你知道Win32 Delphi应用程序的MVC框架吗?

时间:2021-03-08 09:59:26

As far as I know, there isn't.


Do you know any?


6 个解决方案


Daniele Teti has a nice article about MVC in Delphi. The sample code also makes it very clear.

Daniele Teti在Delphi中有一篇关于MVC的好文章。示例代码也非常清楚。



Do you really need a framework? MVC is just a pattern. You can look it up and implement it directly. I would suggest however that you implement MVP instead of MVC. MVP is a more modern variation of MVC that fits in better with environments such as Windows where the View does user input and output. (Unlike in MVC where the View only does output, and the Controller only does input.)

你真的需要一个框架吗? MVC只是一种模式。您可以查找并直接实现它。不过我建议您实现MVP而不是MVC。 MVP是一种更现代的MVC变体,可以更好地适应Windows等用户输入和输出的环境。 (与View中仅输出的MVC不同,Controller只输入。)


Look at this implementation.



A little different, but you can see the a MVP implementation here:




There is a model-gui-mediator framework available with the ti Object Persistence Framework.


MGM is similar to MVC. Graeme Geldenhuys has an article describing it at http://opensoft.homeip.net/articles/.

MGM与MVC类似。 Graeme Geldenhuys在http://opensoft.homeip.net/articles/上有一篇描述它的文章。

AFAIAA the MGM framework requires the use of tiOPF (not a bad thing, but it can make it harder to learn) but it should still demonstrate the basic concepts.

AFAIAA MGM框架需要使用tiOPF(这不是一件坏事,但它可以使学习更难),但它仍然应该展示基本概念。

tiOPF is available at tiOPF.com. If you are interested, get the code from the repository as it is more up to date. There is a D2009 branch in the repository as well.



I know this is an old article, but here's another option: http://www.torry.net/pages.php?id=53 Look for: eMVC v.1.0

我知道这是一篇旧文章,但这是另一种选择:http://www.torry.net/pages.php?id = 53寻找:eMVC v.1.0


Daniele Teti has a nice article about MVC in Delphi. The sample code also makes it very clear.

Daniele Teti在Delphi中有一篇关于MVC的好文章。示例代码也非常清楚。



Do you really need a framework? MVC is just a pattern. You can look it up and implement it directly. I would suggest however that you implement MVP instead of MVC. MVP is a more modern variation of MVC that fits in better with environments such as Windows where the View does user input and output. (Unlike in MVC where the View only does output, and the Controller only does input.)

你真的需要一个框架吗? MVC只是一种模式。您可以查找并直接实现它。不过我建议您实现MVP而不是MVC。 MVP是一种更现代的MVC变体,可以更好地适应Windows等用户输入和输出的环境。 (与View中仅输出的MVC不同,Controller只输入。)


Look at this implementation.



A little different, but you can see the a MVP implementation here:




There is a model-gui-mediator framework available with the ti Object Persistence Framework.


MGM is similar to MVC. Graeme Geldenhuys has an article describing it at http://opensoft.homeip.net/articles/.

MGM与MVC类似。 Graeme Geldenhuys在http://opensoft.homeip.net/articles/上有一篇描述它的文章。

AFAIAA the MGM framework requires the use of tiOPF (not a bad thing, but it can make it harder to learn) but it should still demonstrate the basic concepts.

AFAIAA MGM框架需要使用tiOPF(这不是一件坏事,但它可以使学习更难),但它仍然应该展示基本概念。

tiOPF is available at tiOPF.com. If you are interested, get the code from the repository as it is more up to date. There is a D2009 branch in the repository as well.



I know this is an old article, but here's another option: http://www.torry.net/pages.php?id=53 Look for: eMVC v.1.0

我知道这是一篇旧文章,但这是另一种选择:http://www.torry.net/pages.php?id = 53寻找:eMVC v.1.0