(1) 使用方便、无需预编译,调用开销小
(2) 函数丰富,风格有点近似MATLAB,易上手;
(3) 速度中规中矩,比opencv快,比MKL、openBLAS慢;
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
Matrix<double, 3, 3> A; // Fixed rows and cols. Same as Matrix3d. Matrix<double, 3, Dynamic> B; // Fixed rows, dynamic cols. Matrix<double, Dynamic, Dynamic> C; // Full dynamic. Same as MatrixXd. Matrix<double, 3, 3, RowMajor> E; // Row major; default is column-major. Matrix3f P, Q, R; // 3x3 float matrix. Vector3f x, y, z; // 3x1 float matrix. RowVector3f a, b, c; // 1x3 float matrix. VectorXd v; // Dynamic column vector of doubles
// Eigen // Matlab // comments x.size() // length(x) // vector size C.rows() // size(C,1) // number of rows C.cols() // size(C,2) // number of columns x(i) // x(i+1) // Matlab is 1-based C(i,j) // C(i+1,j+1) // A.resize(4, 4); // Runtime error if assertions are on. B.resize(4, 9); // Runtime error if assertions are on. A.resize(3, 3); // Ok; size didn't change. B.resize(3, 9); // Ok; only dynamic cols changed. A << 1, 2, 3, // Initialize A. The elements can also be 4, 5, 6, // matrices, which are stacked along cols 7, 8, 9; // and then the rows are stacked. B << A, A, A; // B is three horizontally stacked A's. A.fill(10); // Fill A with all 10's.
// Eigen // Matlab MatrixXd::Identity(rows,cols) // eye(rows,cols) C.setIdentity(rows,cols) // C = eye(rows,cols) MatrixXd::Zero(rows,cols) // zeros(rows,cols) C.setZero(rows,cols) // C = ones(rows,cols) MatrixXd::Ones(rows,cols) // ones(rows,cols) C.setOnes(rows,cols) // C = ones(rows,cols) MatrixXd::Random(rows,cols) // rand(rows,cols)*2-1 // MatrixXd::Random returns uniform random numbers in (-1, 1). C.setRandom(rows,cols) // C = rand(rows,cols)*2-1 VectorXd::LinSpaced(size,low,high) // linspace(low,high,size)' v.setLinSpaced(size,low,high) // v = linspace(low,high,size)'
// All the same as Matlab, but matlab doesn't have *= style operators. // Matrix-vector. y = M*x; a = b*M; a *= M; // Matrix-matrix. R = P*Q; R = P - Q; R = P + Q; R *= Q; R += Q; R -= Q; //Matrix-scalar. R = P*s; R = s*P; R = P/s; R = s*P; R *= s; R /= s;