
时间:2022-06-16 18:29:49

I'm using chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText to add a badge to my extension's browser icon that shows the number of uncompleted tasks in the user's todo list.



At the moment when the user has zero tasks I end up with this:



However what I'd prefer is to not show the badge at all when the user has zero tasks.


Here's my code:


setBrowserActionBadge: function(allTasks) {
  var task_count;
  task_count = allTasks.filter(function(task) {
    task.isDone === false;

  task_count = task_count.toString();

  if (task_count === 0) {
    task_count = '';

    'text': task_count

    'color': '#333333'


This method is run each time tasks are checked off or added, so it updates in real time.


What would be ideal is something like chrome.browserAction.clearBadge which I can run when the task count is 0 to remove the badge.


1 个解决方案


You were close. You do want to pass an empty string however your test if (task_count === 0) will never be true because you are using === instead of ==. Task count is a string thus never === 0 (a number).
you can easily find this issue by using the chrome debugger. A breakpoint in that if would never hit so you would go hmmmm and see it.

你很亲密你确实希望传递一个空字符串,但是你的测试if(task_count === 0)永远不会是真的,因为你使用的是===而不是==。任务计数是一个字符串,因此永远不会=== 0(一个数字)。您可以使用chrome调试器轻松找到此问题。一个断点,如果永远不会打,所以你会去嗯,看到它。


You were close. You do want to pass an empty string however your test if (task_count === 0) will never be true because you are using === instead of ==. Task count is a string thus never === 0 (a number).
you can easily find this issue by using the chrome debugger. A breakpoint in that if would never hit so you would go hmmmm and see it.

你很亲密你确实希望传递一个空字符串,但是你的测试if(task_count === 0)永远不会是真的,因为你使用的是===而不是==。任务计数是一个字符串,因此永远不会=== 0(一个数字)。您可以使用chrome调试器轻松找到此问题。一个断点,如果永远不会打,所以你会去嗯,看到它。