
时间:2023-01-16 16:01:38

I'm working on a rails app and am seeing strange behavior that I believe is caused by rails assets loading multiple times in development.


I'm working in Chrome, and had the Developer Tools -> Network -> "disable cache" checkbox marked, which made js and css assets load only once and made everything work as expected/desired.

我在Chrome中工作,并且标记了开发人员工具 - >网络 - >“禁用缓存”复选框,这使得js和css资产只加载一次,并使一切按预期/期望工作。

When I unchecked the "disable cache" box, however, assets started to load multiple times, and typeahead breaks, throwing: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).typeahead is not a function.


Steps to reproduce:


git clone https://github.com/duhaime/chalkboard.git
cd chalkboard
rake sunspot:solr:start
rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed
rake sunspot:solr:reindex
rails s
# visit localhost:3000 and enable/disable cache (then refresh) in Chrome

I believe it's possible to resolve this error by disabling caching from within Rails (as opposed to the browser client), but I wanted to ask if there is a proper way to resolve this situation without disabling caching. I've read through many of the other SO threads on this question, but haven't found a workable solution. I would be very grateful for any advice others can provide on this question!


1 个解决方案



The reason typeahead was failing was because I was importing it via app/assets/javascripts/application.js file:

typeahead失败的原因是因为我通过app / assets / javascripts / application.js文件导入它:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require turbolinks
//= require twitter/typeahead
//= require_tree .

and I was using <%= javascript_include_tag 'typeahead' %>. To make matters worse, the typeahead include calls was importing typeahead.bundle.js version 0.11.1, and I had gem installed twitter-bootstrap-rails version 0.10.5.

我正在使用<%= javascript_include_tag'typeahead'%>。更糟糕的是,typeahead包括调用导入typeahead.bundle.js版本0.11.1,并且我安装了gem-bootstrap-rails版本0.10.5。

I removed all of the <%= javascript_include_tag '{package}' %>, removed the typeahead.bundle.js file from my /assets directory, and the $(...).typeahead is not a function error has gone away. I'll leave this question here in case it will help others.

我删除了所有<%= javascript_include_tag'{package}'%>,从我的/ assets目录中删除了typeahead.bundle.js文件,而$(...)。typeahead不是函数错误已经消失。我会在这里留下这个问题,万一它会帮助别人。



The reason typeahead was failing was because I was importing it via app/assets/javascripts/application.js file:

typeahead失败的原因是因为我通过app / assets / javascripts / application.js文件导入它:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require turbolinks
//= require twitter/typeahead
//= require_tree .

and I was using <%= javascript_include_tag 'typeahead' %>. To make matters worse, the typeahead include calls was importing typeahead.bundle.js version 0.11.1, and I had gem installed twitter-bootstrap-rails version 0.10.5.

我正在使用<%= javascript_include_tag'typeahead'%>。更糟糕的是,typeahead包括调用导入typeahead.bundle.js版本0.11.1,并且我安装了gem-bootstrap-rails版本0.10.5。

I removed all of the <%= javascript_include_tag '{package}' %>, removed the typeahead.bundle.js file from my /assets directory, and the $(...).typeahead is not a function error has gone away. I'll leave this question here in case it will help others.

我删除了所有<%= javascript_include_tag'{package}'%>,从我的/ assets目录中删除了typeahead.bundle.js文件,而$(...)。typeahead不是函数错误已经消失。我会在这里留下这个问题,万一它会帮助别人。