
时间:2021-06-26 18:52:41

I have an ObjectA whose property values will always be assigned to another object's (ObjectB) properites. What I have been doing is to have a service class instantiate the receiveing ObjectB and then assign the values to the new object from ObjectA. Should I instead be sending the entire objectA directly to Object B in a setter parameter or other method? What are best practices here if any?

我有一个ObjectA,其属性值将始终分配给另一个对象的(ObjectB)属性。我一直在做的是让服务类实例化接收ObjectB,然后将值分配给ObjectA中的新对象。我应该在setter参数或其他方法中将整个objectA直接发送到Object B吗?这里有什么最佳做法?

EDIT: In a Service class:


public AssignValues (objectA)
ObjectB objectB= new ObjectB();
objectB.prop1= ObjectA.prop1;
objectB.prop2= ObjectA.prop2;


public AssignValues(objectA)
ObjectB objectB= new ObjectB();
objectB.SetValuesFromObjectA= objectA;


public AssignValues(objectA)
ObjectB objectB= new ObjectB();


public AssignValue(objectA)
ObjectB objectB= new ObjectB(objectA);

4 个解决方案


It's hard to answer because we don't know what these classes are. You could say, "oh, I will always pass objectA to objectB's constructor" and wind up with ...


public Chicken( Gorilla g )
  this.IsAlive = g.IsAlive;

... or something just as nonsensical. There are so many ways to do what you want to do, the fundamental question of the "right way" depends completely what you're doing.



Sounds like there's an Object b constructor that takes a single parameter, an Object A:

听起来像是一个Object b构造函数,它接受一个参数,一个对象A:

 // ctor:
 ObjectB( const ObjectA& a ) {
   prop1= a.prop1;
   prop2= a.prop2;

 // or ctor:
 ObjectB( const ObjectA& a ) : prop1(a.prop1), prop2(a.prop2) {

 . . . 
 // use
 ObjectB b(a);


If the objects are of the same type, I would probably prefer to use a Clone() (shallow-copy) method.


If the objects are of different types, I would probably write a method that looks like your first case to keep the two types separated. Optionally, I might do that as an extension method that takes objectA and objectB (if either one is a struct, you might have to do that by ref or return value). As I said, The main reason I would not want to use a constructor or class/instance method in this case is that you are now tying the two types together when they may not necessarily have to really know about each other.



Have you considered dependency injection with AutoFac? It allows you to declare what the relationships are before actually making anything. Then make, use, and clean-up nicely.



It's hard to answer because we don't know what these classes are. You could say, "oh, I will always pass objectA to objectB's constructor" and wind up with ...


public Chicken( Gorilla g )
  this.IsAlive = g.IsAlive;

... or something just as nonsensical. There are so many ways to do what you want to do, the fundamental question of the "right way" depends completely what you're doing.



Sounds like there's an Object b constructor that takes a single parameter, an Object A:

听起来像是一个Object b构造函数,它接受一个参数,一个对象A:

 // ctor:
 ObjectB( const ObjectA& a ) {
   prop1= a.prop1;
   prop2= a.prop2;

 // or ctor:
 ObjectB( const ObjectA& a ) : prop1(a.prop1), prop2(a.prop2) {

 . . . 
 // use
 ObjectB b(a);


If the objects are of the same type, I would probably prefer to use a Clone() (shallow-copy) method.


If the objects are of different types, I would probably write a method that looks like your first case to keep the two types separated. Optionally, I might do that as an extension method that takes objectA and objectB (if either one is a struct, you might have to do that by ref or return value). As I said, The main reason I would not want to use a constructor or class/instance method in this case is that you are now tying the two types together when they may not necessarily have to really know about each other.



Have you considered dependency injection with AutoFac? It allows you to declare what the relationships are before actually making anything. Then make, use, and clean-up nicely.
