(1)版本——摘自 Cocos2.0中的:
--Create an class. function class(classname, super) local superType = type(super) local cls if superType ~= "function" and superType ~= "table" then superType = nil super = nil end if superType == "function" or (super and super.__ctype == 1) then -- inherited from native C++ Object cls = {} if superType == "table" then -- copy fields from super for k,v in pairs(super) do cls[k] = v end cls.__create = super.__create cls.super = super else cls.__create = super end cls.ctor = function() end cls.__cname = classname cls.__ctype = 1 function cls.new(...) local instance = cls.__create(...) -- copy fields from class to native object for k,v in pairs(cls) do instance[k] = v end instance.class = cls instance:ctor(...) return instance end else -- inherited from Lua Object if super then cls = clone(super) cls.super = super else cls = {ctor = function() end} end cls.__cname = classname cls.__ctype = 2 -- lua cls.__index = cls function cls.new(...) local instance = setmetatable({}, cls) instance.class = cls instance:ctor(...) return instance end end return cls end
----------------------------------create a father------------------------------------------------- local testClassbase = class("testClassbase") function testClassbase:ctor(data,closeUI) print(data) self.a = data print(self.a) self.b = closeUI end function testClassbase:print_member() print("-----data") print(self.a) print("===closeUI") print(self.b) end
---------------------------------main--------------------------------------------------------------------- print("++++begin++++") testa =testClassbase.new(2,true) testa:print_member() --注意这里要用冒号去调用
function clone(object) --clone函数 local lookup_table = {} --新建table用于记录 local function _copy(object) --_copy(object)函数用于实现复制 if type(object) ~= "table" then return object ---如果内容不是table 直接返回object(例如如果是数字\字符串直接返回该数字\该字符串) elseif lookup_table[object] then return lookup_table[object] --这里是用于递归滴时候的,如果这个table已经复制过了,就直接返回 end local new_table = {} lookup_table[object] = new_table --新建new_table记录需要复制的二级子表,并放到lookup_table[object]中. for key, value in pairs(object) do new_table[_copy(key)] = _copy(value) --遍历object和递归_copy(value)把每一个表中的数据都复制出来 end return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object))--每一次完成遍历后,就对指定table设置metatable键值 end return _copy(object) --返回clone出来的object表指针/地址 end
--------------------------------copy a child----------------------------------------------------------- local testClassChild = class("testClassChild",testClassbase) function testClassChild:ctor(data,UIclose) self.a = data self.b = UIclose end function testClassChild:Greet() self.sayhello() self:print_member() end ---------------------------------main--------------------------------------------------------------------- print("++++begin++++") testa =testClassbase.new(2,true) testa:print_member() --注意这里要用冒号去调用 print("--------------------------") testb = testClassChild.new(4,false) testb:Greet()
--Create an class. function class(classname, super) local superType = type(super) local cls if superType ~= "function" and superType ~= "table" then superType = nil super = nil end if superType == "function" or (super and super.__ctype == 1) then -- inherited from native C++ Object cls = {} if superType == "table" then -- copy fields from super for k,v in pairs(super) do cls[k] = v end cls.__create = super.__create cls.super = super else cls.__create = super end cls.ctor = function() end cls.__cname = classname cls.__ctype = 1 function cls.new(...) -- local instance = cls.__create(...) -- copy fields from class to native object for k,v in pairs(cls) do instance[k] = v end instance.class = cls instance:ctor(...) return instance end else -- inherited from Lua Object if super then cls = clone(super) cls.super = super else cls = {ctor = function() end} end cls.__cname = classname cls.__ctype = 2 -- lua cls.__index = cls function cls.new(...) local instance = setmetatable({}, cls) instance.class = cls instance:ctor(...) return instance end end return cls end --------------------------------------------------clone_function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clone(object) --clone函数 local lookup_table = {} --新建table用于记录 local function _copy(object) --_copy(object)函数用于实现复制 if type(object) ~= "table" then return object ---如果内容不是table 直接返回object(例如如果是数字\字符串直接返回该数字\该字符串) elseif lookup_table[object] then return lookup_table[object] --这里是用于递归滴时候的,如果这个table已经复制过了,就直接返回 end local new_table = {} lookup_table[object] = new_table --新建new_table记录需要复制的二级子表,并放到lookup_table[object]中. for key, value in pairs(object) do new_table[_copy(key)] = _copy(value) --遍历object和递归_copy(value)把每一个表中的数据都复制出来 end return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object))--每一次完成遍历后,就对指定table设置metatable键值 end return _copy(object) --返回clone出来的object表指针/地址 end ----------------------------------create a father------------------------------------------------- local testClassbase = class("testClassbase") function testClassbase:ctor(data,closeUI) -- print(data) self.a = data -- print(self.a) self.b = closeUI end function testClassbase:sayhello() print("father say hello") end function testClassbase:print_member() print("-----data") print(self.a) print("===closeUI") print(self.b) end --------------------------------copy a child----------------------------------------------------------- local testClassChild = class("testClassChild",testClassbase) function testClassChild:ctor(data,UIclose) self.a = data self.b = UIclose end function testClassChild:Greet() self.sayhello() self:print_member() end ---------------------------------main--------------------------------------------------------------------- print("++++begin++++") testa =testClassbase.new(2,true) testa:print_member() --注意这里要用冒号去调用 print("--------------------------") testb = testClassChild.new(4,false) testb:Greet()
(2) 版本:
local _class={} function class(super) local class_type={} class_type.ctor = false class_type.super = super class_type.new = function(...) local obj={} do local create create = function(c,...) if c.super then create(c.super,...) end if c.ctor then c.ctor(obj,...) end end create(class_type,...) end setmetatable(obj,{ __index = _class[class_type] }) return obj end local vtbl={} _class[class_type]=vtbl setmetatable(class_type,{__newindex= function(t,k,v) vtbl[k]=v end }) if super then setmetatable(vtbl,{__index= function(t,k) local ret=_class[super][k] vtbl[k]=ret return ret end }) end return class_type end
base_type=class() -- 定义一个基类 base_type function base_type:ctor(x) -- 定义 base_type 的构造函数 print("base_type ctor") self.x=x end function base_type:print_x() -- 定义一个成员函数 base_type:print_x print(self.x) end function base_type:hello() -- 定义另一个成员函数 base_type:hello print("hello base_type") end test=class(base_type) -- 定义一个类 test 继承于 base_type function test:ctor() -- 定义 test 的构造函数 print("test ctor") end function test:hello() -- 重载 base_type:hello 为 test:hello --test.super:hello() print("hello test") end a=test.new(2) -- 输出两行,base_type ctor 和 test ctor 。这个对象被正确的构造了。 a:print_x() -- 输出 1 ,这个是基类 base_type 中的成员函数。 a:hello() -- 输出 hello test ,这个函数被重载了。