Why is installing MySQL on Windows Vista such a bear? For someone who is not a professional database administrator, it seems like I am jumping through hoops.
为什么在Windows Vista上安装MySQL这样的熊?对于不是专业数据库管理员的人来说,似乎我正在跳过箍。
This page http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,200958,204223#REPLY pointed to this page http://www.sqlservercentral.com/blogs/brian_kelley/archive/2008/04/04/installing-5-0-51a-mysql-community-edition-on-windows-vista.aspx which suggests this page http://port25.technet.com/archive/2007/03/16/mysql-on-windows-configuration-install.aspx which points to this beautiful pdf file http://port25.technet.com/videos/research/MySQL_Windows.pdf Ah, now I am getting somewhere.
此页面http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,200958,204223#REPLY指向此页面http://www.sqlservercentral.com/blogs/brian_kelley/archive/2008/04/04/installing -5-0-51a-mysql-community-edition-on-windows-vista.aspx建议此页面http://port25.technet.com/archive/2007/03/16/mysql-on-windows-configuration- install.aspx指向这个美丽的pdf文件http://port25.technet.com/videos/research/MySQL_Windows.pdf啊,现在我到了某个地方。
It suggested I turn off the User Account Control (UAC). Which I did.
But after following these steps There was an error at the end of the installation that said that the server failed to start. [IMG]http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Athono/help-1.jpg[/IMG]
但是在执行这些步骤之后安装结束时出现错误,表示服务器无法启动。 [IMG] http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h292/Athono/help-1.jpg [/ IMG]
Where do I go to find answers?
6 个解决方案
I have run into this before and while I never figured out exactly what caused the problem, it was related to previously installing/uninstalling MySQL. It seems the software does not completely remove the service registration, which then conflicts with new installations. I eventually got it fixed using the "sc" tool and deleting anything MySQL-related in the registry, followed by a reboot and re-install.
More Information in this bug report.
The service was likely installed, but not started. Cancel that particular wizard and start the service manually via the services manager. Setting it to automatic will start it each time Windows is started.
Possible steps to open the services manager are along the lines of Right-click Computer -> Manage -> Services
. The service name is set during the install and defaults to MySQL
. I'm not near a Vista machine at the moment, or I would check this for you.
打开服务管理器的可能步骤是右键单击计算机 - >管理 - >服务。服务名称在安装期间设置,默认为MySQL。我现在不在Vista机器附近,或者我会为你检查这个。
Revo Uninstaller did the trick at removing the registry entries.
Revo Uninstaller完成了删除注册表项的技巧。
Have you tried to install a stack such as
WAMP http://www.wampserver.com/en/
XAMPP http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html
- it installs Apache, PHP, MySQL all in one install. Takes maybe a few minutes at most. I use WAMP on Vista Business 32.
它在一次安装中安装Apache,PHP,MySQL。最多可能需要几分钟。我在Vista Business 32上使用WAMP。
I've had trouble in the past with MySQL and in attempting to uninstall it not everything is removed in Vista and Win 7. If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend uninstalling again and afterwards look in the hidden directory C:\Program Data. Delete the MySQL directory that is located there and then try reinstalling from scratch.
我在MySQL过去遇到过麻烦,试图卸载它并不是在Vista和Win 7中都删除了。如果你还没有这样做,我建议再次卸载,然后查看隐藏目录C: \节目数据。删除位于那里的MySQL目录,然后尝试从头开始重新安装。
suggestion from bmarstella for me. Thanks alot bmarstella :)
bmarstella给我的建议。非常感谢bmarstella :)
Please uninstall all existing MY SQL server, tools, toad etc, then remove MYSQL from Program Files, then remove MYSQL from ProgramData and from registry.
请卸载所有现有的MY SQL服务器,工具,toad等,然后从Program Files中删除MYSQL,然后从ProgramData和注册表中删除MYSQL。
It worked for me :)
I have run into this before and while I never figured out exactly what caused the problem, it was related to previously installing/uninstalling MySQL. It seems the software does not completely remove the service registration, which then conflicts with new installations. I eventually got it fixed using the "sc" tool and deleting anything MySQL-related in the registry, followed by a reboot and re-install.
More Information in this bug report.
The service was likely installed, but not started. Cancel that particular wizard and start the service manually via the services manager. Setting it to automatic will start it each time Windows is started.
Possible steps to open the services manager are along the lines of Right-click Computer -> Manage -> Services
. The service name is set during the install and defaults to MySQL
. I'm not near a Vista machine at the moment, or I would check this for you.
打开服务管理器的可能步骤是右键单击计算机 - >管理 - >服务。服务名称在安装期间设置,默认为MySQL。我现在不在Vista机器附近,或者我会为你检查这个。
Revo Uninstaller did the trick at removing the registry entries.
Revo Uninstaller完成了删除注册表项的技巧。
Have you tried to install a stack such as
WAMP http://www.wampserver.com/en/
XAMPP http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html
- it installs Apache, PHP, MySQL all in one install. Takes maybe a few minutes at most. I use WAMP on Vista Business 32.
它在一次安装中安装Apache,PHP,MySQL。最多可能需要几分钟。我在Vista Business 32上使用WAMP。
I've had trouble in the past with MySQL and in attempting to uninstall it not everything is removed in Vista and Win 7. If you haven't already done so, I'd recommend uninstalling again and afterwards look in the hidden directory C:\Program Data. Delete the MySQL directory that is located there and then try reinstalling from scratch.
我在MySQL过去遇到过麻烦,试图卸载它并不是在Vista和Win 7中都删除了。如果你还没有这样做,我建议再次卸载,然后查看隐藏目录C: \节目数据。删除位于那里的MySQL目录,然后尝试从头开始重新安装。
suggestion from bmarstella for me. Thanks alot bmarstella :)
bmarstella给我的建议。非常感谢bmarstella :)
Please uninstall all existing MY SQL server, tools, toad etc, then remove MYSQL from Program Files, then remove MYSQL from ProgramData and from registry.
请卸载所有现有的MY SQL服务器,工具,toad等,然后从Program Files中删除MYSQL,然后从ProgramData和注册表中删除MYSQL。
It worked for me :)