the mouse with my left hand).


Which hand you use does not alter where your cursor rests on the screen, so you don't have to move it any further with one hand than with the other. The distance is the same - i.e. however far it is from the last thing you clicked on.

您使用哪只手不会改变光标在屏幕上的位置,因此您不必再用一只手移动它而不是另一只手移动它。距离是相同的 - 即距离您点击的最后一个距离。


i'm left-handed. even more, i'm the only one i know that uses mouse on the left and swaps buttons (so the 'main' button is my index). but i don't see why you think that anything on screen should move 'for our benefit'.


one thing i've found by obsessively observing (i did my first semi-formal poll about this when i was 13 years old) other left-handed people's habits is that there's a lot more variety among us than among right-handed people. so, if you want to do some 'multi-handed' ergonomics, you shouldn't assume anything, just allow for maximum flexibility.



I don't think it has anything to do with what's natural. At least not anymore. Whatever the original reason, it's self-perpetuating now. Most websites have the login form on the right-hand side of the page. Therefore, if you're striving for the goal of "don't make me think," you should put the login form on the right-hand side of the page...


...thus increasing the number of sites that have the login form on the right-hand side of the page and the strength of the suggestion to put the login form on the right-hand side of the page so your users won't have to think...


...thus increasing... you get the idea.



I'd guess the reason for sticking it in the upper-right corner is that it's an important thing to do on a page, but not nearly as important as the title for the page/website, and that goes in the top-left corner. It's all about reading order.


I doubt right-handedness or left-handedness makes any difference. Your hand and neck use independent muscle groups.



UI Design 101 dictates that you orient the controls of your user interface (desktop application, web page, etc.) using the natural reading order of your customers. For English users, this would entail a left-to-right, top-to-bottom approach. That is, the most important information should be in the top-left corner and the least important information should be in the bottom-right corner.


The reason various websites put their login controls at different locations has less to do with conformance with some industry standard than it does with what the website designers perceive to be the most important information.


Take Gmail for example. Google is more concerned with advertising their various products (Gmail, Web History, iGoogle, etc.) to new users than they are about you logging in. Hence, they tout their products in the place that most users look first - the top-left corner. If you've already got an account, you immediately skip over this and type your login credentials on the right-hand side. And remember that once you're logged in, you never see this screen again. With this approach, Google is clearly trying to accommodate new users, not existing users. From a business perspective, this makes sense.

以Gmail为例。谷歌更关注向新用户宣传他们的各种产品(Gmail,网络历史记录,iGoogle等)而不是他们登录。因此,他们在大多数用户首先看到的地方宣传他们的产品 - 左上角角。如果您已经拥有帐户,则立即跳过此帐户并在右侧输入您的登录凭据。请记住,一旦您登录,您再也不会看到此屏幕了。通过这种方法,Google显然正在尝试容纳新用户,而不是现有用户。从商业角度来看,这是有道理的。


You might find this page interesting.


"As the owner of a website you want people to be able to use your website easily and reach content quickly - which is your ultimate goal. Being consistent with other websites in terms of the positioning of menus and content will help your visitors, give them a better overall experience and reduce the likelihood of closing the browser in annoyance. Once you have confirmed the layout, you can by all means go wild with the content and design."

“作为网站的所有者,您希望人们能够轻松地使用您的网站并快速获取内容 - 这是您的最终目标。在菜单和内容的定位方面与其他网站保持一致将有助于您的访问者,给他们更好的整体体验,减少烦恼关闭浏览器的可能性。一旦确认了布局,您就可以随心所欲地使用内容和设计。“

Having the login box on the right side also allows you to keep the left hand navigation bar the same for people who are logged in and those who are not. See ING Direct's website for an example.

右侧的登录框还允许您为登录的人和不登录的人保持左侧导航栏相同。有关示例,请参阅ING Direct的网站。


I found this article by Joel very enlightening. The part about conforming with the leaders in your field in order to eschew confusion and frustration is particularly applicable to your question.



I am left handed but I use the mouse with my right hand, always have....I feel awkward when I use it with my left now.



I'd never really thought about this before... interesting. I think it has to do with organization for an left-to-right language universe.


Since most languages move from left-to-right, it makes sense to have the site expand from the left to the right. Along those same lines, if you need to expand your menus, it makes sense to expand your menus from the left out to the right. However, user links (such as login, profile, etc.) are typically static. If you want to keep them out of the way of the rest of your navigation, better to put them on the other corner of the page - thus the right corner, rather than the left.

由于大多数语言从左向右移动,因此将站点从左向右扩展是有意义的。同样,如果您需要扩展菜单,将菜单从左侧扩展到右侧是有意义的。但是,用户链接(例如登录,配置文件等)通常是静态的。如果你想让它们远离导航的其他部分,最好把它们放在页面的另一个角落 - 因此是右角,而不是左边。

Edit: Sorry, I think I misinterpreted your question to mean "why are the login links on the upper right" rather than "why is the whole form on the right side of the page".



I am not expert in design, but I have my opinion about this subject.


The main reason there is alignment on the right should have to do with the way of reading. The majority of existing languages. The most people don't care about the minority of people, they only care about the majority.


Not being omniscient I wonder how a left-handed person would react to the very same UI


I don't think that this could matters for any person. But I'm not the right kind of guy to talk about this... I write with right hand :S


It would be great that all companies start to worry about this subject, for a better world :D


It's choice, not chance, that determines your destiny.


I don't see how it matters which hand you use the mouse with (FWIW, I am right-handed but use the mouse with my left hand).


Which hand you use does not alter where your cursor rests on the screen, so you don't have to move it any further with one hand than with the other. The distance is the same - i.e. however far it is from the last thing you clicked on.

您使用哪只手不会改变光标在屏幕上的位置,因此您不必再用一只手移动它而不是另一只手移动它。距离是相同的 - 即距离您点击的最后一个距离。