Delphi Win32的最佳共享软件锁

时间:2021-03-08 09:59:32

Same intro as my last question:


I am re-writing and/or consolidating a bunch of my "app framework" classes (basic mainform, about box, locking routines & purchase linking, auto-update, datamodule initializer, etc) -- Basically, I have a number of small potential shareware apps that I'm wanting to get out the door, and want to re-use code where I can, as well as build a framework for later apps to save time.

我正在重写和/或整合一堆我的“应用程序框架”类(基本主题,关于框,锁定例程和购买链接,自动更新,数据模块初始化程序等) - 基本上,我有一些小的潜在的共享软件应用程序,我想要出门,并希望尽可能重用代码,以及为以后的应用程序构建框架,以节省时间。

But different question: : )


What is the best shareware lock component for Delphi Win 32 apps? (I don't mind paying for commercial if that's best).

Delphi Win 32应用程序的最佳共享软件锁定组件是什么? (如果那是最好的话,我不介意支付商业费用)。

Clarifying -- yes, best license key verification / lock + trialware component.

澄清 - 是的,最佳许可证密钥验证/锁定+试用软件组件。

11 个解决方案


I've used ICE License in the past. Tool was easy to use - which is good, as the support was shocking!

我过去曾使用过ICE许可证。工具很容易使用 - 这很好,因为支持是令人震惊的!

None of these types of products is perfect, but, if you've decided that this is the route you want to go, you could do worse than this product.



There is no effective way to lock down an application, period. You can make it more difficult for users to use the program without a valid license from you, at the risk of creating false negatives, which can become a PR nightmare very quickly in the Internet age.


There are two ways to go about doing this. You can create some sort of DRM lock built into the software. These take no time flat for some talented hacker to reverse-engineer. (The best tend to last about 1 month.) Or you can create a validation system that requires the program to connect to a server. These are a lot harder to crack, but tend to have serious false-negative problems, and if your server ever goes down, all your paying customers are up a creek. In the end, neither is a good solution.

有两种方法可以做到这一点。您可以在软件中创建某种DRM锁。对于一些有才华的黑客进行逆向工程,这些都没有时间。 (最好的约为1个月。)或者您可以创建一个验证系统,要求程序连接到服务器。这些更难以破解,但往往会出现严重的假阴性问题,如果您的服务器出现故障,您的所有付费用户都会瘫痪。最后,两者都不是一个好的解决方案。

Long story short, if you want to make a program that will be profitable, make it of high enough quality that people will be willing to pay for it, and market it to the people who are willing to buy software instead of steal it. There just aren't any shortcuts.



I created a "self-modifying" EXE by appending a data record to the end of my compiled application. The first thing my application did was get the machine id and the bios date from the computers memory. I would then compare these to the machine id and bios date stored in the appended data record. Seek to end... back up XX number of bytes... read to end.


This worked great. If a buddy passed on a program to a friend and it didn't recognize the machine id or bios date and reverted back to trial-ware. When they entered the key successfully I would update the appended record with that machines user information.


Then Norton started flagging my software as a virus because it was a self-modifying EXE. That put a halt to my app locking days. I haven't tried since.



I tend to agree that aggressive DRM is really bad and annoys legitimate users, but, at the same time, an incentive to keep honest people honest isn't bad either, provided it doesn't get in the way...


Not a real component reference, but some interesting reading on protecting software:


anti-cracks tips:


reflections on Piracy and DRM:
Piracy and Unconventional Wisdom.
Piracy & PC Gaming.



I have used OnGuard by turbo power in several projects, but do not rely on it being the only method to protect the software. You can also use the LockBox library to encrypt data, such as a record stuffed in a database your app controls, containing license registration data that you emailed to the user and they applied via cut and paste into the about box.

