
时间:2023-02-03 08:00:00


Topological Algorithm

1)入度为0的边入队列 2)队列中取一个元素,遍历相邻元素,相邻元素入度减1,如果某元素入度为0,入队列 3)知道队列为空

Critical Path Algorithm

1)选取某个入度为0的点做V0,假设ve(V0) = 0。 根据拓扑顺序,计算各个节点的最早开始时间,即构建ve数组过程 2)逆向遍历拓扑结构,计算各个节点最迟发生时间,填入vl数组 3)如果某边(边即是某个活动)的最早发生时间ve(vi)等于后续相邻节点 vl(Vk) - weight,该边即为关键活动 4)关键路径由关键活动组成

Prime Minimum Spanning Tree

v Known d p
v1 1 0 0
v2 0 1 v1

2)对d列建立一个min堆,查看节点是否是unknow,如果是,继续查第二小节点->找的d最小的unknow节点 3)将该节点标记位know,设previous为上一节点,遍历该节点的neighbors,如果邻居是unknow且d小于表中的d值,更新这个d值 4)直到所有点都设为know时结束算法

Shortest Path in Non Weighted Graph


Shortest Path in Directed Acyclic Graph

O(E+V) Topological Sorting

Shortest Path in Directed non-negative weighted Graph

O(E*logV) Dijkstra 1)将起始点V0入队列 2)选取队列中dist值最小的节点u,u出队列 3)遍历该节点u所有邻居节点k,如果dist[k]>dist[u]+<u,k>,修改dist[k] 4)直到u为终止节点或者队列为空,停止

All pairs of Nodes Shortest Path

<1>Floyd: can handle negative cycles For each of these pairs of vertices, the true shortest path could be either (1) a path that only uses vertices in the set {1, ..., k} or (2) a path that goes from i to k + 1 and then from k + 1 to j. We know that the best path from i to j that only uses vertices 1 throughk is defined by shortestPath(ijk) 面试之图论[Graph],算法摘要总结
<2>V times of Dijkstra : for no negative cycle graph