I have define #define baseUrl [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@api/v4", MAINURL]
in objective c class and can access anywhere in project. But now i have created swift file in exiting objective c project and want to access baseurl in swift but error received.
我在目标c类中定义了#define baseUrl [NSString stringWithFormat:@“%@ api / v4”,MAINURL],可以访问项目中的任何地方。但是现在我已经在退出的目标c项目中创建了swift文件,并希望在swift中访问baseurl但收到错误。
Use of unresolved identifier 'baseUrl'
how can resolve it?
2 个解决方案
Importing Objective-C macros into Swift doesn't always work. According to documentation:
Swift automatically imports simple, constant-like macros, declared with the #define directive, as global constants. Macros are imported when they use literals for string, floating-point, or integer values, or use operators like +, -, >, and == between literals or previously defined macros.
Swift自动导入使用#define指令声明的简单,类似常量的宏作为全局常量。当宏使用字符串表示字符串,浮点或整数值时,或者在文字或以前定义的宏之间使用+, - ,>和==等运算符时,将导入宏。
C macros that are more complex than simple constant definitions have no counterpart in Swift.
An alternative in your case would be to use a function that returns the value defined by macro
// .h file
#define baseUrl [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@api/v4", MAINURL]
+ (NSString*) BaseUrl;
// .m file
+ (NSString*) BaseUrl { return baseUrl }
Unfortunately, Objective-C #define
could not access by swift.
不幸的是,Objective-C #define无法通过swift访问。
Maybe you change your #defines
to actual constants, which is better than #defines
Or create a swift object hold some static variable.
For example:
class API: NSObject {
static let apiPrefix = "https://vvv"
static let apiPosts = apiPrefix + "posts"
Calling: API.apiPosts
Importing Objective-C macros into Swift doesn't always work. According to documentation:
Swift automatically imports simple, constant-like macros, declared with the #define directive, as global constants. Macros are imported when they use literals for string, floating-point, or integer values, or use operators like +, -, >, and == between literals or previously defined macros.
Swift自动导入使用#define指令声明的简单,类似常量的宏作为全局常量。当宏使用字符串表示字符串,浮点或整数值时,或者在文字或以前定义的宏之间使用+, - ,>和==等运算符时,将导入宏。
C macros that are more complex than simple constant definitions have no counterpart in Swift.
An alternative in your case would be to use a function that returns the value defined by macro
// .h file
#define baseUrl [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@api/v4", MAINURL]
+ (NSString*) BaseUrl;
// .m file
+ (NSString*) BaseUrl { return baseUrl }
Unfortunately, Objective-C #define
could not access by swift.
不幸的是,Objective-C #define无法通过swift访问。
Maybe you change your #defines
to actual constants, which is better than #defines
Or create a swift object hold some static variable.
For example:
class API: NSObject {
static let apiPrefix = "https://vvv"
static let apiPosts = apiPrefix + "posts"
Calling: API.apiPosts