我可以在商业项目中使用PrimeFaces和PrimeFaces mobile而无需支付费用吗?

时间:2022-06-11 22:57:02

There is PrimeFaces Elite Downloads and Community Downloads on the Prime faces website. Prime faces is under Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004(http://www.apache.org/licenses/) , but there is commertial licence too for PrimeFfaces Elite(http://www.primefaces.org/elite/license.xhtml). I am not sure that I can use community version in commercial projects for free.

Prime脸部网站上有PrimeFaces Elite下载和社区下载。 Prime面孔在Apache License Version 2.0,2004年1月(http://www.apache.org/licenses/)下,但PrimeFfaces Elite也有纪律许可(http://www.primefaces.org/elite/license。 XHTML)。我不确定我是否可以免费在商业项目中使用社区版本。

Thanks in advance


1 个解决方案


From the Primefaces User Guide (FAQ)


Can I use PrimeFaces in a commercial software?


Yes, Apache V2 License is a commercial friendly library. PrimeFaces does not bundle any third party software that conflicts with Apache. Same goes for Elite Releases for ELITE and PRO users.

是的,Apache V2 License是一个商业友好的库。 PrimeFaces不捆绑任何与Apache冲突的第三方软件。 ELITE和PRO用户的Elite版本也是如此。


From the Primefaces User Guide (FAQ)


Can I use PrimeFaces in a commercial software?


Yes, Apache V2 License is a commercial friendly library. PrimeFaces does not bundle any third party software that conflicts with Apache. Same goes for Elite Releases for ELITE and PRO users.

是的,Apache V2 License是一个商业友好的库。 PrimeFaces不捆绑任何与Apache冲突的第三方软件。 ELITE和PRO用户的Elite版本也是如此。