我在几个项目中使用了Turbo power的OnGuard,但不要依赖它是保护软件的唯一方法。您还可以使用LockBox库来加密数据,例如填充在应用程序控制的数据库中的记录,其中包含您通过电子邮件发送给用户的许可证注册数据,并通过剪切和粘贴应用到about框中。

The strongest way to protect things is to have a piece that the user doesn't have access to, and have your software "call home" to validate that its still valid (very DRM like). Unfortunately, this is easy for anyone to block by turning on thier software firewalls and excluding your application from using the internet. Of course DRM like systems have a bad name right now, but its partly because they are a frustration point to the end user because they work... as long as the service which validates the license is up.



Oreans has very good production products(Themida & WinLicense), and recommended more than other products.



Having watched others have trouble in the past with third party licence & protection software, I think there is only one viable system. First, don't spend too much time on it, just make a good product, and update it often. Second, separate the install code from the protection. This way you can change the protection at the drop of a hat, without affecting any users. This basically means you have to write your own install code system, or use one like the old Turbopower one. Then use something that will protect your decoder a little. I currently use the Oreans Code Virtualizer which is quite sufficient.

看过别人在过去使用第三方许可和保护软件时遇到麻烦,我认为只有一个可行的系统。首先,不要花太多时间在上面,只需制作一个好产品,并经常更新。其次,将安装代码与保护分开。通过这种方式,您可以在不影响任何用户的情况下更改保护。这基本上意味着您必须编写自己的安装代码系统,或使用旧的Turbopower系统。然后使用能够保护解码器的东西。我目前使用的是Oreans Code Virtualizer,这已经足够了。

Keeping them separate gives you flexibility, and less hassle.



I tend to prefer Armadillo from Silicon Realms ( It has nice nice features and is integrated with Digital River/ (being a subsidiary of them).

我倾向于选择Silicon Realms的Armadillo(。它具有很好的功能,并与Digital River /作为它们的子公司)集成。

There are alot of Anti-Armadillo software available but custom builds a some additional prevention coded by you do magic.



I also not believe that it's worth to spend a lot of time and energy in a tecnical protection, the people who want steal your software wil doe it anyway.


Peldi Guilizzoni from Balsamiq have a nice blog post over this subject:

来自Balsamiq的Peldi Guilizzoni有一篇关于这个主题的好文章:


I can second the recommendation for Oreans' products. Their support is particularly good, too.


I also use Armadillo - which is ok, but I wouldn't recommend it anymore; and ASProtect, which I really wouldn't recommend at all.

我也使用犰狳 - 这没关系,但我不推荐它了;和ASProtect,我真的不会推荐。


I'm Trial License Shield SDK, seem to be able to achieve the desired functionality.

我是Trial License Shield SDK,似乎能够实现所需的功能。

But it is a DLL, not you wish VCL Component.



I've used ICE License in the past. Tool was easy to use - which is good, as the support was shocking!

我过去曾使用过ICE许可证。工具很容易使用 - 这很好,因为支持是令人震惊的!

None of these types of products is perfect, but, if you've decided that this is the route you want to go, you could do worse than this product.



There is no effective way to lock down an application, period. You can make it more difficult for users to use the program without a valid license from you, at the risk of creating false negatives, which can become a PR nightmare very quickly in the Internet age.


There are two ways to go about doing this. You can create some sort of DRM lock built into the software. These take no time flat for some talented hacker to reverse-engineer. (The best tend to last about 1 month.) Or you can create a validation system that requires the program to connect to a server. These are a lot harder to crack, but tend to have serious false-negative problems, and if your server ever goes down, all your paying customers are up a creek. In the end, neither is a good solution.

有两种方法可以做到这一点。您可以在软件中创建某种DRM锁。对于一些有才华的黑客进行逆向工程,这些都没有时间。 (最好的约为1个月。)或者您可以创建一个验证系统,要求程序连接到服务器。这些更难以破解,但往往会出现严重的假阴性问题,如果您的服务器出现故障,您的所有付费用户都会瘫痪。最后,两者都不是一个好的解决方案。

Long story short, if you want to make a program that will be profitable, make it of high enough quality that people will be willing to pay for it, and market it to the people who are willing to buy software instead of steal it. There just aren't any shortcuts.



I created a "self-modifying" EXE by appending a data record to the end of my compiled application. The first thing my application did was get the machine id and the bios date from the computers memory. I would then compare these to the machine id and bios date stored in the appended data record. Seek to end... back up XX number of bytes... read to end.


This worked great. If a buddy passed on a program to a friend and it didn't recognize the machine id or bios date and reverted back to trial-ware. When they entered the key successfully I would update the appended record with that machines user information.


Then Norton started flagging my software as a virus because it was a self-modifying EXE. That put a halt to my app locking days. I haven't tried since.



I tend to agree that aggressive DRM is really bad and annoys legitimate users, but, at the same time, an incentive to keep honest people honest isn't bad either, provided it doesn't get in the way...


Not a real component reference, but some interesting reading on protecting software:


anti-cracks tips:


reflections on Piracy and DRM:
Piracy and Unconventional Wisdom.
Piracy & PC Gaming.



I have used OnGuard by turbo power in several projects, but do not rely on it being the only method to protect the software. You can also use the LockBox library to encrypt data, such as a record stuffed in a database your app controls, containing license registration data that you emailed to the user and they applied via cut and paste into the about box.

我在几个项目中使用了Turbo power的OnGuard,但不要依赖它是保护软件的唯一方法。您还可以使用LockBox库来加密数据,例如填充在应用程序控制的数据库中的记录,其中包含您通过电子邮件发送给用户的许可证注册数据,并通过剪切和粘贴应用到about框中。

The strongest way to protect things is to have a piece that the user doesn't have access to, and have your software "call home" to validate that its still valid (very DRM like). Unfortunately, this is easy for anyone to block by turning on thier software firewalls and excluding your application from using the internet. Of course DRM like systems have a bad name right now, but its partly because they are a frustration point to the end user because they work... as long as the service which validates the license is up.



Oreans has very good production products(Themida & WinLicense), and recommended more than other products.



Having watched others have trouble in the past with third party licence & protection software, I think there is only one viable system. First, don't spend too much time on it, just make a good product, and update it often. Second, separate the install code from the protection. This way you can change the protection at the drop of a hat, without affecting any users. This basically means you have to write your own install code system, or use one like the old Turbopower one. Then use something that will protect your decoder a little. I currently use the Oreans Code Virtualizer which is quite sufficient.

看过别人在过去使用第三方许可和保护软件时遇到麻烦,我认为只有一个可行的系统。首先,不要花太多时间在上面,只需制作一个好产品,并经常更新。其次,将安装代码与保护分开。通过这种方式,您可以在不影响任何用户的情况下更改保护。这基本上意味着您必须编写自己的安装代码系统,或使用旧的Turbopower系统。然后使用能够保护解码器的东西。我目前使用的是Oreans Code Virtualizer,这已经足够了。

Keeping them separate gives you flexibility, and less hassle.



I tend to prefer Armadillo from Silicon Realms ( It has nice nice features and is integrated with Digital River/ (being a subsidiary of them).

我倾向于选择Silicon Realms的Armadillo(。它具有很好的功能,并与Digital River /作为它们的子公司)集成。

There are alot of Anti-Armadillo software available but custom builds a some additional prevention coded by you do magic.



I also not believe that it's worth to spend a lot of time and energy in a tecnical protection, the people who want steal your software wil doe it anyway.


Peldi Guilizzoni from Balsamiq have a nice blog post over this subject:

来自Balsamiq的Peldi Guilizzoni有一篇关于这个主题的好文章:


I can second the recommendation for Oreans' products. Their support is particularly good, too.


I also use Armadillo - which is ok, but I wouldn't recommend it anymore; and ASProtect, which I really wouldn't recommend at all.

我也使用犰狳 - 这没关系,但我不推荐它了;和ASProtect,我真的不会推荐。


I'm Trial License Shield SDK, seem to be able to achieve the desired functionality.

我是Trial License Shield SDK,似乎能够实现所需的功能。

But it is a DLL, not you wish VCL Component.
