Tmux边界显示为x q而不是行?

时间:2022-07-02 10:46:50

I'm having trouble getting tmux to display lines for borders. They are being created with x and q. It's a debian squeeze server and the locale is set to en_US UTF8. I also tried adding

我很难让tmux显示边界。它们是用x和q创建的,它是一个debian压缩服务器,本地设置为en_US UTF8。我也试过添加

# instructs tmux to expect UTF-8 sequences
setw -g utf8 on
set -g status-utf8 on

lines to .tmux.conf. Nothing seems to work. I'm not sure if it's a locale issue or not. It displays correctly on other servers, but not the debian. I appreciate any tips you could offer! Thanks...


8 个解决方案



There is some mismatch between your terminal emulator and the terminfo database entry being used by tmux (the one named by the TERM environment variable when you start/attach to a tmux server).


Per the VT100 User Guide, Table 3-9: Special Graphics Characters, when the “special graphics set” is selected, x is used to draw the “Vertical bar” and q is used to draw “Horizontal line - Scan 5”.


Under terminfo, the VT100 special graphics characters are available as a part of the Alternate Character Set functionality; see the “Line Graphics” section of the terminfo(5) man page.


Probably (on your Debian server) the effective terminfo database entry indicates that ACS is available, but your terminal emulator is not actually responding to the specified control sequences.


The tmux CHANGES file indicates that some terminal emulators (e.g. Putty) do not respect the ACS control sequences when they are in UTF-8 mode. Thus, tmux 1.4 has a change that makes it always use UTF-8 characters instead of ACS sequences when the attaching client specifies that it can handle UTF-8 (i.e. when attaching, -u was given or UTF-8 is present in LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG; the utf8 window option is about what tmux should expect from the programs it runs, not what it can send to the attached client).

tmux更改文件表明一些终端模拟器(例如Putty)在UTF-8模式下不遵守ACS控制序列。因此,tmux 1.4有一个变化,它总是使用UTF-8字符而不是ACS序列,当附加的客户端指定它可以处理UTF-8(即当附加时,-u被给定或UTF-8在LC_ALL、LC_CTYPE或LANG中出现;utf8窗口选项是关于tmux应该从它运行的程序中期望什么,而不是它可以发送给附加的客户端。

Debian “squeeze” only includes tmux 1.3, so your tmux probably does not have the “prefer UTF-8 line drawing” feature (unless it pulls from a backports source).

Debian“压缩”只包含tmux 1.3,所以您的tmux可能没有“更喜欢UTF-8线条图”的特性(除非它从一个backports源提取)。

If you can not fix your terminal emulator nor upgrade to at least tmux 1.4, then you might be able to use tmux’s terminal-overrides option to unset the ACS-related capabilities so that tmux will fall back to ASCII line drawing. In your .tmux.conf (on the Debian system):

如果您不能修复您的终端模拟器,也不能升级到至少tmux 1.4,那么您可能可以使用tmux的终端overrides选项来取消与acs相关的功能,这样tmux就会回到ASCII线图。在你.tmux。conf(在Debian系统上):

set-option -ga terminal-overrides ',*:enacs@:smacs@:rmacs@:acsc@'



I had the same problem with PuTTY and Windows 8 when connecting to tmux running on a Debian Squeeze machine. Even when setting the charset to UTF-8 in PuTTY (in the settings under Window > Translation > Remote character set) I didn't get the correct line drawing.

当连接到Debian压缩机器上的tmux时,我遇到了同样的问题:PuTTY和Windows 8。即使将charset设置为PuTTY中的UTF-8(在窗口> Translation > Remote字符集下的设置中),我也没有得到正确的线条图。

Setting the Remote character set to "Use font encoding" did the trick for me.




Try setting the character set to "UTF-8" and "Use Unicode line drawing code points" under Window -> Translation in your putty settings.

尝试将字符集设置为“UTF-8”,并“在您的putty设置中使用Window ->翻译”的“使用Unicode线条绘制代码点”。



I had the same problem with Putty when launching tmux on Linux 12.04 machine. Even setting the charset to UTF-8 in PuTTY (in the settings under Window > Translation > Remote character set) didn't solve the problem.

在Linux 12.04机器上启动tmux时,我遇到了与Putty相同的问题。即使将charset设置为PuTTY中的UTF-8(在窗口>转换>远程字符集下的设置中)也不能解决问题。

Launching tmux with -u option did the trick (tmux -u)

使用-u选项启动tmux的技巧(tmux -u)



I ran thru the gamut of suggestions including:


  • confirming locale and UTF-8 setting in PuTTY
  • 确认地区和UTF-8设置在PuTTY。
  • exporting NCURSES_NO_UT8_ACS=1
  • 出口NCURSES_NO_UT8_ACS = 1
  • manually trying various fonts and PuTTY translation selections
  • 手动尝试各种字体和PuTTY翻译选择。

Above did not work. Dialog displays showed qqqq... and xxxx with various corner characters.


Changing all dialog calls to include --ascii-lines was an option but it would involve a lot of script changes.


Best recommendation was to change the Remote Character Set to Use font encoding.


PuTTY Change Settings --> Window --> Translation --> Remote Character Set --> Use font encoding


Left all other PuTTY settings default.




I changed the setting in Putty for terminal to Latin-1 and that seemed to fix the problem.




under windows/ putty the font you use has to have the characters for it to display set translation "UTF-8" and "Use Unicode line drawing code points" and font to "courier-new" and most of those problems go away

在windows/ putty下,你所使用的字体必须有字符来显示设置的翻译“UTF-8”和“使用Unicode线条绘制代码点”和字体“courier-new”,这些问题大部分都消失了。



For me the issue was I forgot to make a locale.conf file when I setup this Arch Linux box. Below line fixed the issue, substitute your own language. A reboot was not required for me.

