
时间:2023-01-15 18:34:03

I have a project where I write the production code in Swift and my unit tests in Objective-C (because I'm using OCMock I write my tests in Objective-C).


What I'm trying to do is to write a Buffer object where the writeBytes method takes a Byte array and a length, like this:


func writeBytes(data: [Byte], length: Int)

In my unit test target I want to test this method, but the problem is that it won't convert this method to Objective-C. By looking in my -Swift.h file I see the following:


@interface Buffer : Object
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger capacity;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger size;
- (instancetype)initWithCapacity:(NSInteger)capacity OBJC_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (void)reset;
- (NSInteger)size;
- (BOOL)isFilled;
- (BOOL)isEmpty;

As you can see the writeBytes method is missing. I've tried different data types to see if it appears: UInt8, UnsafePointer<UInt8>, but none of them work.

如您所见,writeBytes方法丢失了。我尝试了不同的数据类型来查看它是否出现:UInt8、UnsafePointer ,但它们都不起作用。

For the sake of debugging I tried using a String array and that gets converted to Objective-C without any problems.


What data type should I use for my Byte array to make the writeBytes method available in Objective-C?


2 个解决方案



The Swift type [Byte] is not representable in Objective-C, but you can work with a pointer to the bytes:


func writeBytes(data: ConstUnsafePointer<Byte>, length: Int) { ... }

var data : [Byte] = [1, 2, 3]
writeBytes(data, length: data.count)

This mapped to Objective-C as

它映射到Objective-C as

- (void)writeBytes:(Byte const *)data length:(NSInteger)length;

so that you can call it like


Byte data[] = {1, 2, 3};
[buffer writeBytes:data length:3];



Use NSData. You can create one from an array of [UInt8] in Swift as:


import Foundation
var u8s = [UInt8]()
// ...
var data = NSData(bytes:&u8s, length:u8s.count)

FYI this is the opposite of Swift - converting from ConstUnsafePointer<()> where the questioner was looking for the way to convert NSData to [UInt8].




The Swift type [Byte] is not representable in Objective-C, but you can work with a pointer to the bytes:


func writeBytes(data: ConstUnsafePointer<Byte>, length: Int) { ... }

var data : [Byte] = [1, 2, 3]
writeBytes(data, length: data.count)

This mapped to Objective-C as

它映射到Objective-C as

- (void)writeBytes:(Byte const *)data length:(NSInteger)length;

so that you can call it like


Byte data[] = {1, 2, 3};
[buffer writeBytes:data length:3];



Use NSData. You can create one from an array of [UInt8] in Swift as:


import Foundation
var u8s = [UInt8]()
// ...
var data = NSData(bytes:&u8s, length:u8s.count)

FYI this is the opposite of Swift - converting from ConstUnsafePointer<()> where the questioner was looking for the way to convert NSData to [UInt8].
