
时间:2021-03-29 09:25:22

I come from a web application development background and i am new to android, I am trying to create an application which has a right to left layout (Arabic) but I am facing a lot of problems with the alignment and text alignment, I understand that many people complain about android's support for rtl languages but I can see that there are many rtl applications in the android market which work just fine. Is there a simple clear way to handle rtl layout or do I have to do workarounds to reach a desired layout? Note: I am trying to develop using android 2.3 and 3.0 SDK

我来自一个Web应用程序开发背景,我是android的新手,我正在尝试创建一个具有从右到左布局(阿拉伯语)的应用程序,但我面临很多问题,对齐和文本对齐,我明白很多人抱怨android支持rtl语言,但我可以看到Android市场上有很多rtl应用程序可以正常工作。有一个简单明了的方法来处理rtl布局,还是我必须做变通办法才能达到理想的布局?注意:我正在尝试使用android 2.3和3.0 SDK进行开发


2 个解决方案



I don't think that Bidi helps you at all, it's just a Object to give you some information about your text.




I know that in "Developer options" on Android phones you can change "RTL mode" to be enabled. I'm not fully certain if that helps. I linked to another SO post asking about this for Left handed people.


I hope you have an awesome day, and be well!




I don't think that Bidi helps you at all, it's just a Object to give you some information about your text.




I know that in "Developer options" on Android phones you can change "RTL mode" to be enabled. I'm not fully certain if that helps. I linked to another SO post asking about this for Left handed people.


I hope you have an awesome day, and be well!
