Translated by @Nishikino_Maki from Luogu
- Mad scientist Mike has constructed a rooted tree, which consists of n n vertices. Each vertex is a reservoir which can be either empty or filled with water.
- The vertices of the tree are numbered from 1 to n n with the root at vertex 1. For each vertex, the reservoirs of its children are located below the reservoir of this vertex, and the vertex is connected with each of the children by a pipe through which water can flow downwards.
- Mike wants to do the following operations with the tree:
- Fill vertex v with water. Then v and all its children are filled with water.
- Empty vertex v . Then v and all its ancestors are emptied.
- Determine whether vertex v is filled with water at the moment.
Initially all vertices of the tree are empty.Mike has already compiled a full list of operations that he wants to perform in order. Before experimenting with the tree Mike decided to run the list through a simulation. Help Mike determine what results will he get after performing all the operations.
疯狂科学家Mike培养了一颗有根树,由n个节点组成。每个节点是一个要么装满水要么为空的贮水容器. 树的节点用1~n编号,其中根节点为1.对于每个节点的容器,其子节点的容器均在这一容器下方,并且每个节点都由一根可以向下流水的管道与其子节点连接. Mike想要对这棵树做以下操作:
- 将节点v注满水. 这样v和其子节点都会充满水.
- 将节点v置空. 这样v及其祖先节点(从v到根节点的路径)都会被置空.
- 查询当前节点v是否充满水.
- 初始时,所有节点都为空. Mike已经制定好了他的操作顺序. 在对树进行实验前,他决定先模拟一下操作. 请你帮助Mike得出他操作后的结果.
- The first line of the input contains an integer n ( 1<=n<=500000 ) — the number of vertices in the tree. Each of the following n−1 lines contains two space-separated numbers ai, bi(1<=ai,bi<=n, ai≠bi) — the edges of the tree.
- The next line contains a number q (1 ≤ q ≤ 500000) — the number of operations to perform. Each of the following q lines contains two space-separated numbers ci (1 ≤ ci ≤ 3), vi (1 ≤ vi ≤ n), where ci is the operation type (according to the numbering given in the statement), and vi is the vertex on which the operation is performed.
- It is guaranteed that the given graph is a tree.
- 第一行为一个整数n(1<=n<=500000),为树的节点数;
- 下面的n-1行为两个空格隔开的整数ai,bi(1<=ai, bi<=n),为树的边;
- 下一行为一个整数q(1<=q<=500000),为操作数;接下来q行,两个空格隔开的整数ci(1<=ci<=3),vi(1<=vi<=n),其中ci为操作类型(已给出),vi为被操作的节点.
- For each type 3 operation print 1 on a separate line if the vertex is full, and 0 if the vertex is empty. Print the answers to queries in the order in which the queries are given in the input.
- 对于每一次操作3,如果节点v充满水,单独输出一行1,如果节点v为空,单独输出一行0. 按照操作输入的顺序输出.
1 2
5 1
2 3
4 2
1 1
2 3
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
1 2
2 4
3 1
3 3
3 4
3 5
- 本题我们可以考虑将树形结构转为线性结构,通过DFS序记录每个节点进入和退出的时间,则区间[ intime[v], outtime[v] ]就代表线段上从v到v的所有子节点.
- 如何维护?对于操作1,我们要对子树区间进行区间增加操作,对于操作2,也有类似的操作;操作3是查询操作,再加上上文中记录的线性结构,可以想到用线段树来维护.
- 下面解释一些细节:
- 操作1,可以对区间实现整体加和操作,线段树的函数实现不再赘述。需要注意的是,对于节点的和,应当执行sum=length,而不应该执行+=操作,否则可能出现节点上的数字大于1的情况.
- 操作2,需要对节点及其到根节点的路径置为0,但我们没有记录路径,相应的修改比较麻烦,我们可以考虑先进行单点修改。
- 我们可以对每个节点进行query操作,若结果<length,则意味着子节点中一定存在0,此时将其父节点置为0,因此单点修改可以对其祖先产生影响.从而保证了沿路径所有节点都可以在其子节点被访问时被修改.
- 查询时,若子节点中有0,则该节点为0.若子节点全为1,则该节点为1.
