在Sprite Kit中复制粒子发射器效果

时间:2023-01-22 23:59:18

I need to have a particle emitters effects to appear duplicated in 2 spots (For split screen purposes), I am wondering if anybody has come across a way of doing this. My goal is to have this running on iOS 10. Here is what I have tried so far.

我需要有一个粒子发射器效果在2个点出现重复(为了分屏目的),我想知道是否有人遇到过这样做的方法。我的目标是让它在iOS 10上运行。这是我到目前为止所尝试的。

  1. Assigning targetNode to an SKNode and then copying SKNode every frame: targetNode does not work in iOS 10 for me.
  2. 将targetNode分配给SKNode,然后每帧复制SKNode:targetNode对我来说在iOS 10中不起作用。
  3. Assigning the particle emitter to an SKNode, and using view.textureFromNode to make a texture to copy every frame : takes 1/120th of a frame, too slow for me.
  4. 将粒子发射器分配给SKNode,并使用view.textureFromNode制作纹理以复制每一帧:占用帧的1/120,对我来说太慢了。
  5. Assigning a custom action to a particle node that duplicates the node into another SKNode : Actions will not run on iOS 10
  6. 将自定义操作分配给将节点复制到另一个SKNode的粒子节点:操作不会在iOS 10上运行
  7. Copying the existing particle node in hopes that the seed is not random : The seed is random
  8. 复制现有的粒子节点,希望种子不是随机的:种子是随机的
  9. Tried copying the particle emitter on update : Particle just spawns at origin
  10. 试图在更新时复制粒子发射器:粒子只在原点产生
  11. Tried SKReferenceNode : Just a copy of the emitter, runs on its own
  12. 尝试SKReferenceNode:只是发射器的副本,自己运行

The only option I am left for true emitting is writing my own particle emitter, which I am trying to avoid, so I am wondering if anybody else had this problem and knew of a solution to achieve desired effect.


The other thing I could do is prerendering the emitters, but this will take up a lot of texture memory if I go this route.


Edit: To help visualize, I drew a picture, The white border shows where the Split Screen happens. The black border shows where the scene wrapping happens. 在Sprite Kit中复制粒子发射器效果


As of right now, both Player 1 and Player 2 are on the original scene.


Player 2 is walking right and is about to hit a world wrap to move him to the left hand side of the world, but he has not hit it yet. So I need to have a copy of the scene happening so that it visually looks like one scene. Since player 1 is still on the original scene, the original emitter needs to stay in place. Player 2 is going to have to see the same image happening in the copy, otherwise once he passes that border, a "glitchy" effect will happen, and the illusion of wrapping is now gone.


Final Result:


We just said F%%% it, Player 1 and Player 2 will be looking at different emitter nodes, we will just attach the emitters to each players camera when needed.

我们只是说F %%%它,播放器1和播放器2将查看不同的发射器节点,我们将在需要时将发射器连接到每个播放器相机。

1 个解决方案



This just works (I guess as intended), but I have no idea how much is performant or how it fits your needs and your current game. Anyways, maybe it can help you in some way. First, in your GameViewController...Split screen :)


#import "GameViewController.h"
#import "GameScene.h"

@implementation GameViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // Configure the view.
    SKView * leftSKView = (SKView *)self.leftScene;
    leftSKView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES;
    leftSKView.showsFPS = YES;
    leftSKView.showsNodeCount = YES;

    SKView * rightSKView = (SKView *)self.rightScene;
    rightSKView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES;
    rightSKView.showsFPS = YES;
    rightSKView.showsNodeCount = YES;

    // Create and configure the scene.
    GameScene *scene = [GameScene nodeWithFileNamed:@"GameScene"];
    scene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill;

    // Present the scene.
    [leftSKView presentScene:scene];
    [rightSKView presentScene:scene];


leftScene and rightScene are UIViews defined in a storyboard using autolayout to take half of a screen each. Also a class is changed to SKView (it was UIView). Pretty trivial...


Then in your game scene just add an emitter which will be shared between these two views. Because only one emitter is used, particles emitting (how they move) will be mirrored. So in game scene, just add a particle:


-(void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
    /* Setup your scene here */

    SKEmitterNode *emitter =  [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MyParticle" ofType:@"sks"]];
    emitter.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame),CGRectGetMidX(self.frame));
    emitter.name = @"explosion";
    emitter.targetNode = self;
    [self addChild:emitter];

I know that you don't need all this code, but if this is what you want in some way, I will post it for completeness. And here is the result: 在Sprite Kit中复制粒子发射器效果




This just works (I guess as intended), but I have no idea how much is performant or how it fits your needs and your current game. Anyways, maybe it can help you in some way. First, in your GameViewController...Split screen :)


#import "GameViewController.h"
#import "GameScene.h"

@implementation GameViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // Configure the view.
    SKView * leftSKView = (SKView *)self.leftScene;
    leftSKView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES;
    leftSKView.showsFPS = YES;
    leftSKView.showsNodeCount = YES;

    SKView * rightSKView = (SKView *)self.rightScene;
    rightSKView.ignoresSiblingOrder = YES;
    rightSKView.showsFPS = YES;
    rightSKView.showsNodeCount = YES;

    // Create and configure the scene.
    GameScene *scene = [GameScene nodeWithFileNamed:@"GameScene"];
    scene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill;

    // Present the scene.
    [leftSKView presentScene:scene];
    [rightSKView presentScene:scene];


leftScene and rightScene are UIViews defined in a storyboard using autolayout to take half of a screen each. Also a class is changed to SKView (it was UIView). Pretty trivial...


Then in your game scene just add an emitter which will be shared between these two views. Because only one emitter is used, particles emitting (how they move) will be mirrored. So in game scene, just add a particle:


-(void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
    /* Setup your scene here */

    SKEmitterNode *emitter =  [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MyParticle" ofType:@"sks"]];
    emitter.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame),CGRectGetMidX(self.frame));
    emitter.name = @"explosion";
    emitter.targetNode = self;
    [self addChild:emitter];

I know that you don't need all this code, but if this is what you want in some way, I will post it for completeness. And here is the result: 在Sprite Kit中复制粒子发射器效果
