I followed the quickstart tutorial and a couple others but can't find why my new image and scene can't display after the initial scene.
class MainScene : CCNode {
var newMenu = CCNode()
var newSprite = CCNode()
override init() {
newMenu = CCBReader.load("ccbResources/NewMenu")
newSprite = CCBReader.load("ccbResources/NewSprite")
newSprite.position = CGPoint(x: 229, y:30)
I created a custom class for NewMenu and NewSprite in Spritebuilder. After publishing and running in xcode neither the menu or sprite show up. I know that newMenu is loading because I created a class NewMenu that logs a message when the ccbResource is loaded just like the tutorial said to do.
1 个解决方案
I'm not familiar with swift, however I think this should be like this
newSprite = CCBReader.load("ccbResources/NewSprite.png")
.png or whatever file you load.
I'm not familiar with swift, however I think this should be like this
newSprite = CCBReader.load("ccbResources/NewSprite.png")
.png or whatever file you load.