- 初始时,所有节点全为0,但这并不影响节点的状态,如果一个节点的子节点中有0,说明该子节点没有被修改过,因此我们查询的节点也一定没有被修改过.
- 关于lazy tag
- 我们可以定义lazy的三种状态,0,1,-1,在pushdown时,如果遇到-1,代表没有操作,退出;对于另外两种状态,将子节点的sum值置为lazy*length即可.
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #define maxn 500010 using namespace std; struct edge{ int to,nxt; edge(){to=0;nxt=0;} }e[maxn<<1]; struct node{ int sum; int lazy; int l,r; int lc,rc; node() { lazy=-1; lc=rc=-1; } }; int link[maxn],edgenum,itime[maxn],otime[maxn],fa[maxn]; int n,op,ed,q,c,v; int dfscnt; void add(int bgn,int end) { edgenum++; e[edgenum].to=end; e[edgenum].nxt=link[bgn]; link[bgn]=edgenum; } inline int rd() { int x=0; bool f=true; char c=getchar(); while(c<'0'||c>'9'){ if(c=='-')f=false; c=getchar(); } while(c>='0'&&c<='9'){ x=(x<<1)+(x<<3)+(c^48); c=getchar(); } return f?x:-x; } void dfs(int cur,int f) { itime[cur]=++dfscnt; for(int i=link[cur];i;i=e[i].nxt) { if(e[i].to==f)continue; fa[e[i].to]=cur; dfs(e[i].to,cur); } otime[cur]=dfscnt; } node tree[maxn<<1]; int cnt; int rt=cnt++; void pushup(int cur) { int lc=tree[cur].lc,rc=tree[cur].rc; tree[cur].sum=tree[lc].sum+tree[rc].sum; tree[cur].l=tree[lc].l; tree[cur].r=tree[rc].r; } void pushup2(int cur) { int lc=tree[cur].lc,rc=tree[cur].rc; tree[cur].sum=tree[lc].sum+tree[rc].sum; } void pushdown(int cur) { if(tree[cur].lazy==-1)return; int lc=tree[cur].lc; int rc=tree[cur].rc; tree[lc].sum=tree[cur].lazy*(tree[lc].r-tree[lc].l+1); tree[rc].sum=tree[cur].lazy*(tree[rc].r-tree[rc].l+1); tree[lc].lazy=tree[cur].lazy; tree[rc].lazy=tree[cur].lazy; tree[cur].lazy=-1; } void build(int l,int r,int cur){ if(l==r){ tree[cur].sum=0; tree[cur].l=tree[cur].r=l; return; } int mid=(l+r)>>1; tree[cur].lc=cnt++; tree[cur].rc=cnt++; build(l,mid,tree[cur].lc); build(mid+1,r,tree[cur].rc); pushup(cur); } void upd(int l,int r,int x,int cur) { if(tree[cur].l>=l&&tree[cur].r<=r) { tree[cur].sum=x*(tree[cur].r-tree[cur].l+1); tree[cur].lazy=x; return; } pushdown(cur); int mid=(tree[cur].l+tree[cur].r)>>1; if(l<=mid)upd(l,r,x,tree[cur].lc); if(r>mid)upd(l,r,x,tree[cur].rc); pushup2(cur); } int query(int l,int r,int cur) { if(tree[cur].l>=l&&tree[cur].r<=r) return tree[cur].sum; pushdown(cur); int mid=(tree[cur].l+tree[cur].r)>>1; int tot=0; if(l<=mid)tot+=query(l,r,tree[cur].lc); if(r>mid)tot+=query(l,r,tree[cur].rc); return tot; } int main() { n=rd(); for(int i=1;i<n;++i){ op=rd(); ed=rd(); add(op,ed); add(ed,op); } dfs(1,0); build(1,n,rt); q=rd(); for(int i=1;i<=q;++i){ c=rd(); if(c==1){ v=rd(); int l=itime[v]; int r=otime[v]; if(query(l,r,rt)<r-l+1&&v!=1)upd(itime[fa[v]],itime[fa[v]],0,rt); upd(itime[v],otime[v],1,rt); } else if (c==2){ v=rd(); upd(itime[v],itime[v],0,rt); } else if(c==3){ v=rd(); int l=itime[v]; int r=otime[v]; if(query(l,r,rt)<r-l+1)printf("0\n"); else printf("1\n"); } } return 0; }
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