
时间:2023-01-21 09:10:48

I've been researching writing an app for iPhone. I really like the look of PhoneGap which basically allows you to contain a webpage in an app. My skills are primarially in HTML/Javascript so this tool allows me to make the most of my skills without having to spend many hours learning how to write an app natively for the iPhone.

我一直在研究为iPhone编写应用程序。我非常喜欢PhoneGap的外观,它基本上允许您在应用程序中包含一个网页。我的技能主要是在HTML / Javascript中,因此这个工具可以让我充分利用我的技能,而无需花费很多时间学习如何为iPhone本地编写应用程序。

I've been doing some tests on my iPhone for Javascript, and some seemingly simple examples run painfully slow. Really slow. This unfortunatly is a big problem for my task!


Any work arounds? If I want to do anything interesting am I going to have to write a 'proper' app?


An explanation on why Apple have seemingly created such a bad implementation of Javascript would be interesting as well (possibly to make more money? Less web apps = more apps in the store?)






5 个解决方案



Javascript is not particularly slow, but the DOM is very slow.
I think it is the same as a desktop browser, but magnified.
I would check first all DOM manipulations, if they can't be optimized.


Another option, is to use a templating engine.
The main DOM manipulations are done through innerHTML injection, which is fast even on mobiles.


We've built a mobile version of our web app, and we use PURE (an open source JS lib we created) to render the HTML from JSON data, and it is very responsive.


We went the HTML5 way(not native) but I think generating the HTML could be done the same way when wrapped in PhoneGap.




I don't think Apple has created any special implementation of Javascript for Mobile Safari. Probably it's the same as or very similar to the desktop Safari.

我认为Apple没有为Mobile Safari创建任何特殊的Javascript实现。可能与桌面Safari相同或非常相似。

These devices are small and have strict power constraints, so the CPU is slow.




Apparently iOS won't do JIT compilation of JavaScript (unlike Android) due to a security feature: http://daringfireball.net/linked/2010/07/22/android-ios-js-benchmarks


Good point about DOM access being the issue though: I don't know how much these benchmarks test DOM operations.




@Rudiger: Just a thought - A lot of the improvements to desktop computer speed since "8 years ago" have been attained in part through the use of multiple processors. Javascript is single-threaded, and so presumably would not be able to take advantage of such multiple processors. Yes, I know that browsers can take advantage of it, and that putting the other stuff on the other processors can provide more CPU power to the Javascript thread, but I have an app that is mostly raw Javscript internal processing, where the main thing that is going on is search and array manipulation.

@Rudiger:只是一个想法 - 自“8年前”以来,台式计算机速度的许多改进部分是通过使用多个处理器来实现的。 Javascript是单线程的,因此可能无法利用这样的多处理器。是的,我知道浏览器可以利用它,并且将其他处理器放在其他处理器上可以为Javascript线程提供更多的CPU能力,但我有一个应用程序,主要是原始的Javscript内部处理,其中主要的事情是正在进行的是搜索和数组操作。

So, when comparing desktop power to mobile processor power, for my purposes, maybe the slowdown would not be so bad? I currently run at very acceptable speeds on Safari on a six-year-old notebook computer with a single processor. So I'm thinking that Safari on iPhone or iPad for me might not be that much worse. Do you think this is reasonable?




Actually, I think Apple has a vested interest in keeping javascript out of the Iphone as much as possible.. they seem to want to regulate things through their appstore by requiring applications that run natively.. I'm curious if javascript is also slow on Android phones, (I've never used one before).. if its not then I think it is a bit strange that the Iphone would be slow with javascript, at any rate, they are already losing market share and will have to address the issue at some point I am sure, I think people are catching on to Apple's games and idiocy in trying to micromanage everything now that more legitimate alternatives are coming out in the mobile device space.




Javascript is not particularly slow, but the DOM is very slow.
I think it is the same as a desktop browser, but magnified.
I would check first all DOM manipulations, if they can't be optimized.


Another option, is to use a templating engine.
The main DOM manipulations are done through innerHTML injection, which is fast even on mobiles.


We've built a mobile version of our web app, and we use PURE (an open source JS lib we created) to render the HTML from JSON data, and it is very responsive.


We went the HTML5 way(not native) but I think generating the HTML could be done the same way when wrapped in PhoneGap.




I don't think Apple has created any special implementation of Javascript for Mobile Safari. Probably it's the same as or very similar to the desktop Safari.

我认为Apple没有为Mobile Safari创建任何特殊的Javascript实现。可能与桌面Safari相同或非常相似。

These devices are small and have strict power constraints, so the CPU is slow.




Apparently iOS won't do JIT compilation of JavaScript (unlike Android) due to a security feature: http://daringfireball.net/linked/2010/07/22/android-ios-js-benchmarks


Good point about DOM access being the issue though: I don't know how much these benchmarks test DOM operations.




@Rudiger: Just a thought - A lot of the improvements to desktop computer speed since "8 years ago" have been attained in part through the use of multiple processors. Javascript is single-threaded, and so presumably would not be able to take advantage of such multiple processors. Yes, I know that browsers can take advantage of it, and that putting the other stuff on the other processors can provide more CPU power to the Javascript thread, but I have an app that is mostly raw Javscript internal processing, where the main thing that is going on is search and array manipulation.

@Rudiger:只是一个想法 - 自“8年前”以来,台式计算机速度的许多改进部分是通过使用多个处理器来实现的。 Javascript是单线程的,因此可能无法利用这样的多处理器。是的,我知道浏览器可以利用它,并且将其他处理器放在其他处理器上可以为Javascript线程提供更多的CPU能力,但我有一个应用程序,主要是原始的Javscript内部处理,其中主要的事情是正在进行的是搜索和数组操作。

So, when comparing desktop power to mobile processor power, for my purposes, maybe the slowdown would not be so bad? I currently run at very acceptable speeds on Safari on a six-year-old notebook computer with a single processor. So I'm thinking that Safari on iPhone or iPad for me might not be that much worse. Do you think this is reasonable?




Actually, I think Apple has a vested interest in keeping javascript out of the Iphone as much as possible.. they seem to want to regulate things through their appstore by requiring applications that run natively.. I'm curious if javascript is also slow on Android phones, (I've never used one before).. if its not then I think it is a bit strange that the Iphone would be slow with javascript, at any rate, they are already losing market share and will have to address the issue at some point I am sure, I think people are catching on to Apple's games and idiocy in trying to micromanage everything now that more legitimate alternatives are coming out in the mobile device space.