对我来说,问题是我忘了做locale。当我设置这个Arch Linux框时,conf文件。下面的问题解决了,用你自己的语言。我不需要重新启动。

echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf 



There is some mismatch between your terminal emulator and the terminfo database entry being used by tmux (the one named by the TERM environment variable when you start/attach to a tmux server).


Per the VT100 User Guide, Table 3-9: Special Graphics Characters, when the “special graphics set” is selected, x is used to draw the “Vertical bar” and q is used to draw “Horizontal line - Scan 5”.


Under terminfo, the VT100 special graphics characters are available as a part of the Alternate Character Set functionality; see the “Line Graphics” section of the terminfo(5) man page.


Probably (on your Debian server) the effective terminfo database entry indicates that ACS is available, but your terminal emulator is not actually responding to the specified control sequences.


The tmux CHANGES file indicates that some terminal emulators (e.g. Putty) do not respect the ACS control sequences when they are in UTF-8 mode. Thus, tmux 1.4 has a change that makes it always use UTF-8 characters instead of ACS sequences when the attaching client specifies that it can handle UTF-8 (i.e. when attaching, -u was given or UTF-8 is present in LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE or LANG; the utf8 window option is about what tmux should expect from the programs it runs, not what it can send to the attached client).

tmux更改文件表明一些终端模拟器(例如Putty)在UTF-8模式下不遵守ACS控制序列。因此,tmux 1.4有一个变化,它总是使用UTF-8字符而不是ACS序列,当附加的客户端指定它可以处理UTF-8(即当附加时,-u被给定或UTF-8在LC_ALL、LC_CTYPE或LANG中出现;utf8窗口选项是关于tmux应该从它运行的程序中期望什么,而不是它可以发送给附加的客户端。

Debian “squeeze” only includes tmux 1.3, so your tmux probably does not have the “prefer UTF-8 line drawing” feature (unless it pulls from a backports source).

Debian“压缩”只包含tmux 1.3,所以您的tmux可能没有“更喜欢UTF-8线条图”的特性(除非它从一个backports源提取)。

If you can not fix your terminal emulator nor upgrade to at least tmux 1.4, then you might be able to use tmux’s terminal-overrides option to unset the ACS-related capabilities so that tmux will fall back to ASCII line drawing. In your .tmux.conf (on the Debian system):

如果您不能修复您的终端模拟器,也不能升级到至少tmux 1.4,那么您可能可以使用tmux的终端overrides选项来取消与acs相关的功能,这样tmux就会回到ASCII线图。在你.tmux。conf(在Debian系统上):

set-option -ga terminal-overrides ',*:enacs@:smacs@:rmacs@:acsc@'



I had the same problem with PuTTY and Windows 8 when connecting to tmux running on a Debian Squeeze machine. Even when setting the charset to UTF-8 in PuTTY (in the settings under Window > Translation > Remote character set) I didn't get the correct line drawing.

当连接到Debian压缩机器上的tmux时,我遇到了同样的问题:PuTTY和Windows 8。即使将charset设置为PuTTY中的UTF-8(在窗口> Translation > Remote字符集下的设置中),我也没有得到正确的线条图。

Setting the Remote character set to "Use font encoding" did the trick for me.




Try setting the character set to "UTF-8" and "Use Unicode line drawing code points" under Window -> Translation in your putty settings.

尝试将字符集设置为“UTF-8”,并“在您的putty设置中使用Window ->翻译”的“使用Unicode线条绘制代码点”。



I had the same problem with Putty when launching tmux on Linux 12.04 machine. Even setting the charset to UTF-8 in PuTTY (in the settings under Window > Translation > Remote character set) didn't solve the problem.

在Linux 12.04机器上启动tmux时,我遇到了与Putty相同的问题。即使将charset设置为PuTTY中的UTF-8(在窗口>转换>远程字符集下的设置中)也不能解决问题。

Launching tmux with -u option did the trick (tmux -u)

使用-u选项启动tmux的技巧(tmux -u)



I ran thru the gamut of suggestions including:


  • confirming locale and UTF-8 setting in PuTTY
  • 确认地区和UTF-8设置在PuTTY。
  • exporting NCURSES_NO_UT8_ACS=1
  • 出口NCURSES_NO_UT8_ACS = 1
  • manually trying various fonts and PuTTY translation selections
  • 手动尝试各种字体和PuTTY翻译选择。

Above did not work. Dialog displays showed qqqq... and xxxx with various corner characters.


Changing all dialog calls to include --ascii-lines was an option but it would involve a lot of script changes.


Best recommendation was to change the Remote Character Set to Use font encoding.


PuTTY Change Settings --> Window --> Translation --> Remote Character Set --> Use font encoding


Left all other PuTTY settings default.




I changed the setting in Putty for terminal to Latin-1 and that seemed to fix the problem.




under windows/ putty the font you use has to have the characters for it to display set translation "UTF-8" and "Use Unicode line drawing code points" and font to "courier-new" and most of those problems go away

在windows/ putty下,你所使用的字体必须有字符来显示设置的翻译“UTF-8”和“使用Unicode线条绘制代码点”和字体“courier-new”,这些问题大部分都消失了。



For me the issue was I forgot to make a locale.conf file when I setup this Arch Linux box. Below line fixed the issue, substitute your own language. A reboot was not required for me.

对我来说,问题是我忘了做locale。当我设置这个Arch Linux框时,conf文件。下面的问题解决了,用你自己的语言。我不需要重新启动。

echo "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf