Problem H: Seating Chart
Bilbo's birthday is coming up, and Frodo andSam are in charge of all the party planning! Theyhave invited all the hobbits of Middle Earth tothe party, and everyone will be sitting in a single row at anextremely long dining table.
However, due to poor communication, Frodo andSam have each independently put together a
seating chart for all the hobbits at thedining table. Help Frodo and Sam and out how similar theirseating charts are by counting the total numberof distinct pairs of hobbits who appear in different orders in thetwo charts.
The input file will contain multiple testcases. Each test case begins with a single line containingan integer N (1<=N<=100,000) indicating the numberof hobbits. The next two lines represent Frodo's and Sam's seatingcharts, respectively. Each seating chart is specified as a singleline of N unique alphabetical strings;the set of strings in each line are guaranteed to be identical. Theend-of-input is denoted by a line containing the number0.
For each input test case, output a singleinteger denoting, out of the N choose 2 distinctpairs ofhobbits, how many pairs appearin different orders in Frodo's and Sam's seatingarrangements.
Sample Input
Sample Output
1 3题目让求有多少对逆序数(字符串),有一种方法是归并排序(时间复杂度O(nlogn))。
void mergesort(int *A,int x,int y,int *T)
if(y-x>1) //如果序列非空
int m=x+(y-x)/2; //如果序列长度为奇数 左边序列就比右边少一个如果是偶数就一样
int p=x,q=m,i=x; //p和q是当前左右序列第一个元素的位置(最小的那个元素)
mergesort(A,x,m,T); //递归排序
while(p<m||q<y) //只要有一个序列非空就继续合并
if(q>=y||p<=A[q]) T[i++]=A[p++];//如果右边空或者左边非空且左边第一个元素小于右边第一个,就把左边那个加到临时空间T里
else T[i++]=A[q++]; //反之加右边那个
for(i=x; i<y;i++) A[i]=T[i]; //把排序好的T复制回A,注意A的范围是[x,y)
这道题还有个问题,题目给的是字符串,不是直接给的数字,那怎么做呢?其实开始我也不会(每次去找这个字符串的位置,然后strcpy,果断超时 ),问了学长才知道,原来还有#include 这种东西。。大概就是映射吧,好高端=。= 比如map h h是int类型的,对应那个string。
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<map> using namespace std; int a[100010],T[100010]; char tt[100000]; int N; long long cnt; void merge_sort(int *A,int x,int y,int *T) { if(y-x>1) { int m=x+(y-x)/2; int p=x,q=m,i=x; merge_sort(A,x,m,T); merge_sort(A,m,y,T); while(p<m||q<y) { if(q>=y||p<m&&A[p]<=A[q]) T[i++]=A[p++]; else { T[i++]=A[q++]; cnt+=m-p; } } for(i=x; i<y; i++) A[i]=T[i]; } } int main() { map<string,int> h; while(scanf("%d",&N),N) { int i; for(i=0; i<N; i++) { scanf("%s",tt); h[tt]=i; } for(i=0; i<N; i++) { scanf("%s",tt); a[i]=h[tt]; } cnt=0; merge_sort(a,0,N,T); printf("%lld\n",cnt); } return 0; }