SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)

时间:2022-05-16 12:13:33





SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)

思路:使用case when进行条件判断,在使用update进行修改

SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
1 update salary
2 set sex =
3 case sex
4 when 'm' then 'f'
5 else 'm'
6 end
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)


SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
1 select id,movie,description,rating
2 from cinema
3 where description != 'boring'
4 and mod(id,2) = 1
5 order by rating desc
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)

SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)

思路:使用子查询先找出销售RED厂家的销售员id,在将外层查询进行not in

SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
1 select name
2 from salesperson
3 where sales_id not in(
4 select sales_id
5 from orders o join company c
6 on o.com_id = c.com_id
7 and c.name = 'RED'
8 )
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)


SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
1 select Email from
2 (
3 select Email,count(*) as num from Person group by Email
4 ) as sub
5 where num>1
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)


SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
1 delete p1 from Person p1,Person p2
2 where p1.Email = p2.Email
3 and p1.id > p2.id
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)


SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
select sum(insurance.TIV_2016) as tiv_2016
from insurance
where insurance.TIV_2015 in
select TIV_2015
from insurance
group by TIV_2015
having count(*) > 1
and concat(lat,lon) in
select concat(lat,lon)
from insurance
group by lat,lon
having count(*) =1
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)


SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
select department_sal.pay_month,department_id,
when department_avg > company_avg then 'higher'
when department_avg < company_avg then 'lower'
else 'same'
end as comparison
select department_id,avg(amount) as department_avg,date_format(pay_date,'%Y-%m') as pay_month
from salary join employee
on salary.employee_id = employee.employee_id
group by department_id,pay_month
as department_sal
select avg(amount) as company_avg,date_format(pay_date,'%Y-%m') as pay_month
from salary
group by pay_month
as company_sal
on department_sal.pay_month = company_sal.pay_month
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)

  思路:根据request_id和accepter_id,可知3收到两个accept,发送一个request,所以3才是社交最活跃的,采用union all将requester_id,sender_id集合起来,分组才能找到使用最频繁的用户

SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
 1 select ids as id,cnt as num
2 from
3 (
4 select ids,count(*) as cnt
5 from
6 (
7 select requester_id as ids from request_accepted
8 union all
9 select accepter_id from request_accepted
10 ) as tb1
11 group by ids
12 ) as tb2
13 order by num desc
14 limit 1
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)


SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
1 select f1.follower,count(distinct f2.follower) as num
2 from follow f1 join follow f2
3 on f1.follower = f2.followee
4 group by f1.follower
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)


SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)
 1 select distinct t1.*
2 from stadium t1,stadium t2,stadium t3
3 where t1.people >= 100 and t2.people >= 100 and t3.people >= 100
4 and
5 (
6 (t1.id-t2.id = 1 and t1.id-t3.id = 2 and t2.id-t3.id = 1)
7 or
8 (t2.id-t1.id = 1 and t2.id-t3.id = 2 and t1.id-t3.id = 1)
9 or
10 (t3.id-t2.id = 1 and t2.id-t1.id = 1 and t3.id-t1.id = 2)
11 )
12 order by t1.id
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SQL查询练习二(From LeetCode)