在D3 Sankey中,如何加载from对象或数组而不是json或csv文件?

时间:2021-06-22 23:13:17

Level: Beginner.

I'm looking at sankey implemented in D3 and the examples shown seem all to use data from JSON or CSV instead of simply using objects or arrays. The one or two that may do it differently seem to use a long walk around instead of simplifying the matter.


Is there a way to just load the data in code instead of having to format data as an external file? Thanks!


An example of available code: http://bl.ocks.org/d3noob/c2637e28b79fb3bfea13


1 个解决方案



If you have your data available without doing any async operations then you can achieve this as follows, replace the d3.json line


d3.json("sankey-formatted.json", function(error, graph) {
  // ...

With your custom loading function e.g.


loadData(function (graph) {
  // contents of the function passed to d3.json

The function loadData now receives a function as a parameter which should be called with the data you have, which can be a plain JS object


function loadData(cb) {
  var data = {

    // invoke the function passed as an argument

This would be the hard way, the easy way would be to get rid of that function and have a graph variable holding the data directly


var graph = { /* the nodes and links are here */ }
// contents of the function passed to d3.json



If you have your data available without doing any async operations then you can achieve this as follows, replace the d3.json line


d3.json("sankey-formatted.json", function(error, graph) {
  // ...

With your custom loading function e.g.


loadData(function (graph) {
  // contents of the function passed to d3.json

The function loadData now receives a function as a parameter which should be called with the data you have, which can be a plain JS object


function loadData(cb) {
  var data = {

    // invoke the function passed as an argument

This would be the hard way, the easy way would be to get rid of that function and have a graph variable holding the data directly


var graph = { /* the nodes and links are here */ }
// contents of the function passed to d3.json