AT&T Assembly for Linux and Mac (sys_exit)

时间:2022-03-11 10:21:13

Exit() in C : (sys_exit.c)

int main(void)
return ;

AT&T Assembly for Linux and Mac (sys_exit)

Exit() in AT&T for Linux: (sys_exit.s)

.section .data

.section .text

.globl _start


        movl    $,     %eax    #sys_call number
movl $, %ebx #_return value int $0x80 #intrrupt number

AT&T Assembly for Linux and Mac (sys_exit)

Exit() in AT&T for Mac: (sys_exit.s):

.globl _main


    movl    $,    %eax

AT&T Assembly for Linux and Mac (sys_exit)

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