图论 Graph Theory Tero Harju

时间:2017-06-22 11:11:58
文件名称:图论 Graph Theory Tero Harju
更新时间:2017-06-22 11:11:58
图论 Tero Harju 还算不错的一本讲图论的书,不过是英文版的 目录如下: 1 Introduction 1.1 Graphs and their plane figures 1.2 Subgraphs 1.3 Paths and cycles 2 Connectivity of Graphs 2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees 2.2 Connectivity 3 Tours and Matchings 3.1 Eulerian graphs 3.2 Hamiltonian graphs 3.3 Matchings 4 Colourings 4.1 Edge colourings 4.2 Ramsey Theory 4.3 Vertex colourings 5 Graphs on Surfaces 5.1 Planar graphs 5.2 Colouring planar graphs 5.3 Genus of a graph 6 Directed Graphs 6.1 Digraphs 6.2 Network Flows">还算不错的一本讲图论的书,不过是英文版的 目录如下: 1 Introduction 1.1 Graphs and their plane figures 1.2 Subgraphs 1.3 Paths and cycles 2 Connectivity of Graphs 2.1 Bipartite graphs and trees 2.2 Connectivity 3 Tours and Matchings 3.1 Eulerian graphs 3.2 Hami [更多]


  • 很给力,老师推荐的,对于研究图论的的同学帮助很大。